
Fate: Requiem of the Holy Grail

Giorno Giovanna is suddenly summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War, a deadly battle between seven mages and a powerful servant from legend. Together, Giorno and his master set out to fight their way through the other mages and servants, using their combined strength and cunning to emerge victorious. As they battle their way through the tournament, Giorno must also confront his own demons and the secrets of his pasts, learning more about the true nature of the Holy Grail War and the role he is meant to play in it. Ultimately, Giorno must make a difficult choice about his own future and the fate of the Holy Grail War. ---- 2~10 ch/week 700-1500 words/ch

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17 Chs

I am Giorno Giovanna

As he gazed at the overly colorful figure before him, the man couldn't help but wonder how everything had unraveled so quickly. He had spent countless hours carefully planning every step of his summoning ritual. Still, he stood in front of an unfamiliar being that seemed more like a circus performer than the King of Heroes he had intended to call forth. Magi were known for their peculiarities, but this was a first for him. Had he made a mistake in his incantations, or was this some twisted joke the cosmos was playing on him?

Many aspects of this servant seemed peculiar to him, but the most striking one was the outfit. A purple suit with a heart-shaped opening at the chest, adorned with a pattern of butterflies and several large, ladybug-shaped brooches. Who in the world was this supposed heroic spirit dressed in such a flamboyant, unconventional manner? It was almost as if he had stepped out of a carnival rather than a battlefield.

As he saw the servant standing before him, the next thing that caught his attention was the boy's youth. He appeared no older than seventeen, with a stone-faced expression and a stillness that seemed almost unnatural. But the servant's eyes caught his attention; as he looked into them, he almost felt as though the intensity of their gaze had physically struck him.

As he looked into the boy's eyes, he was confronted with a cold, stern gaze that seemed too old for someone so young. These were not the eyes of a child; they were the eyes of a seasoned killer, someone who had witnessed more horrors than even a seasoned magician would be prepared to see. His goal of summoning the King of Heroes seemed distant now, but he needed to know if this hero was worthy of such a title.

Despite the disappointment of his servant's silence, Tokiomi Tohsaka knew that setbacks were just part of the job for a Magus. He would win the Holy Grail War and reach the Root of the World, with or without the help of this particular servant. But as time passed and the servant remained mute, Tokiomi's frustration began to boil under the surface. He couldn't let it show, though. If he revealed any weakness, it could ruin his relationship with the servant before him.

Suddenly, the servant caught his eye and gestured toward Tokiomi's apprentice and partner in the war, Kirei Kotomine. It dawned on Tokiomi that this was the reason for the servant's silence.

"Kirei, if you don't mind, I'd like a moment alone with my servant," Tokiomi said, waving dismissively at the former Priest as he left the study. "Now then, I'm guessing you don't want to speak in front of Kotomine, but I assure you he's on our side."

The servant nodded silently, not a word escaping his lips. Tokiomi was growing increasingly impatient with the awkward silence between them. He had to break the stalemate so that he might start with a simple question.

"What is your name?"

The servant stood there, staring blankly at Tokiomi, not uttering a single word. Tokiomi couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him. Had he said something to offend the servant? Many heroes were known for their arrogance; perhaps he had been too blunt in his words. The silence between them stretched on, causing Tokiomi's anxiety to grow.

"I am Tokiomi Tohsaka, leader of the esteemed Tohsaka clan and master of this domain," he said, bowing low in a show of respect to the Heroic Spirit before him. "If we are to join forces in this holy ritual, it would be most beneficial for me to know the identity of the hero I have summoned. I humbly request that you reveal your name to me."

"I'm sorry, but any remaining hopes you have about who I am are misguided," Giorno said coldly. "I'm not a hero." His words were sharp and decisive, leaving no room for doubt.

"You're telling me that I'm not a hero? Come on; there's no way you can be summoned to the Holy Grail War unless you're already in the Throne of Heroes!" The anger was building in his voice, threatening to boil over. Why did he have to deal with this? The Archer class had the ability of "Independent action," and it was already clear that his servant had no intention of following orders.

"I'm Giorno Giovanna, the leader of Passione," the servant announced confidently.

Tokiomi's mind was racing as he tried to remember any heroes from Italy with that name, but he drew a blank. He had never even heard of this mysterious organization called Passione. His confusion hit him like a wave when the strange servant in modern clothing started striking a pose. His legs spread wide, one hand outstretched and the other pulling at the heart-shaped opening in his shirt. Tokiomi couldn't understand why his long blonde hair was flowing out to the side, as if caught in a gust of wind when there was no breeze in his study. What kind of Archer was this?

As he stood there, he could feel the undeniable presence of the Archer class servant he had summoned. But something didn't feel right about it. Had something gone awry, resulting in an inappropriate spirit being placed in the Archer class?

As Tokiomi stood there, shoulders drooping with exhaustion, he realized that summoning this servant had taken more out of him than he had anticipated. It wasn't a physical exhaustion that weighed on him, but rather a mental one. He had yet to research his connection with the servant before him thoroughly, so he took this opportunity to assess the man's abilities. When he saw the results, he couldn't believe his eyes and had to double-check them. He was in shock at what he saw.

As a member of the Knight class, Archer was one of the most vital servants summoned to fight in the holy grail war. And yet, this servant's abilities were closer to those of the assassin class than the Knight class. He wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen the proof with his own eyes. His connection as a magus allowed him to translate the abstract concepts of ability into a grading system that his human mind could understand.

"Archer, can you explain to me why your abilities and skills are all subpar for your class," he asked, struggling to understand on his own. "But you have an agility and a Noble Phantasm that defy my understanding as a magus?" He couldn't believe that someone with such exceptional gifts could have such mediocre capabilities. It was a conundrum that he couldn't solve without asking the servant himself.

Giorno stood before him, his piercing gaze studying Tokiomi intently. Was he angry or simply considering his next move? Tokiomi knew that his agility would be a formidable match for this servant's class, but to possess a Noble Phantasm of such high caliber without being a well-known hero was simply unprecedented.

Giorno Giovanna had been silent for several minutes, and Tokiomi was starting to lose patience. Just when he was about to give up, Giorno finally spoke up. "Archer? I don't think I've ever used a bow in my life," he said. Tokiomi couldn't believe it; had he failed so badly that he had summoned the wrong spirit into the wrong class?

Tokiomi's mind was racing; he couldn't believe he had made such a rookie mistake. "The grail wouldn't have chosen you as a fit for this class if you weren't capable. Are you just joking around?" He struggled to keep his voice level and calm, but this strange servant slowly broke his composure. "Your legend must involve some form of ranged combat, even if it isn't an actual bow."

"You wanted to know about my power, correct?" Giorno's body shifted as he leaned closer to Tokiomi, resting his hand on one of the ladybug-shaped brooches adorning his suit. "But explaining it in words will be a bit of a challenge. So why don't you just see it for yourself? The power of my Stand."

As Tokiomi watched, a warm golden light flowed from Giorno's hand into the broach, and in an instant, it transformed into a butterfly. The delicate creature fluttered around the room, its wings beating in perfect imitation of a real butterfly. Even a magus of the highest caliber would be hard-pressed to pull off such a feat. Tokiomi's face was a mask of shock and disbelief.

"What the hell is going on here?" Tokiomi exclaimed, his mind racing to make sense of the bizarre transformation he had just witnessed. "You can turn things into butterflies? Or are those broaches somehow capable of morphing into animals?"

The butterfly fluttered over and landed on the man's suit, reverting into a lifeless brooch in the shape of a ladybug. "Not exactly," Giorno replied. "I'm not sure what the limits of this ability are, but I've had it since birth."