
Fate: Requiem of the Holy Grail

Giorno Giovanna is suddenly summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War, a deadly battle between seven mages and a powerful servant from legend. Together, Giorno and his master set out to fight their way through the other mages and servants, using their combined strength and cunning to emerge victorious. As they battle their way through the tournament, Giorno must also confront his own demons and the secrets of his pasts, learning more about the true nature of the Holy Grail War and the role he is meant to play in it. Ultimately, Giorno must make a difficult choice about his own future and the fate of the Holy Grail War. ---- 2~10 ch/week 700-1500 words/ch

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17 Chs


The ground beneath his feet shook violently as if it were trying to throw him off. He stumbled, struggling to keep his balance as the world spun around him. The sky was a pale orange as if the sun had been replaced with a giant, molten orb. He could feel the heat radiating off it, singing his skin.

The mountains around him were collapsing, their jagged peaks crumbling and tumbling to the ground. The oceans had vanished, replaced by vast deserts of cracked, parched earth. Everything was a blur of motion, a chaotic dance of destruction.

He felt a sense of dizzying vertigo as if he were falling through the void of space. The air was thick with dust and debris, choking him as he tried to catch his breath. He could feel the fabric of reality tearing apart around him as if the very foundations of the world were being ripped away.

He stood tall amid chaos, a lone figure amid the crumbling debris of what once was. The force of the explosion should have obliterated him, reduced him to atoms scattered across the cosmos. But he remained unscathed, a testament to the strength that flowed through his veins.

Was it the work of a higher power, some divine force shielding him from harm? No, it was something far simpler yet no less extraordinary. He possessed an energy unlike any other, a power that allowed him to pass through the universe's destruction unharmed. It was a gift that set him apart from everyone around him.

Giorno Giovanna watched in horror as the fabric of time unraveled around him, a maelstrom of devastation that swallowed up entire planets and galaxies. He knew that someone or something was responsible for this, but he couldn't put his finger on who it might be. Stranded in the void at the edge of the cosmos, Giorno let out a howl of despair, begging any deity that might be listening to give him just one chance, one opportunity to escape this hellish existence.

As he opened his eyes, the inky void of space was replaced by a dazzling display of light. An entire universe materialized around him, an uncountable number of luminous points filling the expanse of the sky. The ground beneath his feet solidified into a new land, the beginnings of a world taking shape around him. Molten lava cooled and hardened, and life flourished across the barren terrain. Creatures that humans had only ever seen in pictures roamed around him, but they, too, eventually vanished into the annals of time.

The relentless passage of time threatened to shatter the fabric of the universe, tearing it apart and piecing it back together again. But he wouldn't let that happen. He had fought hard to seize the king's throne, and he wasn't about to be defeated by an unseen enemy.

With a fierce determination in his eyes, he raised his hands and summoned a glowing, golden aura around his body. A shimmering, mechanical figure emerged from within this aura, standing alongside its master. This ethereal being mirrored Giorno's movements, imbued with powerful energy.

With a fierce determination, Giorno defied the very laws of the universe, his voice resounding with three simple words that shook the foundations of reality.

"Gold Experience Requiem!"

The name of his ability, the power that had fulfilled his wildest dreams. He harnessed the unknown strength that threatened to rip the universe apart and bend it to his will. Time slowed to a crawl around him, returning to the state it was before. His Requiem was a force to be reckoned with, a power that even the gods couldn't ignore. It was the king's command, and all had to obey.

He was the sole reason this world existed; without him, it would have crumbled like his own. Whoever was responsible for destroying his world would pay for their sins. He roamed the earth, searching for the perpetrator, but ultimately found nothing. There was no ultimate villain, no one to direct his rage towards. Had the enemy traveled through time, leaving Giorno stranded in this universe?

As he stood there, surrounded by the ruins of a world he had fought to save, Giorno couldn't help but wonder what the point of it all had been. He had sacrificed so much, yet here he was, completely isolated in an unfamiliar place. A cruel, unfathomable enemy had shattered his companions, life, and aspirations in the blink of an eye. The weight of his loneliness and loss pressed down on him like a physical burden.

He had been reduced to nothing but the clothes on his back and the power within his soul. But he trudged on, searching for an escape from this endless cycle of loneliness and aimlessness. His face remained stoic, a mask to hide the pain and heartache that consumed him.

He tried to make a life for himself, to find a place to call home. But these attempts always felt fleeting, like he could never hold onto distant memories. How long had he been wandering this world, lost and alone? The years seemed to blend together, an endless cycle of despair.

He longed for the familiarity and companionship of his friends, but they were lost to him, scattered across time and space. All he had left was the hope that one day, he would find his way back to where he belonged. Until then, he would keep walking, searching for an end to this never-ending journey.

As he moved through the empty streets of the small coastal town, he felt like a shell of his former self. This place reminded him of Italy, but there was no trace of his old gang, Passione, or any of his comrades - Mista, Bruno, or anyone else he recognized. Drawn by a commotion, he found himself in a back alley, where he saw a young boy surrounded by a group of older teenagers, all armed with makeshift weapons. The boy was holding a bag tightly to his chest, which seemed to be a few valuable-looking pieces of jewelry. Without hesitation, he approached them and grabbed the metal pipe from the hand of one of the teens.

"I suggest you leave," Giorno said, eyes narrowed and cold as ice. But the street punk didn't budge, smirking at Giorno and his friends. "Fine, don't say I didn't warn you," Giorno said, his voice dripping with a threat.

He focused his energy, his face contorting with the effort. Suddenly, a burst of golden light enveloped his hand. The pipe he was holding transformed into a massive serpent, its coils wrapping tightly around his arm. The snake struck out, sinking its fangs into the neck of the teenage punk. The boy convulsed and fell to the ground while the others scattered, running away from the scene. Giorno and the young boy were left alone with the punk's motionless body.

Giorno turned to face the boy, who was staring at him with wide-eyed awe. "Hey, gramps, who... what are you?" the boy asked, his mouth hanging open in amazement at Giorno's actions.

"Me? I'm a gang…," Giorno replied, turning away from the boy. "I'm nobody. Forget you saw any of this." He began to saunter back down the alley from where he came.

Suddenly, a loud bang and a searing pain shot through Giorno's body. He reached down to his chest and felt the warm, sticky sensation of fresh blood. Dropping to one knee, he looked over his shoulder to see the delinquent, still alive despite being bitten by the venomous snake, holding a handgun.

As he lay on the ground, his body wracked with pain and his hands covered in his own blood, Giorno Giovanna couldn't help but wonder if he had let his powers wane from disuse. He had always been able to heal wounds like this, but now he couldn't even summon the energy to do so. Was this really the end for him? He had spent so long searching for his enemy, but he had never even caught a glimpse of them.

He closed his eyes and let his head rest against the cold cobblestones beneath him, feeling the soft breeze ruffle through his graying hair. This was it, he realized. It was time for him to give in to fate and let go.

As he took his last breath, Giorno's only regret was that he hadn't been able to complete his final mission. If only he had another chance, he could go back and do things differently...but humans don't get do-overs in life. Even his Requiem couldn't bring him back from the dead; it would take nothing short of a miracle. And so, with a heavy heart, Giorno Giovanna closed his eyes for the final time.