
Fate: Remnant

Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Heaven's Feel The three most well-known Fate routes. However, this story takes place not in any of those route, but in one particular route in the infinite parallel worlds that can even be considered as an "anomaly". The main characters found themselves stranded in a foreign world. And they must adapt and survive in this new world. Eh, they can do it right? Zelretch already tortured them by sending them in different timelines, this one won't be so different, is it?

ImperialCupCake · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 8

Luvia stared at a piece of bright silver crystal Dust in her hands. This is a new piece of Dust developed by the homunculus who worked for her.

Guardian Dust. A Dust she spent quite some time to develop. She just knew that with this new type of Dust, the Edelya's stocks would soar.

Guardian Dust can be activated by pouring aura to it, and once you threw it to the ground it will summon a pure white knight that will obey the command of whoever poured the aura on the Dust.

As for its strength, the knight would have "E-rank" in all its parameters, meaning - its ten times stronger than a regular human.

Luvia would love to release it to public, but Artoria wanted her to only sell it to her as she wanted to use it to strengthen Vale's military.

Artoria disdained how weak and pathetic Vale's military was - they have to rely on Atlas for help and the council pretty much neglected it.

The soldiers used some old and second-hand weapons and military vehicles. Their uniforms were also old, and some already have tears.

Ever since she obtained a seat in the council through being a General, Artoria spared no effort in strengthening the military, going as far as to make new law for it.

Armed Forces of Vale(AFV) Modernization Act, a law that was aimed to modernize all branches of the Armed Forces of Vale(AFV) such as the Vale Air Force, Vale Navy, and the Vale Army. The law was intended to last for 15 years with an initial budget of 50 billion Lien for the first five years.

It was a law from the Philippines that Artoria learned after studying about the world order, politics, and geopolitics of Earth.

Luvia doesn't know why Artoria is obsessed over Vale's military, but decided not to comment.

Artoria has long since started hiring some engineers and scientist to start making some weapons and vehicles; tanks, missiles, Bullheads, ships, etc.

"Well, I'm earning money anyways. It doesn't matter who I sell it for...thankfully the Dust theft stopped and I can resume my original plan to expand abroad."

Just then, her secretary walked in, a homunculus by the name Fillia von Einzbern, being describe by Shirou as a "very beautiful woman who is as white as snow", with long flowing white hair and red irises.

She was wearing a white long-sleeved polo shirt, a black pencil skirt and black stockings.

"Miss Edelfelt, you have a call." Said Fillia politely.

"From whom?" Luvia raised a brow.

"From General Ironwood of Atlas."

"Oh." Luvia already knew why he called, however she was surprised at how fast the information about her guardian Dust reached Atlas.

It was only yesterday that she talked about selling it only to Artoria.

"Transfer the call to me." Said Luvia as Fillia nodded and executed the order.

A few moments later, a holographic image of a middle aged man appeared in front of her.

"Miss Edelfelt, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Same goes to you General." Luvia smiled, motioning at Fillia who immediately nodded and went to go grab some tea.

"I'll get straight to the point; Atlas would like buy the method to creating your Guardian Dusts. You can state your demand of equal or even a little higher of value and we will do our best to give it to you."

Luvia did an unladylike scoff, "Unfortunately for you general, I refuse. Even if you kneel in front of me and lick my shoes, I will not hand over the production method - however, you can try and research it on your own. You have my permission."

Luvia was confident they couldn't pull it off. After all, Guardian Dusts was made by her using magecraft, unless they have someone who can do magecraft similar to her and Rin, then they can't replicate it.

The general coughed lightly, "I expected such a response. So I would like to purchase a ton or two of Guardian Dusts for ourselves first to see its effectiveness."

"Apologies General Ironwood, but General Pendragon already strike a deal with me that I can only sell it to her and her alone."

If Luvia was in it for money, then she would surely agree. Unfortunately, being a CEO of an international Dust Company is just hobby of hers.

She does not like living in poverty, so she wanted to get rich - for her, a middle class family and lower class family has no difference, they're both poor, a commoner.

It's part of the reason why she doesn't get along with Tohsaka Rin.

Well, Shirou was also a commoner, but he's obviously different. After all, she loves him, proving that love can break the boundary between rich and the poor.

"We can offer you lots of benefits. You don't even have to give us a discount."

"Say no more. I made a promise and I shall deliver."

"How about this—"

Luvia and Ironwood continued their negotiation for half an hour until Luvia had enough and called Artoria and have them talk it out.

Eventually, Artoria agreed on letting Luvia sell the Dusts to Atlast in exchange for Humvees, Tanks, Drones, and Guns.

Ironwood feels like he got scammed and cut off the call in a very bad mood.

Luvia then chatted with Artoria for a moment before cutting off the call.

She sighed and leaned her back on her chair, "Damn, being a CEO is very hard. I knew I should've just stuck to being an heiress and squander my family's wealth."

Staring at the stacks of paperworks on her table, she couldn't help but let out a frustrated groan.

Money was good, great even. But the responsibilities that comes with it is just way too much. Her secretary is competent enough to take some load off her shoulders, but even then the work seems to never end.

She opened the drawer of her desk, where a picture frame of a half-naked sleeping Shirou was neatly placed. She took it out and put it on her table.

"Sherou~," she couldn't help but whine, Medea was probably having the best time of her life.

Just then the door of her office bursts open and her mortal enemy, Tohsaka Rin, walks in.

Luvia couldn't help but huffed in annoyance, "And what do you think you're doing you uncultured swine? Barging into my place like that."

Rin remained silent and sat down on the chair in front of Luvia, "I discovered a very interesting....specimen last night."

"What's that got to do with me?"

"Well, she's a magus - not really - but she has magical energy inside her. From what she said, she stole it from a "Maiden" you know, the fairytale."

"I still fail to see what's—"

"Stop interrupting me you bitch! I'm getting into that." Rin glared at Luvia, who just snorted and crossed her arms, "So Maiden has the ability to transfer their magical energy to others, and this has been going on for centuries, yet the magic power remained strong. There's no loss of power after centuries of transfer and conversion, which should be impossible."

"Right," Luvia nodded, "magical energy disperses when it leaves the body. It doesn't matter how fast the transfer is, there should at least be a loss of energy. Even our Jewel Craft is not exempted to that rule."

"Yes, yes, so I 'asked' my specimen if it's alright to study her which she 'agreed' by the way, but I couldn't find out the reason how it was possible with just a few hours of research, but I know that there's something special about the magical energy of those Maidens, if we managed to replicate it, we—"

"—might be able to reuse the energy that got dispersed after we cast a spell, and since as you said a Maiden's magical energy has a transfer and conversion rate of hundred percent, we would technically be having a form of Third Magic, or rather, a magical equivalent of perpetual motion."

"Right?! We don't have to worry about loss of magical energy! This is why I like talking to smart people!"

For those who couldn't understand, let me put it this way - a mage have 10 mana, he uses all of those to cast a fireball, which transfer and converted his mana into a fire. But the conversion won't be a hundred percent and a loss of energy will happen, meaning the fireball only has 7-8 mana points while the rest was lost due to transfer and conversion.

A Maiden's power gets transfer to another without losing energy, meaning its transfer and conversion rate is hundred percent.

If Rin and Luvia managed to replicate that, they might be able to reuse the energy that got disperse in the air after casting a spell, and since the conversion and transfer will be at hundred percent, they can technically use those energy again as long as they have jewels or Dusts to store it from.

"I'm impressed Tohsaka Rin, now where's this specimen you mentioned?" Asked Luvia, eyes shining in excitement.

Rin shrugs, "I let her go, she still has some uses. But she told me that Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon, has a "Maiden" hidden somewhere in his school who was probably in a coma. If we can find her...kukuku."

"I doubt Shirou would like it....But I can apologize later, my magecraft comes first before my morals." Luvia smiled.

"So Rin, how do you plan on searching for the Maiden in Beacon?"
