

Fate turns its eyes to worlds in darkness. Fate does odd things to the worlds it touches upon. It brings the smallest spark and forms it into a massive beacon for the oppressed and a wild fire for its enemies. What happens in the future is anyones guess with the whims of fate. I do this for enjoyment and practice. I own nothing. Please support the authors and creators by following and supporting the releases. World crossover in the future. 5 laid out as of this moment. More to be determined.

CultivatorDragon · Anime & Comics
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Wrath of the Fledgling Dragon

There was an explosion fracturing of air and ground surrounding Jaune. Wind blew out from Jaune with the force of hurricane winds. The stone ground fractured and turned into floating projectiles. Jaune had instinctively connected to his second and unfinished third tail, the element of wind, with this power he was causing a stone hurricane to form within the center of the Hanging Gardens. Destruction was all that appeared from the ever growing sphere of wind and stone that was gradually increasing. The stone floor was shredded then picked up and added to the ever increasing maelstrom.

Kotomine was thrown back by the initial force of the Roar, his ears bleeding from the intensity of the sound. Seeing the sphere of stone filled hurricane winds his expression froze before he jumped backward to not be sucked in and shredded to pieces. Backward retreat was on the minds of everyone present.

Karna rushed to Kotomine's side and hauled him off in the direction of the exit. Karna had to consciously not emit any of his flames or it would be sucked into the stone tornado and make it become even more dangerous.

Jack, Achilles and Atlanta were doing something similar. Even if they were now connected to their new master they could not chance being caught up in the attack he was emitting otherwise they could be shredded.

"What do we do?" Jack asked a worried expression on her face.

"I don't know. He is...lost to his wrath. We will not be able to awaken him. We do not have a close enough connection to pull him out of his rage. Only the others would be capable of doing that." Atlanta said as she had experienced the same situation in her past life. She had become a monster after a certain event and only the words of her goddess were able to bring her back.

"I could rush in and try to knock him out." Achilles said as he prepared himself.

"No! Don't! If you do he will only turn his wrath on you. If he does then he will kill you without at thought. He knows all of our secrets. Just look at him. His eyes. They are only focused on Karna and Kotomine. We should stay out of the way. One of us should rush out to explain the situation to the other heroes, while the other two stay and watch over him from behind. We need to move so choose." Atlanta said as she looked at Jaune's figure that was hidden by the winds and stones flying.

Golden black flames seemed to be coming out of Jaune's eyes giving him a distinctly demonic look. Atlanta, Achilles and Jack shivered from the expression of wrath that filled their Master's face.

"Alright! You two stay with Jaune. I will go out to explain the situation to the others. Keep yourselves and our Master safe!" Achilles said as he transformed into a streak of green lighting that disappeared from the cavernous room.

Jack was looking at Jaune and saw something from his feet start to spread out at an ever increasing rate. Pointing at the lights Jack asked Atlanta, "Do you know what big bro is doing? He's doing some kind of magic but I can't figure it out."

Atlanta used her exceptional vision to look at where Jaune was. From his feet a golden glow appeared. It was in the form of circuits that were ever expanding at a slightly slower speed than the tornado was expanding. But that was quickly changing. The circuits after a few moments quickly over came the tornado and spread out.

Jack and Atlanta jumped back as the circuits flowed right under their feet. Turning they saw that every conceivable location within the Hanging Gardens was being covered in these circuits. The furthest reaching circuits though were following in the direction where Karna and Kotomine were escaping.

After landing the two were quickly overcome by the lights for a few seconds before the circuits evaporated from their bodies. They had both felt an examination and scanning go through them reaching their very cores before it left not having done anything.

The two breathed a sigh of relief, even if they felt deeply violated by the magical scanning they just went through, as they followed the now moving Jaune from a safe distance. Jaune was slowly moving but it wasn't a consistent walk. Instead it was shambling shuffle that was aided by the winds he summoned. His speed was opposition to the way he was moving.

He covered ground fast. Not as fast as a servant but much faster than a normal magus could achieve. The two servants were hard pressed to find the right distance to keep as the winds and stones would fluctuated sporadically. So to keep safe they kept a 100 meter distance from Jaune.

The corridor they were traveling down was quickly carved out by the tornado of wind and stone adding even more debris to the already expansive weather phenomenon.

They hoped that the other heroes would have some idea as to how to awaken Jaune from his wrathful state.

A few moments ago Scathach had reacted to the magical surge. "Jaune...We must hurry! Use what you can. Destroy everything in your path! We are double timing it people. Keep up!"

Scathach swung her spear in a mesmerizing pattern shattering the flame, poison, arrow, stone spike traps and necro summons that appeared. Each was dealt with efficiency and skill the likes of which had not been seen for hundreds of years. The other heroes were just a miraculous when new attacks came from different locations and directions.

Beowulf attacked shattering the surroundings with each strike. Lancer threw out stakes out of the ground shooting them into the enemy locations making way for those that followed. Tama sent out shikigami to take over the traps and pull them out of the ground and walls creating her own force of golems that took the brunt of the battle. Nobunaga shot down each flying necro summon that came within her range which was a very far distance, with the long straight corridors she was able to kill everything her enhanced vision could see. Grandpa Hassan was walking leisurely after the others appearing and disappearing at odd intervals. After each disappearance a loud crash or explosion would be heard by the group. Medusa had stayed behind to heal the Pegasi outside of the reach of the spires' energy attacks. She would stay until contacted to bring everyone to the last battlefield.

Ruler and Artoria along with Sieg and Astolfo were within the protective bubble of Jaune's heroes. They could tell they were letting out the stress that had built up over the day since Jaune had been taken. So they let them take care of everything. Now they were working at even more frantic pace.

Caules and Fiore were standing with the Black Fraction's two remaining servants. Frankenstein and Chiron. The rest had been taken away such as Vlad and Astolfo or returned to the throne with Siegfried and Avicebron. And since Jack had never really been a part of their alliance they only had two remaining servants. They watched on in awe as the heroes absolutely wrecked the surroundings.

"Aww man when am I going to be able to fight? This is getting boring." Mordred called from the back of the central group. Sisigou walked beside her while keeping his eyes open and moving.

"Don't you worry. You can fight once we reach the central core room of the Hanging Gardens. You can take Assassin's head." Sisigou said as he walked forward looking at Mordred out of the corner of his eye.

"That sounds good but can we hurry it up? I don't want to wait all day." Mordred called out.

"We are almost there so shut your trap you little brat." Tama said testily.

"Hah? What did you say you old hag?" Mordred called. She had been wanting to test Tama after hearing about her from her father. She figured this was the perfect time.

Everyone seemed to freeze. The heroes continued to fight the traps and summons but their gazes were focused on the growing tension in their ranks.

"Saber?!" Sisigou hissed at Mordred.

Tama had stopped and after a few seconds turned her blazing gaze upon Mordred, her iris was that of a predator split down the middle vertical. A split second later Mordred was flat on the ground. An impact crater surrounded her body. Sisigou jumped away and prepared to fight before he received glares from two other heroes. He slumped even as he watched his servant get a tongue lashing while forcefully held in place.

"What was it you said little girl?" Tama asked as she knelt down to the prone Mordred. "A little traitor girl has no right to speak to me like that. Now If we didn't need your power to fight the divine beasts I would have just turned you into paste just to rid myself of you and your constant complaining. But since we need to alive let me make this very clear. You are an ant to me. Your magic sword? I can melt it down to scrap before you can get near me. Your armor? The exact same. The Fae you received it from? Where do you think their knowledge came from? Once you have realized that then think of something even older and you might come to realize the kind of being I was so long ago. Now do not keep us from moving forward anymore or I will kill you without hesitation. Now little girl with daddy issues, stand up, shut up, and move when ordered. Is. That. Clear?"

Mordred who was staring at the ground even with all of her magic going, her armor on and sword in hand. She had never felt so helpless and she hated it. She wanted to lash out and take off one or more of Tama's tails but could not force herself to do it, no matter how hard she pushed.

In this situation she thought back to all the enemies she had faced that were easy for her to defeat. Of how she had flaunted she superiority over them in their last moments. She came to realized the dread, the anger and the pure humiliation this action brought on. And now she was experiencing the very same and she came to regret her actions. Her young mind before she found out her lineage spoke to her, 'This is not how a knight should act.'

With tears of frustration and realization in her eyes Mordred responded, "I understand."

Artoria had flinched and gained a pained face when Tama had said daddy issues making Astolfo, Sieg and Ruler look at her with compassion.

Scathach returned and spoke, "Now that the drama is over we need to push one more time and we will reach the core room from there we can defeat Assassin and Karna with our combined firepower. From there we wil--"

A green flash of lightning and Achilles stood before the heroes with the last corridor completely wrecked. Every trap and summon began to fall to the ground.

"YOU!" Tama yelled as she stepped forward ready to rend this hero to pieces.

Before she could go any further Scathach stretched out her hand holding her spear. Tama stopped as she looked at the god killer in question. "It seems you have been freed from your shackles. Care to explain?"

"Yeah no time so here is the short version. Jack memory gazed us and showed us Jaune. Atlanta and I decided to join. Jaune was kicked into the Greater Grail where he...ate it? I am not sure. Jaune fell to his knees after he got out with the look of immense loss on his face. Kotomine tried to kill him after threatening all of you. Jaune went berserk and Roared like some great beast. He created a tornado of wind and stone chasing after Kotomine and Karna. Currently in pursuit. Any of you know how to awaken him from his wrath filled rampage?" Achilles said in a quick staccato.

There were multiple exclamations.

"He...ate...what?" Beowulf asked.

"Who kicked him?!" Tama nearly screamed.

"Two good additions." Nobunaga said.

"The..the Greater Grail is gone?" Fiore and Caules asked in utter shock.

"Kotomine's Head Shall be mine." Grandpa Hassan said.

"Oh Jaune. I'm so sorry." Artoria said sadly.

"Wrath? Oh no." Scathach said as she looked in the direction of where Jaune's energy was coming from. "Everyone run to the core room!"

Scathach didn't wait and rushed off. The others followed in hot pursuit. With all of the traps and summons destroyed they made amazing time and reached the core room. On the other side of the grand throne hall Kotomine and Karna rushed into the throne room. Everyone spread out to give themselves room in case of attack. And they were not disappointed as the chains of black magic appeared and shot towards all of the heroes and the two masters.

Tama, Scathach, Beowulf, and Achilles made quick work of the chains with their skills. They beat away the attack with the sound of breaking chains and tinkling metal hitting the ground.

Scathach Artoria and Tama didn't wait as they rushed off in the direction of the hallway the two servants had come from.

Chiron and Frankenstein now got their time to shine as they both went on the attack. Chiron fired his arrows in rapid fire all at Semiramis on her throne. Nobunaga joined in and shot at Semiramis. Only for a hexagonal shield to appear in front of her dissipating all of the projectiles.

Frankenstein activated her lightning dynamo and jumped straight upward where the beginnings of a great beast was starting to appear from the liquid ceiling. Upon hitting the liquid Frankenstein shoved she noble Phantasm into the liquid and let go of her internal lightning reserve. The large multi-eyed snake creature that was about the breach the surface was flash fried and had it's head blown apart as the liquid created a steam explosion from the intense lighting barrage it just received.

The room shook from the explosion making everyone duck and try to keep their footing. The liquid ceiling was now a fog that consumed the room in its entirety.

Frankenstien was thrown to the ground even as she absorbed the magical energy of the divine level beast she just defeated. Her bruised, battered, and shattered body began to heal at a rapid pace.

Semiramis laughed as the fog filled the room. "You are all dead! Now die for this Empress!"

With a wave of her hand the liquid began to turn into one of the most dangerous poisons known. Hydra venom.

Tama cursed as she stopped running and turned already beginning her casting. He was neck and neck with Semiramis and it looked like she wouldn't get it done in time. But just as she was about to fall into despair she saw the flash of blood red lightning as Mordred appeared bedside Semiramis and swung her sword with all of her might slowing the casting of Semiramis's magic.

Tama finished her casting and forced the liquid into a sphere that absorbed all of the liquid turned venom in a second keeping everyone from dying. Controlling the liquid sphere Tama sent it out the corridor they had been following. Shortly the sphere exited the Hanging Gardens. With a flick of her hand Tama sent the Hydra venom sphere towards a certain location that was in need of some liquid nourishment.

She smirked just imagining the outrage Chaos would show on his face when that giant sphere entered the tunnels and filled the lungs of him and the divine beasts.

Tama turned and rushed after Scathach and Artoria in hopes of bringing Jaune back to wakefulness.

Beowulf, Achilles and Vlad all turned their attention to the most dangerous servant of the Red faction. Karna stood opposite them as they prepared themselves.

"Is Saber of Black here? I should wish to battle him." Karna asked calmly not really reacting to the situation as most would.

"Sorry but you lost that right when you harmed my master. Now Prepare yourself Karna." Beowulf said as he pushed at the ground. An explosion later Beowulf was at Karna's side swinging his two swords. Karna blocked with his spear and his armor.

He was not able to mitigate the blow as he was shot backward only to be met with the spear of Achilles. Karna spun in the air and brought his spear up to block. As he did stakes came out of the ground and shot towards him from three directions. Not liking this situation Karna activated his fire and flew upward. He was met by a pair of black metal boots that used him as a launching platform. Karna was shot back down from the force of the push only to be met by an innumerable barrage of stakes. He could not activate his flames for some reason so he had to tank the blows.

Cuts opened up all over his body as he attempted to come up with a strategy to defeat his opponents. Green lightning flashed before he was shot into the wall by Achilles full strike. A large wound opened up in his side as he had been able to dodge at the last moment.

Beowulf appeared out of the flames swords raised. They came down like two meteors as they bent the divine spear into a crescent shape. Flipping backward Beowulf used the spring from the spear to get away. Karna exploded in flames melting the surroundings into lava as he lost some of his armor.

Ruler Sieg and Astolfo were battling with Kotomine as he hacked and slashed at them with his katana. Lightening would appear on his sword every other strike. They did their best to dodge but the two weaker fighters were becoming easier targets as time wore on.

Just as Sieg was about to be skewered, a black shape appeared out of nowhere and crashed into Kotomine. When he did a deep bell sounded. "Tis your hour. Give thy head to me."

On the opposite side of the battle where Artoria, Scathach and Tama had vanished down the sound of a tornado could be heard. A few seconds later the three forms shot back into the room. They all looked bedraggled and worried as their charge appeared in the throne room.

A second later the circuits that Jaune had unconsciously been sending out reached the battle and the core of the Hanging Gardens.

The circuits flashed before they appeared on every surface across the whole of the Hanging Gardens. Semiramis gasped as her Noble Phantasm was ripped from her grasp. In that moment of hesitation Mordred, Chiron and Frankenstein attacked in unison.

Semiramis's broken body was blown away as her spirit core was destroyed from the three's attack.

Jaune walked forward in the direction of Kotomine and Grandpa Hassan. They were still exchanging blows with Kotomine escaping by mere millimeters. Kotomine was shocked after seeing Semiramis defeated and it was his downfall.

Jaune suddenly appeared before him. Stone flashed by at hundreds of miles per hour. Four hit Kotomine in his extremities. With his limbs broken Kotomine stared into the empty eyes of his enemy. His black golden eyes glowing with wrath. "You wished to kill my family. It is only right you are killed by our elder. But only after I show you that your wish had come true in some form." Jaune stood before Kotomine and activated his aura.

Kotomine watched on in fascination and bewilderment as the white tinged with gold and black flowed like the top of a lake over Jaune. "Yes. It is as you wished. I can manifest my soul. But it is not the cure all you wished for. Even with our souls bare to the world humans can still grow old, we can still get sick and we can still all die. Manifesting souls wouldn't have solved everything you wished for Kotomine. It only gives humans another power to play with. Only human progress or divine intervention can do such a thing as you wished. You lost sight of what you are and who you became. We are all a part that shapes the future. No matter how hard it may seem we must always strive to show what it is we wish to see in the world. I know your pain for it is something I wished for too. I hope that you will remember yourself in the future." Jaune turned to Hassan who stood beside him. With a nod Hassan took the head he had been aiming for.