

Fate turns its eyes to worlds in darkness. Fate does odd things to the worlds it touches upon. It brings the smallest spark and forms it into a massive beacon for the oppressed and a wild fire for its enemies. What happens in the future is anyones guess with the whims of fate. I do this for enjoyment and practice. I own nothing. Please support the authors and creators by following and supporting the releases. World crossover in the future. 5 laid out as of this moment. More to be determined.

CultivatorDragon · Anime & Comics
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Trojan Horse

Alter stood as he stared at where Shirou had been. After a few moments he looked over to Jaune and the continuous battle between his Reality Marble and Avalon. He had been given explicit orders to give him pain but not to kill him. Now that his mission was done he was to return. Emotions long thought lost started to spear one after another. To keep from going crazy Alter closed them off. That done Alter began to fade away returning to the Throne and his boss as well as his eternal torment.

Until his brother came to save him as he was told.

A very faint smile was seen on his face as he too disappeared.

After watching Alter leave Tama went to Jaune's side. Tama was just reaching Jaune's side when she felt the presence of two servants. She did what she could with the magic she was drawing from the leyline but it was a relatively weak defense due to her lack of a functioning hand. Blooming four tails Tama went to work. She created shikigami sending them all over flowing out of her sleeve. Stone flowed from the ground to cover her and Jaune while the same spheres as before were shot out at the two intruders.

The shikigami were all shot by arrows while the spheres of elemental energy were all cut in two by a green line of light that transformed into Achilles. An instant later the stone was shattered by a combination of Achilles spear and tens of arrows from Atlanta. Tama was face to face with Achilles her eyes widened as she raised her partially regrown arm in defense from the swinging attack he launched at her.

The partially regrown arm was cut off once again, while Tama jumped back to avoid his second attack and the arrows from Atlanta. She landed awkwardly and received a few arrows to her body; one in the shoulder the other in the thigh while the last landed in her side.

Tama bloody and wounded stood preparing to attack once again until she noticed Achilles spear with its point at Jaune's chest.

"Hold Caster. Do not move or cast your magic or your Master dies." Achilles said with a serious expression.

Tama froze despair starting to trickle into her heart. "Why not just be done with it then? Why tell me to stop when you can end it now?"

"Well our Master is in need of more magic and this boy fits the bill. Once he is in the Hanging Gardens away from your domicile we will use him as a battery for the Holy Grail since we don't have enough magic to activate it. Our master seems to think he has the required power. With the threat of his death you are in no place to retaliate or act. As such we will take him with us and you will stay here. If you do not follow these directives we will not hesitate to kill him." Atlanta said as she walked up to Achilles side. "The same goes for the rest of you present."

The immaterial heroes all cursed at the situation. They couldn't materialize or it could harm Jaune further. Tama was the only one present that was able to stay materialized due to siphoning from the leyline. Artoria could not interfere or it would be in breach of her original purpose. Even if she tried to bend the rules to accommodate the situation as a whole the two present could call foul and have her punished just as Jaune was before with another Counter Guardian. They couldn't follow or Archer would put an arrow in Jaune ending them all.

Scathach spoke to Medusa, who was flexing her hands on her scythe, telepathically. 'How long will it take you to finish the preparations for us to get to the gardens?'

'Half a day if I was able to use as much magic as possible. Since we weren't in a rush I didn't think to push the pace.' Medusa said with self deprecation evident in her voice.

'Tama can you feed magic to Medusa from the leyline? Can you directly fuel her since Jaune is incapacitated?' Scahthach asked Tama.

'Yes I can. I only need to set up a magic circle where she will be working. I will have to create some gems to store magic until we reach Jaune for all of us but I can build those in the same amount of time as Medusa is working on the transport problem.' Tama said while still staring at the two servants of Red.

"Back away into the barrier and keep walking until you reach the interior. Once you are there we will leave." Achilles said as he pressed the tip of his spear into one of Jaune's many wounds with a sword coming out of it. He proceeded to jiggled the piece of metal. Jaune flinched at the pain of the moving sword within his body.

Tama flinched seeing Jaune in pain. She looked Achilles straight in the eyes and said, "Harm him further and I will find you in the Throne and kill you." Tama released her killing intent she kept hidden away as to not adversely affect those around her.

Achilles and Atlanta felt the presence of a immortal beast in front of them. They knew if they didn't heed her words they would die. Permanently.

Achilles tried to bluff his way out of the killing intent. "Haha. You couldn't do that. You don't have the power."

"You should know I personally knew your two mentors before you ever met them." Tama said hinting at her true origins to the two Grecian heroes. "Helios and Apollo could not compare to me. They took orders from me. When they first came to their power I had to teach them a lesson. I was the reason they never left the Mediterranean."

The heroes stared in fear and undisguised disbelief. If what she said was true then she was...

"Now do not make me repeat myself. Do not harm my master or I will see you all burn. Even Karna will not escape the flames of my rage should that come to pass." Tama said with a wrath filled expression on her face.

Atlanta could only nod while Achilles tried for bravado. "Haha that would be an interesting battle. I would welcome it."

"No. No you wouldn't. Do you know why Styx was only within the underworld boy?" Tama asked Achilles who shuddered at the question. "It was because she crossed me long ago. She took something from me I could never get back. She ran away after I burnt most of her body away. She stayed in the underworld to heal from her wounds and escape my wrath. Since I was on good terms with Hades I didn't push the point. Now demigod how do you figure you would stand against me now? Knowing I destroyed Styx at her most powerful. Do you think your small coating of her body will save you?"

Achilles was shivering from the words and death that was evident before his eyes. After a moment he shook his head.

"Good. Now do be careful. And be ready because I will be coming after my master and you." Tama said as she walked to the location indicated by the servants of Red. Once there she turned around and stared at them killing intent still billowing from her.

The two servants looked at one another before releasing their breaths and carefully picking up Jaune and taking him to Achilles chariot. Placing him down they shot off into the distance.

Tama stared after them with small smile on her face. It was returned by a pair of red eyes staring at her from the chariot beside Jaune.

Rieka spoke up at this moment, "Will she be ok? Will your master?"

"Yes. I left some insurance in the Hanging Gardens for such a possibility. So now all we have to do is get up there." Tama turned with an angry and worried expression. "I won't be there to comfort him when he learns about Shirou. Damn them."

'Do not be hasty. We still need their power to kill the divine beasts. Jaune will be fine with Chiron and Leonidas with him, as well as Jack.' Scathach warned Tama.

Tama looked at the invisible Scathach with smoldering anger. "Do not speak to me as if I know nothing. I know very well what is at stake. I also know the precipice that Jaune is on due to your want for him to grow. Do not lecture me. I know my duty and my capabilities. But it seems you still do not know the limits of your own students." Tama said harshly as she disappeared into the castle to begin her work.

Scathach's face pinched in pain at the slight. She could not refute the words as they were the truth and all their painful glory.

Tama ran into Ruler, Sieg and Astolfo who were coming to check out the commotion. Since none of the heroes had bothered to get them they did not know anything was going on until they were awakened by the gong. They quickly got equipped and headed towards the entrance. But as the castle was fairly large they didn't make it in time to see what had happened.

Tama gazed at them. Making them all flinch from the cold emotions she was giving off, before she continued on her march to the production room of Medusa's answer to flight. One arm still regrowing as she walked, pulling out the arrows with short quick movements of her only remaining hand.

"Wait! Caster what is going on?! Why are you injured? Where is Jaune?" Ruler asked the retreating figure.

"Go speak to Artoria. She will explain it to you. I have work to do." Tama said in a cold voice not even turning around.

Ruler looked at the other two who had concerned expressions on their faces. They all rushed outside and saw the devastation right outside of the barrier. The ground was eaten away craters were formed, stone had been unearthed and showed signs of cooling from its molten state.

"What happened?" Ruler asked to no one as she gazed at the destruction.

Looking around Sieg found Artoria on the top of the castle with her lance in hand. Pointing to her location Sieg got the other two's attention. "There she is."

"Right. Hold on Master." Astolfo said as he picked up Sieg in a princess carry. Quickly he jumped up multiple times to reach the top of the castle. Ruler followed right behind. Once they landed on the parapet Sieg was lowered to the ground and the three were met with the rigid back of Artoria staring off in the direction of the Hanging Gardens.

Hesitantly Ruler stepped forward. Even from here she could feel the cold intent Artoria was releasing. "Artoria? Tama sent us up. Can you please tell us what happened?"

For nearly a minute they waited for Artoria to respond. Right when Ruler was beginning to ask again Artoria started to explain what had happened all in an emotionless voice. While listening to the events that just transpired the three were shocked to speechlessness.

Ruler and Astolfo for the audacity and power Jaune manipulated to actually go against Abaya's will and regret for not being there to aid when the Counter Guardian appeared.

Sieg for the pain Jaune must have gone through to deal with the events and the loss of one of his servants. Sieg clenched his hand hard enough to draw blood. He couldn't be there for the person who had saved his brothers and sisters in their time of need. He looked down dejectedly at the command seals on his hand. After a few second renewed resolve flames into his eyes. He would do all he could to aid Jaune. Even at the cost of his life should it be required.

The final straw to the speechless trio were the actions taken by Archer and Rider of Red capturing a unconscious Jaune and taking him away to the Hanging Gardens.

"We can let him be tortured by the priest. We have to go save him!" Sieg said as he held up his hand.

"Right! But how do we get there? I seem to be the only one with flying transport and I don't think they will be good enough to wait for multiple trips." Astolfo said as he got to thinking.

"We must request aid from the Black Factions they should have some capability to get to the Hanging Gardens." Ruler said as she turned to leave.

"Tama is working that problem. She will make it possible for Rider to create transport for everyone. We need you three to speak to the Black Faction and get them to start preparing to move. We will be heading out by nightfall." Artoria said tonelessly.

Astolfo was looking at Artoria with a question gaze. It was Ruler and Sieg who responded. "We will do so."

"Good. Then please make your way there and tell them to meet us here before nightfall. Tell them to bring everything they will need for the battle against the other servants and the eventual battle with the divine beasts. It is likely to be all over very soon. You should prepare as well. We need to move as fast as possible when Rider finishes her work. We will explain the plan when everyone is gathered. I just hope we are not too late." Artoria said as she finally looked down.

"What do you mean by that? Didn't they say they would be keeping him alive to use him to awaken the Greater Holy Grail?" Sieg asked.

"Or is there movement from Nero Chaos? Is he close to awakening the divine beasts?" Ruler asked.

Astolfo was walking closer to Artoria as they spoke.

"No not that." Artoria sighed before she spoke very quietly. "What makes it worse is that we will not be there when Jaune awakens and learns of Shirou's passing. I feel fear for our chances of victory over the divine beasts should we not make it before we reach his side before he awakens." Artoria said in an emotionless voice still facing away.

"Why?" The three felt dread hearing Artoria's emotionless voice.

Waiting a few moments Artoria explained. "Shirou or Saber of Blue was actually Jaune's brother. It is very complicated but they were siblings at one point in time." She let that sink in before she continued. "Now if he learns of his passing before we are there to console him and redirect his thoughts after experiencing all of his loved ones deaths an untold number of times by Jack; well not even the greatest berserker servant would hold a candle to him at that point."

The three felt shivered run down their spines at the certainty present in Artoria's emotionless words. After learning all that had transpired they all could understand that it was likely an understatement.

It was at this point that Astolfo who had been creeping up to Artoria reached up and grabbed Artoria's shoulder spinning her around. Artoria looked down in question before a resounding smack echoed into the air.

Ruler looked on in disbelief while Sieg watched on in confusion and worry.

Artoria's head was to the side with a small trickle of blood running from her lip. A red mark was staring to appear on Artoria's cheek. She turned slowly back to Astolfo who stood confidently in front of her while covertly shaking his hand out behind his back. 'She is as hard as a rock.'

"Quit your moping. Your Master is danger. Don't say a thing." Astolfo said with a raised hand to stop Artoria's response from forming. "Even if you are a Ruler it is evident from your previous tone and expressions you consider him your Master. Now get your act together. He doesn't need your emotionless self. He needs the caring and loving Artoria he knows. What would happen if you showed up to comfort him in your current state?" Astolfo said adamantly.

Artoria stared at the small servant. She thought over his words and after much internal struggle the newest version of herself she had created over the last decade reasserted itself after beating down the king persona. Emotions once again began to fill her face and eyes.

"He would loss hope." Artoria said softly.

Astolfo nodded her head confidently. "Yes. Yes he would. Even if you are restricted it does not mean you can not fight. Now King of Knights lead us on this charge to save your master." Astolfo bowed at the end of his statement.

Ruler and Sieg followed suit after hearing Astolfo's words.

Artoria who was still having internal struggles placed steel bands down and asserted herself. The self she wished to be at this time, not the one she placed upon herself long ago in a previous life. With a nod she said, "I thank you Knight of Charlemagne. You are a credit to your king. You are a true knight. Giving a king the needed push onto the right path. If you had been alive during my time you would have found a seat at the fourteenth seat at the Round Table."

Astolfo stood and with a hand on the back of his head he laughed. "You honor me King of Knights. But I only serve my Master. But I wound not mind following your lead if my Master does the same."

Sieg just smiled and nodded. "By all means. Lead us Artoria."

"Good answer, Knight of Charlemagne." Artoria said with a smile. "Now away with you. I must aid Caster in her preparations."

Astolfo saluted with a fist to his heart. "It shall be done."

With that Astolfo called his hippogryph and the three rushed to Yggdmillennia Castle.

Artoria watched them leave before turning and walking down the stairs to Tama's location. There was much to be done and little time to do it.

Achilles and Atlanta had just reached the Hanging Gardens. Achilles gently lifted Jaune before beginning to walk to the entrance. Semiramis met them at the entrance. Holding up a hand she gestured for Achilles. "Give him to me. Our Master is in his preparation stages of making his wish."

Achilles looked at her with little to no expression, "I will carry him. Lead the way."

"Why do such a thing. I will take him. I am the only one who knows how to activate the siphon." Semiramis said in a haughty tone of voice.

Achilles didn't answer. He just continued to stare at her until she started to get aggravated. Spell circles appeared behind her preparing to attack Achilles.

"We will care for him. Just lead the way. He is far more dangerous than we originally believed. So it is a good idea to keep us as guards over him." Atlanta said as she went to cut the tension.

"Huh? How could someone so young be such a threat to us?" Semiramis asked with some trepidation as she saw no conceit from the two servants before her.

"He faced off against a Counter Guardian, but only after attacking the Throne directly." Achilles said with awe still evident in his expression and voice.

Semiramis widened her eyes before looking to the heavily wounded Master of Blue. "What how can that be?! Who is stupid enough to attack her in her home?" Semiramis asked. It took her a few moments to recollect herself. After she did she spoke as if the breakdown had never happened, "I...I see. What did he do?"

"We are unsure. But it seems he completed his task if the Counter Guardian's words were anything to go by." Atlanta said looking into Jaune's helmet visor.

"If he is able to do that then our Master will be overjoyed when he learns of it." A smile appeared on her face. After nodding her head she spoke to the two. "Yes we will have you two stay nearby him until the ritual is finished."

The two nodded and followed behind Semiramis who led the way towards the location of the magic siphon. After walking for a long while they entered into a wide room with a stalactite looking contraption on the ceiling pointed to the center of the room where magic circles were placed in concentric circles outward.

"Place him in the center and return to my side. I will activate it after you are out of the way." Semiramis said as she walked back to the side of the room.

The two servants did so. When they placed Jaune down they did so very carefully. After doing so they stood up and walked back. With a wave of her arms Semiramis activated the siphon.

The room glowed purple before a purple beam of energy hit Jaune's chest. There was little reaction outside of a few twitches.

"Good now that this is done I will return to Master. You two guard this location until called for." Semiramis said as she walked away.

The two stood at the entrance with conflicted looks on their faces. "Do you think she was telling the truth about knowing the gods?" Achilles asked.

"Yes I do not doubt her words. It seems she is one of the ones to willingly come down to Earth and live with us humans. The only thing that troubles me is who she could be." Atlanta said.

"Well from her speaking of Helios and Apollo I have an Idea at least. And if my guess is right then we could be in more danger than we originally thought." Achilles said looking down at the ground.

"Who is she?" Atlanta asked.

"I think she could be--" Achilles was cut off by the fog that filled the room. He became vigilant at this development. Atlanta pulled out her bow with an arrow on the string.

"Hey. Why are you hurting big brother? You really shouldn't do that. He is very important to me. If you keep hurting him I will carve you up into itty little pieces." A sinister child voice echoed in the room.

"Who are you?! How did you get here?" Achilles asked.

"Oh the hero doesn't know? Well let us enlighten you. Trojan horse." Jack said cackling.

Achilles eyes widened before he spun his spear behind him to block the dagger that appeared out of the fog.

"Damn it. She hitched a ride with us." Achilles said as he swung at the expected location of Jack but missed entirely.

"Indeed." Jack chuckled. "Oh the irony." A dagger was blocked by an arrow from Atlanta at point blank range. Atlanta hesitated seeing the visage of a child from the brief spark.

"Now I will keep you entertained until big brother's servants come to destroy you." Red eyes glowed in the fog.

Hello Fellow Readers,

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving! I ate enough to pass out after and kept going back as soon as I had enough room. Dont think I will be doing that again for a while.

Well we are back with Jaune. I started to honestly tear up when Shirou sacrificed himself to save Jaune. It was hard to see him go. But he left behind plenty of things to remember him by. Maybe something in there will be of great help to Jaune on his own world.

Only a few more chapters before the first arc finishes. From there Jaune will take a break and really build himself a strong backing in Remnant to aid him in the future. With Shirou's expected gifts to help in doing so.

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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