

Fate turns its eyes to worlds in darkness. Fate does odd things to the worlds it touches upon. It brings the smallest spark and forms it into a massive beacon for the oppressed and a wild fire for its enemies. What happens in the future is anyones guess with the whims of fate. I do this for enjoyment and practice. I own nothing. Please support the authors and creators by following and supporting the releases. World crossover in the future. 5 laid out as of this moment. More to be determined.

CultivatorDragon · Anime & Comics
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Survival Training

A day later.

Jaune returned to Jesse and Dian. They both listened to Jaune as he spoke of what he did at the festival. They asked him about the challengers of the tournament to which he gave extensive observations plus his own opinion on weapons, semblances and martial styles. Their conversation lasted for a full day as they went over the matches with the recording of the tournament broadcast Jesse had taken.

After the breakdown was finished the two continued to train Jaune in their two respective fields. While Jesse and Dian trained Jaune their children had been sent to Beacon Academy to train, so Jesse and Dian were able to put their all into training Jaune.

During his training with Dian, Jaune learned what herbs in the wild would help to heal his body from wounds or cuts. Though Jaune had a larger understanding of healing from Chiron, he still continued to ask Dian about all the baths as well as the herbal remedies he had been forced to drink during his initiation, plus all the herbs Chiron had told Jaune of. Jaune's mind had not been idle during his training, as he had been trying to absorb everything he could learn to help him become a better huntsman. So he had an apprentice level of understanding before this point, but through the weeks he had been able to reach at least an journeyman level of understanding of herbs and healing. Dian was happy to have such an amazingly bright student.

From that point she decided he would do well in healing so she brought up the idea of Jaune getting experience at the local clinic to practice the craft. Jesse agreed and so began Jaune's first experience in healing outside of class work and training. Jaune was seen at the clinic on a daily basis and became a staple at the clinic. The elders and adults were all happy to see someone there so young. Some of the elders even gave Jaune some homemade remedies to try out. Jaune took it all in no matter what it was. Jaune also learned to physically and mentally deal with injuries of all types. Dian and the heroes were all happy with the progress that Jaune was making on dealing with injuries and sicknesses.

Jesse taught Jaune how to hunt game in the wooded areas, as well as how to properly prepare animals to be consumed, as well as to prep game far from your campsite as to not attract grimm with the blood. He learned basic trap and snare building as well as tool creation for when he didn't have access to proper tools. Tracking was also a skill he was taught early on as it would become an integral part of what it meant to be a huntsman.

Within the Reality Marble Jaune spent most of his time with Shirou, Tama and Chiron, as Saber had stated that Jaune needed to learn more from Qrow before she started her training. Saber did give Jaune a few sword stances to practice on his own, so that he could build up his foundation as well as mix well with the martial arts he was learning from them. It was at this point Jaune started to truly start training his martial arts.

Jesse decided to take Jaune onto a camping trip. During this trip Jaune faced a new grimm. From this encounter Jaune gained the ability to summon one of the heroes. For the second time in his life Jaune is met with a life and death situation.

Jaune and Jesse had both gotten their packs filled, preparing for a two week long trip into the mountainous region behind the farm. Jesse had heard from Maria that she would be coming a little later due to a conflict with a as she stated, "Stuck up, short stature, nincompoop." Jesse had an idea of who she was talking about since he had helped Maria get to Atlas before more than a decade ago.

Even then the two old women hated each other and did everything they could to degrade the other. It was entertaining to watch, less so when you got pulled into the argument. He would never bring nuts onto a shuttle flight again.

See this time as an opportunity to get Jaune some experience in the wild Jesse came up with a training plan for Jaune. The training would include setting up camp, hunting animals, setting up traps, keeping himself hidden from the grim and creating weapons and tools that he can use when he is alone without supplies. It was an all-around survival camp.

After saying goodbye to Dian and the people at the clinic the two traveled onto the path that the Arc family was well acquainted with. Jaune had gone on a few camping trips with his family and Jesse's in the last year and a half in this direction. As the woods started to get thicker and began to cover up the sky Jesse took a turn onto a nearly invisible path. Following behind Jesse, Jaune looked around. The trees here were massive in size, they had to be nearly ten feet wide at the trunk. Jaune took note of all the signs of life he came across.

At the end of the hidden path appeared a cliff with a trio of trees surrounding the protrusion. The cliff went on and on as Jaune stared up at the stony face. He couldn't see the top. It was an amazing sight. Turning back around he noticed that two of the trees butted up against the cliff face, while the third was opposite the cliff face giving a bowl like area that was hidden and protected.

Setting down his pack Jesse turned to Jaune and started to speak, "We will start you training here. There are three reasons I chose this place as our first camp sight. One it is hidden, has good protection from the weather and is a perfect choke point for enemies. Two with the size of the trees it is obvious there is a source of water close by, I won't tell you where you have to figure that out. Three there are multiple escape route that can be used should trouble be too much to hold the position. Now that I said that, tell me all the animal tracks we went by and the likely age of them."

Jaune nodded and began to speak, "I noticed a herd of close to 20 dire deer have passed by since a few hours before we came up. A few sets of dire wolf and her pups tracks that followed the deer about the same age. A set of dire badgers were digging out tubers to the left of the trail about a day ago. Squirrels all around the forest. A few different hawk nests. Closest to the camp were a set of large cat tracks which I can't tell the type but there is a few of them. They seem to be about a week old. Other than that I couldn't see anything else that wasn't intermixed or too old to be of use."

Jesse nodded with a wide smile, "Well done. Those runs through the woods in the morning seem to be doing you good." Jaune had to agree with that.

In his morning training when he was running there would be traps and situations he would have to deal with. One such trial he had to deal with was identifying the paw prints of animals from a small pictures dotted throughout the trail. If he failed he would have an extra had day of physical training that day. So it just goes to show pain is a great motivator.

"Now the next two weeks you will be dealing with setting up camp by yourself. We will be leaving each campsite we stay at for a night. I will test you on their feasibility and options. Tonight we will stay here and I will go through all the other things we will be doing." Jesse said as he proceeded to give Jaune a full explanation of all the needs a person will have while in the wilderness.

From making traps and tools to locating sources of water and sustenance. How to set up camp as to not be detected. How to hide food and eliminate your scent. How to go to the bathroom in the woods. Anything and everything he could come up with Jesse put Jaune through so that he could utilize the knowledge and begin training.

Going to bed after all the training Jaune stopped as he saw his uncle sitting in a lotus position. Wondering what he was doing Jaune walked over and asked softly, "Uncle Jesse what are you doing?"

"I am using my senses to probe the surroundings to find any inconsistencies. If I find one I will go and take a look. Even with all the traps put up there is always a chance for something to slip through. Sit with me. I want you to train this. If you are able to get a handle on it, it will be one of the best lifesaving skills you can learn. It will save you should you ever be sleeping. Once you hear or sense a change in the atmosphere your body will automatically react." Jesse explained without opening his eyes.

Jaune sat a few feet away from his uncle and closed his eyes. He heard his uncles words a few seconds later. "Open your senses to the surroundings. Notice all the plants, animals and insects. Do this for a minute."

A minute slowly crawled by as Jaune did his best to listen, smell and feel for the surroundings. He was having a hard time with all the different sounds. There was just so much to take in.

"Now that you have gotten used to the sounds of the forest try to find any empty areas. It is in the silence that the danger will always hide." Jesse said.

Trying again Jaune listened to the surroundings. After he was able to identify all the insects and animals making noises Jaune 'looked' for the areas his uncle was speaking of. After a few minutes Jaune was able to notice a few spots that were devoid of any sound. Waiting for a little longer Jaune heard the sounds resume. Confused Jaune opened his eyes and asked his uncle, "What happened? There were a few areas that went silent then after a few moments returned as if nothing had happened."

"Ah so you were able to notice them then?" Jesse asked as he turned to Jaune.

"Notice who?" Jaune asked.

"The predators of course. You see Jaune animals and insects have an instinct that tells them they are in danger. This instinct is normally triggered by the killing intent of the predator that is on the hunt. But the very best hunters are those who don't give off any such killing intent until they are in the act. Did you notice that there was one less sound coming from those areas?"

Jaune shook his head. "Well you will get the hang of it if you keep trying. It is less pronounced in the civilized areas but it is still there. Now go to bed my traps will keep everything that can harm us from getting anywhere close. You have a long day tomorrow." Jaune looked out into the woods and saw the eyes of an animal reflected by the little light from the camp fire. In its jaws was a small rodent that had been successfully caught.

'The essence of a Huntsman or huntress. The ability to hunt. To strike without warning and eliminate the enemy.' Jaune said to himself. Jaune made it a priority to practice this skill throughout the next two weeks so he can really make headway.

The two weeks passed quickly without much trouble. There were a few close calls with big predators nearby but Jesse was able to guide Jaune away from them while showing him what to look for. Jaune was marginally successful in his campsite locations. Once turned out to be a nest of bats while the other was nearby a badger den. One of Jaune's boots lost its life that night. Luckily Jesse packed a spare pair in case there was a situation like this.

Other than that, the training had been going very well. Jesse complimented Jaune on his natural affinity to the woodland. Jaune could only flush with pride and a little deprecation as it was not all him as Chiron had explained. Chiron was a hunter for millennia and all those experiences were being injected into Jaune. Since he was in the perfect environment it was being streamlined to his body, mind and soul.

On their final night Jaune was heading to a clearing that he had picked out that would give proficient protection from the elements and animals should there be a problem. As he reached the location Jaune heard the baying of dire wolves and the squealing screech of a pig. Jesse pulled out his staff and buckler in a flash, his body in a ready position to move in any direction.

"Jaune get your short swords out. Prepare just incase something comes our way. We are going to look. If anything goes wrong I will be running away with you on my back so be prepared." Jesse said in a no nonsense voice.

Jaune just nodded and followed Jesse as they went to a hillock that was a hundred yards away. Once they reached the hiilock they crouched down and walked up to the top. As they did Jaune heard a wolf howl in pain before being abruptly cut off.

Jaune tried to regulate his breathing as he looked over the ridge of the hillock. What he saw made his stomach turn. In the basin was a battle ground. Dire wolves were scattered all over the clearing. Some were trampled others were gored while a few had long jagged cuts all over their bodies. Blood was everywhere. Only two dire wolves were left. One with a silver striped pattern on its fur while the other was a brown and black furred monstrosity. But the two stood head and shoulders over the immensely wide spherical shape that squated in the clearing.

A boartusk.

A grim was hunting the pack and was about to wipe them all out.

Hello Fellow Readers!

He comes the second life and death battle. Is Jaune ready to fight the grim like he had been training to? What will Jesse do? What is going to happen? Find out next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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