

Fate turns its eyes to worlds in darkness. Fate does odd things to the worlds it touches upon. It brings the smallest spark and forms it into a massive beacon for the oppressed and a wild fire for its enemies. What happens in the future is anyones guess with the whims of fate. I do this for enjoyment and practice. I own nothing. Please support the authors and creators by following and supporting the releases. World crossover in the future. 5 laid out as of this moment. More to be determined.

CultivatorDragon · Anime & Comics
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Interim 6 Months Part 6

Nobunaga after months of interrogations and hunting in the middle of the night in many different towns and cities she has been able to find someone who can take her to the leader of the underground faction that has been expanding in recent years. While Nobunaga could have gone to those that were already set in their power those ones were not the places she thought she could get most out of. That being the case she felt like there was far more behind the group that was expanding than just the quick expansion. There was real panning behind it and it was well done, in such a way that they gain control with the least amount of bloodshed needed. Which is odd for a criminal enterprise.

With these thoughts Nobunaga was following one of the subordinates that reported directly to the leader of the faction. He was beaten to a pulp with bruises all over his body and a limp. But he was conscious and moving which is all Nobu needed. At the door of a warehouse in the darker side of the town they were currently in the man pounded on the door in a certain pattern. A few moments later another man dressed in a black suit and red tie with sunglasses on his face and a beard answered the door. The man raised an eyebrow at the mans state and looked between the two.

"We had a disagreement that turned physical but we worked it out. She wants to meet the boss so she can join up. Seems she has experience with dismantling organizations. She wants a piece of what the boss is doing. Take us there so he can deal with her." The man Nobu had been following said as he shivered.

Sweat rolled down the suited man's face as he slowly stepped back and nodded as he opened the door fully. "The boss is down the hallway towards the office in the warehouse."

Nobu smiled at the man as she passed causing him to shiver in his suit. Nobu looked forward and felt around with her magic and her senses. She felt that the warehouse was filled to the brim with weapons, dust and men running around as if they had their asses kicked. 'Did they hear about me somehow? Or are they getting ready for a job? Something is going on and it is definitely big' Nobu said as she smiled sinisterly hoping she could cause some chaos while she was here.

Neo and Torchwick as well as Hazel were in the office arguing over the next phase of the plan.

"I have already told you that you are moving too fast. Should you reach too far and fall apart I will not be happy and you have seen what happens when I am disappointed." A deep gravelly voice said. The giant that was leaning on the wall opened his eyes to look at Roman. "Keep this in mind. I do not has as bad of a temper as my employer. I am a pleasant breeze compared to a hurricane."

"Yes I need to move now or the three other families in Vale will come after us. Not to mention if we make too much trouble, like a war with the three other families, the great family of Vale will crush us before the huntsmen do. If I do not put my foot down now and lay out the boundaries of my organization they will trample all over us before we can aid you and your employer. If you don't want to see that happen why don't you go to the three families and turn them inside out and allow us to take over Vale. Or better yet take over the great family. Then there will be no worries as we mop up and take everything in one sweep." Roman said as he pointed his hand with his cigar in-between his fingers at Hazel.

Hazel sighed as he had gone over this again and again with Roman. "You know we can't do that. If it comes out that we aided you by that much we will be on the huntsman radar. Which is something we can not allow."

"Then stop telling me how to run by business if you aren't going to help anymore. Your help was of great assistance earlier with the fourth family of Vale, don't get me wrong but that is not enough if you want that plan of yours to advance as fast as you and your boss want. So help tighten up the ship when we grow and that will solve everything for now. We will encourage loyalty in the coming months and years. If we do that we will be able to create something like the great families of the kingdoms. " Roman took a drag from the cigar before letting out the smoke in a ring. "If we go about it slowly but steadily after we get our foundation we will gain a marked step above the other families with your aid in dust and weapon shipment knowledge."

Neo stood up from the couch and looked at the two before she started gesturing. Roman watched on before he nodded. "Yes and that is exactly what we are doing. One more push and this organization will be recognized as a family by the rest. By then we will have the clout and reputation to start the plan you and your employer have in mind. Plus if we start making inroads with the aggressive faction of the White Fang and give them information on the people they want to hunt we can gain a powerful and deadly partner that will harm the others while aiding us."

"That will put you on the hunstmen radar though." Hazel said as he squinted at Roman.

"We are going to get on their radar anyway. The best way to deal with it is grow big enough and have strong enough reputation to keep them off our backs for long enough to disappear from their minds." Roman said waving his hand.

Hazel gritted his teeth as he asked, "And how are you going to do that?"

"Well the White Fang wants fame and reputation so we will give it to them. Each of our tasks after we find a seat here in Vale we will leave behind evidence of the White Fang as well as make sure we are seen in a different location at the time of the heists and attacks." Roman said. "And since no one knows about you and Cinder we don't have to worry that much."

"I will not be here that much longer. I have been here too long. My mission was to aid you getting a move on from your current status. Now that is done I have no reason to stay longer." Hazel said as he stood up right and closed his fists. As he did the bones popped and snapped.

Roman flinched back in his seat even as he glared at the man. "If you leave now we will not be able to settle our foundation very quickly. It may delay the plans. And Cinder isn't even here to aid us if you leave."

"That is not my problem. You wanted this position so take it. Cinder will be back after her mission is done. She will not be alone when she comes back either. So you will have double of what I was able to provide, if not even more. So do not disappoint me or my leader or you will be dealt with." Hazel threatened as he stepped towards the doorway.

Hazel was stopped as the door was opened to allow the injured guide inside before Nobu followed in behind. The three looked on in question and frustration as they had been talking about sensitive matters.

"You? What are you doing here? Why aren't you at the hideout and preparing for the heist tomorrow?" Roman's voice rose as he yelled at the limping and bruised man.

"My apologies sir. But we have a powerful new recruit who wished to meet you. She passed all of the tests and even the hidden tests you had us use. After passing she proceeded to beat the whole hideout until one of us could bring her to you." The guide said with his head down.

The three looked at the newcomer with questioning gazes what stood before them was something that made them question the validity of what was said. High calf maroon boots, loose pants that billowed at the bottoms, a button up shirt covered by a commanders cloak with ribbons and medals on the sides. On the top of her head was a military cap that was slightly turned to the side, on the front was metal design of a rising sun that extended upward past the material of the cap. The girl had blood red eyes that pierced a persons soul and measured them. At her side was a katana that matched her blood red eyes. A perpetual smile was on her face as she looked around the room at each person within.

Roman felt a cold breeze across his body as if he was being stared at by a demon of the ancient tales. He felt that is he made a wrong move he could be killed in a split second. It had to be noted that not even when Cinder or Hazel showed up Roman hadn't felt this way even if he had seen their abilities first hand as they helps dismantle his enemies. He felt real fear for the first time in his life.

Neo looked up the woman before her and felt the same threat that Roman did but as the girl had looked at her. As Roman and Hazel were shaking as they stared into her eyes Neo noticed the girl look in her direction and wink at her right as she tapped her throat covertly as her fingers walked up to her chin. Neo froze as her mind screamed in warning even more than before. This girl knew her secret. And only two people she knew for sure knew about her voice being healed. As this came to the fore Neo saw a face appear in her mind. He was still the young version of himself who had healed her voice in her mind. She was sure he had grown up and done many things. If that was the case this woman was likely to be the one of the people he met along the way.

'He must have really put himself in very real danger when he healed her.', Neo thought to herself as she shivered putting her arms around herself.

Hazel was shaking as he looked at this woman before him. Even though she had a small form and child like physique, it did not truly hide the danger of her threat. Hazel saw Salem overlap with this person. It was frightening to see that a second immortal demon was on this planet. Sweat rolled down Hazel's body as he took a step away from the girl before him.

As if the whole scene was a mirage the blood lust and danger from Nobu disappeared allowing the three other people to a take a breath. The guide had fallen to the ground and was foaming at the mouth but his body relaxed as the killing intent disappeared from the room.

"Well I can see you three are of fine stock far better than all the ones I have been going through to get here. And from your conversation it seems you have a lot of stuff planned for the future. I quite like a good action plan. I wouldn't mind working for you as long as I get a cut of the future enterprise. Otherwise I might just take my skills to another of these families. If you can't tell I am from the Wild Lands. And things are much bloodier than they are here." Nobu said as she walked over to the couch. Neo was trembling infant of the couch. "Sit down." Neo dropped onto the couch with a thump.

Nobu sat down opposite her and laid herself down onto Neo's legs which were trembling. "Hey stop shaking. I'm not going to hurt you. I was just making a point to the blockhead males." The shaking slowly subsided as Neo was able to calm her heart at Nobu's words. Deep down Neo even agreed with a chuckle at the level of force it takes to get things through the two's thick skulls. Neo's hands moved on their own toward's Nobu's hair but froze when she realized what she was doing.

"I will allow it." Nobu said as she stared, with s smirk on her face, into Neo's mismatched eyes. Neo unfroze and began running her fingers through Nobu's gorgeous black hair. Nobu turned her face to the two still frozen men. "Now what do you say allying yourself to a Demon Lord?" A freakishly wide smile on her face, as her eyes seemed to start spinning in a vortex like pattern pulling in the two men's consciousness. It was cut off before they were devoured.

The two fell backward and gasped staring in horror at the woman who had walked in and taken over everything without even raising a finger.

Hazel immediately changed his plans. He had to stay here to gain information on this new person otherwise Salem's plans would be in danger. He looked on with slowly hardening eyes as his he prepared for the inevitable clash he would have with this woman in the future. He may die but as long as he was able to finish his mission he knew Salem would finish her side of the bargain to eliminate Ozpin. For now he needed to survive and warn Cinder before she arrives.

Roman stared in horror at the woman who had Neo waiting on her hand and foot. Who had taken control of the whole room with a simple look. Roman had seen similar situations before when he was taking his first steps in the criminal underworld previous leaders did the same thing when walking into a room. But Roman recovered far faster than Hazel. Since he was used to the situation he could hide his fear much easier, after all he had years of experience to pull from, while Hazel only had a few years with Salem.

Roman had two emotions roaring inside of himself. One was pure anger at the way the woman was all over Neo as if she was her maid or servant. Neo had been with Roman since the beginning. He had saved her from the depths of hell and she had been his right hand since that time. He had protected, guided, trained and worked with Neo for years and now this woman was treating her just like she was before. But he paused as he didn't see any malice from her or Neo reacting negatively to the situation more than the shock of her killing intent.

The second emotion Roman felt was excitement, pure unadulterated joy at gaining such a powerful ally to aid him in his objectives. He had been waiting for a long time for his shadowy allies to give him the aid he really needed. But now he didn't need to rely upon them any longer. If this woman could do even half the things that Hazel or Cinder could do, which he expected was far from her limit, then he could achieve his dream of being on top of the criminal underworld.

A sinister smirk filled his face as he began to laugh.

Nobu watched this before she looked at Neo who was looking on in confusion at Roman. "I think he just agreed. I look forward to working with you in the future." She lowered her voice until only Neo could hear her. Reaching up with a hand to play with Neo's thick lush hair, which simultaneously blocking her mouth from being read by the rest of the room. "Hello Neo. Jaune sends his regards. I am here to keep an eye on the situation as well as keep an eye on you all. So treat me well." Nobu smiled, though it had a sinister undertone Neo felt in her bones.

Shit was about to go down.

Jaune's deep subconscious. Jaune's doppelgänger or his hollow was looking out into the darkness right beside the dragon core. He had been here since the start of this fiasco. That new "child" had nearly devoured his own father in his search for knowledge and understanding. The hollow sighed as he stared off into the distance where the A.I. was rebuilding the Reality Marble.

"I can't believe such a situation came out of the blue like this. It seems too planned to me. Do you have any idea what happened?" The hollow said as he side eyed the dragon core.

Within the core the black and gold eye looked at him conveying its thoughts.

"No kidding? How many are in danger to call for something like this? I mean I barely understand the capabilities of Jaune and the A.I. and even that is frightening, and I'm supposed to be the most frightening thing in here." The Hollow was nearly bowled over by the growl that came from the dragon core. "Ok, ok. One of the scariest things in here. Sheesh touchy much?"

The Hollow looked down below himself and asked, "So have you been keeping this part separate from Jaune all this time? I had thought he had purged it all when he created the weapons." Below the dragon core and the Hollow was nine circles of hell beneath the a pane of diamond glass. Compared to the Reality Marble they were very small but the Hollow could feel the concentration of evil that flowed from the nine circles of hell below him.

A growl came from the dragon core. The hollow looked at it with widened eyes and a questioning gaze. "Why would they allow it to stay like this? I mean it is a portion of pure evil. If he is the hero they need why allow something like to stay within him. It could lead to a worse situation than before."

The core growled again as it answered the Hollow's question.

"I see. That does make sense. But seems like a ticking time bomb to me. Even if I am a part of it it doesn't make me feel good to know I am going opposite to what Jaune wants and dreams as they are my own beliefs. I also don't like the feeling of being a piece on the gods chess board." The Hollow said as the set of weapons of the stand surrounded him in a circle behind his back. They were all sheathed/connected to the shield that was floating behind the Hollow's back. It made him look a dark version of an Asian god from the other world.

The dragon core growled again towards the Hollow.

"Oh, so the butler looking guy is helping? So each world we go to we gain a new power that will weaken the chains upon us by the gods. That is why he is the go between right now? I see." The Hollow let out a hungry smile. "The battles from this point on will be so much fun!" The Hollow began to cackle as he pulled out one of the weapons. As he did a window to the hell scape below him opened up allowing him to drop in. His laughs began to echo in the nine levels of hell.

The demons, the evil spirits, the corrupted souls and all other evil beings looked up and saw a monster dressed in a black robe descending upon them laughing all the while. White and black energy flew down and crashed upon the ground causing massive explosions that sent the demons, souls and spirts flying into the air screaming.

"Guess I will get a bit stronger while Jaune is taking a nap. Now come! Show me what the evils of humanity can really do!" The Hollow screamed as he rushed those prepared to fight.

Laughter rang out in the nine circles of hell for the first time since its creation. And the nine levels of hell shivered.

In the blank spot between universes a group of beings stood on nothing. They looked at one another before one spoke up.

"Are we sure we want to try this world? From my understanding the god there was crazy and has been sealed away to prevent the destruction of the planet. And from what my sources have gathered they aren't the only god level being in that verse. Far from it." One the shadows questioned.

"If we want the gods that are blocking us out of the way this is one of the best options. All others lead to a longer operation time as well as a dangerous time of discovery. With them as our scapegoat we can act more freely than we have been. Which is something we can all do to have in this critical moment." A second shadow explained.

"But what is to keep them from turning on us as we release them?" A third shadow asked.

"That will be our fourth partners job. He will keep them in check until we have spoken our peace." The fifth shadow said.

An unintelligible groan/growl came from the black mass that was the fourth in line.

"Now let us go." The sixth said as they opened a path to the new verse.

The doorway opens to over look the moon. Looking down they saw the blue and green planet the moon watched over.

"Now let us find the seal and take a peak at this goddess." The first shadow said as it floated to the surface of the moon followed by the five others.

Hello Fellow Readers!

I have a request for you all.

I need to find a world that Jaune can really let loose with his capabilities. One where he has an endless number of enemies while having few interactions with others. This can be a video game world, anime world, or cinematic world, or any other format. Now I have a few ideas already.

1. Doom

2. High School of the Dead (Or any other Zombie filled world)

3. Any Monster filled world

4. Others.

Leave your suggestions in the comments!

See you next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for Reading Fellow Readers!

CultivatorDragoncreators' thoughts