

Fate turns its eyes to worlds in darkness. Fate does odd things to the worlds it touches upon. It brings the smallest spark and forms it into a massive beacon for the oppressed and a wild fire for its enemies. What happens in the future is anyones guess with the whims of fate. I do this for enjoyment and practice. I own nothing. Please support the authors and creators by following and supporting the releases. World crossover in the future. 5 laid out as of this moment. More to be determined.

CultivatorDragon · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs


"Well who do we have here? A servant of Blue and three of Red. Quite the haul if I do say so myself." Rider of Black Astolfo said with a wide smile.

"We do seem to have quite a few visitors on my land." Lancer Vlad III said as he appeared on his horse.

"Grrr!" Berserker of Black only growled.

Caster stood in the back silently.

Tama smiled as she turned to the new group without letting up her vigilance towards the Red faction. "I am glad to meet the Yggdmillennia family's servants. I see your masters are keeping their distance. Hope we all can have a good battle."

Before the Black servants could respond Red's Berserker yelled out in a chortling voice, "Oppressors you will meet your end by my blade! I shall free the people from your tyranny!" He leaped at Lancer. Lancer only frowned and in a second a large number of black spears appeared out of the ground piercing Berserker in multiple places. Rider of Black did not let this moment pass her by as she took her lance and severed Berserker's leg below the knee. The wound had a golden color.

Rider of Red rushed towards Rider of Black. With his spear Red swung at Astolfo who dodged backward with a "Hup" and a smile plastered on his face. He rolled backward and stood back up. Archer of Red sent out arrows at Lancer of Black. He blocked with his spears with a severe face.

Caster of Black sent out his golems to attack the group.

Tama seeing this sent out a few sigil papers which promptly exploded on the golems knocking them out of the fight.

Lancer and Astolfo were both attacked by Rider. Astolfo kept up with half of the attacks with his lance. Lancer kept conjuring his spears to defend from Rider's spear and Archer's arrows. Caster summoned liquid stone to cover Berserker of Red keeping him locked up.

Berserker of Black roared and rushed at Tama who sent out the pieces of paper to stop her in her tracks. The papers exploded knocking Berserker back. Berserker crossed her arms as she jumped back at the explosions. She quickly found her footing and rushed back at a different direction. Tama had to keep her magic usage to a manageable level as to not exhaust Jaune.

Tama noticed how the Black faction didn't have Saber here so that means the battle between him and Karna would be happening at this time. If she was right then Artoria would be helping to defend the other Ruler from the unprovoked attack. Tama felt danger and leaned back as a ray of light passed in front of her face. An arrow was quivering in the ground to her side.

None of the sigil papers had held back this shot. Must be Chiron of Black faction.

Tama smiled as she imagined the look on Chiron of Black's face seeing her dodge his attack due to her being a caster. She returned her attention to Berserker of Black who almost reached her location. Tama dodged down and felt the wind of the metal sphere Berserker swung. Berserker swung in an overhead swing towards the ground. Upon landing, the ground surrounding the impact point depressed and shattered.

Tama seeing this hmphed as she was reminded that she hated fighting Berserkers. Sending out some of the last remaining sigil papers she jumped back to avoid Berserker who did the same.

"Any time now.' Tama thought as she tried to keep everyone in her sight. Movement from her side made Tama dodge but not fast enough to escape the point of a spear that scraped her side cutting apart her clothing leaving a long wound.

Tama put a hand to her wound and looked around. Lancer was gazing at her with emotionless eyes that looked on as a ruler over his rebellious subjects.

At this point the fighting had come to an uneasy stop as the three groups separated ready for battle. Tama spoke up after hearing a telepathic communication from Shirou. "Well it was fun. But I bid you all ado." When she finished speaking the sky behind her lit up with golden glitter like light. A second later all of the heroes put out their defenses and dodged the best they could.

Swords of all kinds with a golden aura slammed into the ground. The ground around was shattered as the weapons hit with immense force.

Tama had disappeared in the ensuing destruction. The Red and Black factions looked on with complicated looks.

Red's Rider and Archer were told to pull back leaving Berserker to his fate. Each had a sour look as they rushed away and dematerialized.

Black's Lancer watched on with a emotionless gaze. Berserker watched with a confused face as she knew the danger she could have been in should the Blue servant have actually attempted to attack her with true killing intent. Astolfo also felt the same as Berserker.

It seemed that Caster's master had a limited amount of prana to supply Caster otherwise they would have seen more of her abilities than the sigil papers she used.

Chiron back at the Yggdmillennia mansion had a focused look on his face, he felt as if that Caster had experienced his archery before. All the same he and the rest of the Black faction would need to fight a lot smarter when they faced her again in the future.

Some miles away a truck had just stopped letting out a blonde young woman who stood on the side of the road. She was preparing herself for a confrontation with one of the servants of the fractions. They were rushing their way to her location. There were three sources she could see. It also seemed that the two of the three were not knowledgeable of each other. Ruler walked off to the side of the road into a wide open field.

A second later a great fireball landed not too far from Ruler. Within the fireball a beautiful man stepped out. He held a magnificent spear of divine origin. His golden armor covered his shoulders arms and legs leaving his midriff open to the world. Seeing this the girl within Ruler blushed, but Ruler herself had no expression as she looked upon the servant.

"Lancer of Red. To what do I owe this visit?" Ruler called out.

"I have a mission to complete given to me by my master." Lancer said as he got ready to attack, "I apologize for this Ruler." Lancer thrust out his spear and a column of flame rushed toward Ruler.

Ruler seeing this spun her hands and a flag tipped spear materialized in her hands. With a wide swing Ruler pushed the flame off to the side avoiding most of the attack. The flame continued on before hitting a stone outcropping and promptly exploded creating a mushroom cloud into the air.

Lancer rushed toward Ruler and began to attack. Sparks flew as the two spears met and separated time and time again. The two moved with movements not possible for a normal human. Only mages could keep up and they would have a hard time doing so. After a furious clash the two separated.

Ruler was truly concerned now. This was not how the war was supposed to go. She was a neutral party in this war and should not be attacked by anyone otherwise they would bring down the effects of the grails defenses. "What are you doing? Don't you know I am the neutral party in this war?"

"It does not matter. I am ordered by my master so there is nothing I can do." Lancer said as he rushed back in to attack.

A blue meteor crashed into the ground in front of Ruler stopping Lancer in his tracks.

"Ah Saber of Black. I meet one of the other factions' servants. Do not get in the way of my mission. I must complete it." Lancer said as they separated by leaping backward.

"Factions'? What do you mean by that?" Ruler asked as the two paused and looked at Ruler.

"Did you not know the new changes to the war? How is that possible? You were summoned by the Holy Grail weren't you?" Lancer asked now perplexed.

Saber was in a similar state. If Ruler did not know the changes to the war then it is likely there was an aberration. Saber and Lancer looked at one another before they turned. In a flash the two enemies attacked the very confused Ruler.

Ruler was able to block both of the weapons but was shot out at immense speeds from the rebound force. Ruler slammed into multiple stone outcroppings as she rolled away from Lancer and Saber. Ruler stood up with some trouble. Blood leaked out from her brow and ran down into and around her eye.

'What is going on? There was another change to the war? How was I not told of this? There has to be an aberration in this war. I have to find it and exterminate it. These two must think it is me from their looks and attacks. How can I prove it is not me?' Ruler thought to herself as she prepared to escape and find the cause of this change.

Before the three could clash again a fourth person joined the combat. Once again, a meteor slammed in front of Ruler between the two servants. This time a magnificent aura was released and subdued Ruler, Saber and Lancer. The three servants all fell to one knee as the person within the dust cloud, picked up by their landing, stood to her full height. In her hand she held a gorgeously ornate lance of silver. This weapon gave off a similar effect of Lancers spear marking the lance as a divine weapon.

"Servants of the Red and Black faction. Stand down. You are out of line. Should you push again I will eliminate you both here." Artoria called out with her king's voice.

"Who are you?" Saber asked as he tried to stand against the enormous pressure.

"I am the second Ruler chosen by the Holy Grail. Due to the aberration found within the sensor range of the Holy Grail. To keep this aberration from bringing on the apocalypse a third faction was formed as a deterrent as well as support for the two original factions. But due to the limits of the Holy Grail, the third faction was also given the ability to contend for the Holy Grail in the war." Artoria explained to the servants. She did this for two reasons; one would be for giving warning to the two other factions of the coming threat and two giving the original Ruler the reason for the late changes.

Having one of Yggdmillennia family members and masters was nearby and compounded the knowledge of a fourth party making its move on the Holy Grail.

Artoria continued as the plan she and the other heroes hinged on the responses the two other factions gave. "I will speak on the behalf of the third faction who I met on my way here. They have no need for the grail and do not wish to take it. They are only here to prevent the apocalypse that is threatening the world by this outside party. In three days time the third faction is offering a meeting between the Red Black and Blue to confront this unknown threat. Please have your masters converse. Their participation in this action will be rewarded. But let me make this perfectly clear." Artoria said as her aura expanded even more pushed down harder on the two servants of the two factions. "Should you hinder our actions to prevent the apocalypse, I have been given the authority, by the Holy Grail, to eliminate you. So, help or stay out of the way. Choose wisely."

Artoria seeing that her message was being relayed turned her back on the two servants and walked to Ruler's side. "Now if you would follow me, I need to introduce you to the third faction and prepare you for the outside threat. There will be a cease to the war for now if the two other factions know what is good for them."

"Oh…ok?" Ruler asked towards Artoria.

At these words the servants of Red and Black got a response from their respective masters and left the area. They returned to their bases to relay the message given to them by the second ruler. Saber rushed to his master's side and after a moment of not seeing any hostile movements he went to the waiting car and the homunculus who was acting as a butler. Lancer on the other hand flew off as a streak of fire into the sky.

Artoria smiled at the stunned Ruler. "I know this is a lot to take in, but we need to move fast so that we can reach the battle ground before those two factions go after one another. Only when we work together can we force the two other factions to move in sync." Artoria kept explaining.

Ruler could only nod at the person in front of her. The force of personality and charisma of this person was something else. Like that of a great king or emperor. Far surpassing her meager level of charisma.

"Oh, I nearly forgot. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the King of Storms as well as the King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon. Last king at the ends of the world. I am a lesser deity level servant; I was pulled from an alternative timeline to keep this one going on by Alaya." Artoria said giving bits and pieces of multiple truths to weave a story that was believable and let few holes to be poked in it.

Ruler's eyes widened at learning the true nature of the second Ruler. Even she a woman of France had known the legend of Camelot and her king. The King of Knights the undisputed greatest knight of all legends and stories.

After a few seconds of her mouth hanging open Ruler responded, "Oh, allow me to introduce myself as well. I am Jeanne d'Arc more commonly known as the Holy Maiden of France."

"Well met knight of France. Are you willing to follow my orders and listen to my words? If you do then the apocalypse can be prevented." Artoria looked on with a serious look upon her face.

"I will do this your majesty. Please guide me and show me the way." Jeanne said to Artoria.

"Oh no need for such formalities. Just call me Artoria." Artoria said with a smile. "We are of the same rank here in this war."

"Oh no I cannot. You are a true ruler and deserve that respect." Jeanne said.

Artoria just sighed at this and responded, "As you like it." A second later she summoned her horse. A white stallion of immaculate beauty shook its head and nuzzled up to Artoria. She patted the horses head and climbed up, "Now we must make haste. Join me so we can make speed."

"Right. Allow me to get my luggage." Jeanne said as she rushed over to where her luggage sat on the side of the road. Jeanne had already healed from her wounds and the blood had evaporated from her face. Now she had returned to her original state. Grabbing her bags she walked over to Artoria and attached the bags to hooks on the side of the saddle. She climbed up behind Artoria. "Ready when you are."

"Right let's go!" Artoria said as the steed reared up and started a gallop. This gallop turned into a blurring movement before it turned into a ray of light. Jeanne looked on in wonder as the world turned into a constant blur. It took only a couple of minutes before the horse slowed down. They had reached the headquarters of Jaune's faction.

An abandoned castle on the outskirts of Yggdmillennia lands. This was on the very edge of the Romani lands; it was also located in such a position that it formed an equal lateral triangle with the two other bases. Artoria got down off her mount and helped Jeanne down as well.

"Oh, why thank you." Jeanne said to Artoria.

Artoria just smiled and nodded. Turning away she walked into the grand hall from the courtyard they had entered.

Entering the hall Jeanne saw a group of men and women who seemed ready to attack or defend on a moment's notice even in their relaxed positions. From the numbers there were at least five servants present. Jeanne had second thoughts for a moment coming up with the idea that Artoria had only brought her there to finish her off. But after thinking on who exactly she was and that thought was a ridiculous idea so she relaxed.

"Hey, hey, hey! They are here! Can someone go get our master?" The huge man held two lances in his hands connected by a chain. He stood up from the wall. He looked upon Jeanne and did a double take. "Hey, Artoria? Why did you bring our master's twin? Wait did he have a twin?"

"No, he only had a younger brother who looked different. They both had orange hair originally. Though it is uncanny how exactly similar they look alike." A man with orange hair and silver gold armor stood. Multiple swords were attached to his sides in multiple ways.

"Yeah, I was pretty surprised upon seeing her as well. Plus, you wouldn't even believe what her name is." Artoria said in a friendly manner to the man.

The man looked back at Jeanne with astonishment, "No, no way. Why didn't that old man tell us?!"

"Hahaha. Probably because he wanted to see the looks on our face when we found out." A girl in a black and red military uniform said with a wide smile.

"Well this is going to be even more interesting. I wonder how her temperament is compared to our master." A girl in a full body purple cloak said in a quiet voice.

"Let's see how our little master reacts to her. I hope it will be as entertaining as I believe it will be." A woman said. She was dressed in a dark violet battle armor with a red spear in the crook of her arm.

Jeanne who had entered the hall was surprised as she felt the power these five servants gave off. Each of them was nearly equal to the lancer of red who had come to attack her. Knowing the name and background of said servant gave Jeanne an idea of the level of power these servants had. Knowing that the power levels of these servants made her wonder on the kind of master they all would share. A moment later they heard the steps from the stairway.

"Hehehe. Now lets see what happens." The military garbed servant said.

Out of the doorway of the stairs came a boy who looked to be of the same age as Jeanne. He had almost the exact features as Jeanne only more masculine. He also had a wider build nearly one and a half times as wide. He was currently dressed in combat boots, blue jeans, a white long sleeve t-shirt and a tactical vest that held a broad sword and a shield on his back. Knives could be seen all along the straps of the tactical vest. Over the vest was a leather jacket that had many runes and sigils all across its surface.

Jeanne knowing warriors for all of her life noticed that under the clothes he wore was a set of full body plate armor. It seemed the servants weren't taking any chances on the life of their master.

The boy froze upon reaching the landing when he saw Jeanne. After a second he looked at all of the other servants with his mouth open and asked, "So why do I have a twin here?"

Hello Fellow Readers!

Things are starting to get heated. Jaune and his heroes are on the move and will not stop until they acheive the victory that they wish. How will Jaune deal with his twin from another world? How will Jeanne deal with all the new things happening around her? What other plans do Jaune and his heroes have in motion? Find out next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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