
Fate Remastered: The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Born during the moment the sun set. The world itself awoke, to greet your entrance. The Sun rose, great, golden, flaming, and did not set until the darkest hours of the night. In its wake, the moon rose, opalescent, glowing white, as you cried out for the first time. The heavens watched with bated breath. All of Earth watched with bated breath. Doom hung by a thread, and at last a goddess bought a crying, screaming, babe into the world: You. Son of Lugalbanda and Rimat-Ninsun. Gilgamesh of Uruk. A man with more blood of the divine than mortal in him. Keystone of the gods. King of Uruk one day. And the First Hero. The King of Heroes.

AmpJ789 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs



Fate/stay night, Fate/Zero , Fate/hollow Ataraxia , Fate/Strange Fake , Fate/Grand Order, Fate Series and Tsukihime in general are the intellectual properties of Kinoko Nasu, Type-MOON, and other respective rights holders. This story is written solely for the purpose of entertainment, and not for any sort of monetary profit. If anything, consider this free advertising.

[Author's Story Warning]

This will be eventually be massively AU.

This story contains unsafe/disturbing material for anyone in general, especially that of those underage or the easily triggered by material mentioned/depicted due to both the source material, ancient practices, storylines and character actions such:

Violence (Extreme depictions)

Vulgar language






Graphic depictions of Dismemberment



Cruel and Unusual Punishments

Explicit Depictions of Sexual Intercourse and Sexual assault of various ages

Extremist Ideology

You have been warned.