
Fate/Rebirth Chronicles

This story is a fanfiction as that has the main world set in Fate and many other works mash up, what I mean I took several character or organization and throw it to make a new worldview, the story will focus on the Fate world first but he will slowly go to other world so expect world hopping but the main will always be Fate. The story won't Immediately start with fate character coming, it start on making the Mc have a backstory in the world first, there will be scene from few of character here and there for about 10-12 chapter. I write this fanfic because I thought I should try it, because it sounds fun. DISCLAIMER : beside the OG character and plot of the Fanfic I don't own any other character that appear in this fanfic. the book cover is search from google so I don't own it.

Empyream · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs


The defense line for the City was heavily siege by the deep dweller, the Golem was slowly consume.

The ground beneath the wall was full of holes that emit smoke because of the explosion from the magic crystal, this was made because the deep dweller destroyed the golem and made a hole to rush towards the wall.

Georgios order the soldiers to let the magic crystal to explode by throwing them in a bundle making an extra obstacle for the deep dweller and eliminating the corpse that they piled up near the wall.

"Master it seems it will be impossible to help Siegfried and Mash, the enemies will use my way out as a loophole in the defense."

"It seems we can only hold on, but the golem number is decreasing by the minute, it will cause huge casualties."

"Master it is normal for a war to eat the lives of these soldiers, all of them here have family member they want to defend in the city, so they can't just retreat, this is a normal thing in this age."

Listening to Georgios words Ritsuka know that the only way she can help the people here by resolving the Singularity, so the incident here can be repaired by the world it self.

"Georgios it seems you need to go down and deal with them to whittle the number, I already order Alex(Berserker) to send back Gilles to the throne of heroes but it seems he is in a huge pinch and is dealing with some intruder."

"Then Master what about your special golem?"

"He succeed on dealing heavy damage to Carmila but it also preventing him from helping us now since it is damage badly."

"Georgios let's go to work, I have rest enough to at least take over the command."

"I order you with my command spell to destroy the enemies in front of us." one of the 2 command spell that was on Ritsuka hand started to shine and slowly disappear, she then said. "With my command spell I order you to use your noble phantasm."

Hearing Ritsuka words the last command spell disappear, Georgios then following Ritsuka order jump down the wall and activated Abyssus Draconis to turn the deep dweller into a dragon kin race and summon his mount Bayard entering the battlefield.

Seeing the action of Georgios who mowed through the horde of deep dweller and making his surrounding become empty because of his sword Ascalon that provide deadly damage to all dragon kin making him easier to cut down the deep dweller.

This action boost the morale of the soldiers in the front line.

"Keep your shield up Man, Follow the Saint, we can't let this monster pass us and destroy our home and cities."



The soldiers were fired up and as if they gain access to another source of energy they started to push back the enemies and plug the hole left by the golem, they then order the golem that was with them to take the front and the spearman and those who hold pike to attack from behind the golem.

Georgios also know that his will not last long so he decide to focus on helping the weak point in the defensive line while also killing as many as he can.

This went on for about an hour before Georgios ran out of mana, he decide to regroup with the soldiers in the defensive line, seeing that many of them were injured, he decide to ask Ritsuka for order.

"Georgios let the soldiers pull back slowly to the wall, From now on we will stay behind the wall, use the golem to slowly fall back, at the same time safe as many golem as you can."

"Understood." Georgios immediately organize a retreat, he told the uninjured soldiers to carry their friends, Ritsuka also command the golem to slowly shrink the defensive line, when most of the soldiers were now inside the wall, Ritsuka order the Special golem made using Fafnir material to rush forwards and enter the horde of Deep Dweller and self destruct.

The rest of the Golem went inside the wall and climb onto the Wall to replace and guard the wall.

"The archer on the wall work together with the Golem to shoot down the incoming enemies, don't be afraid the golem will deal with those who climb up the wall."

"Every officer now is the time for you guys to pick up your weapon and went to the wall and gate."


The casualties started to increase, when the soldiers were all tired, suddenly a flaming boulder suddenly crashed into the cluster of deep dweller.

"MEN, Hurry up and reinforce the guys in the city, Cavalry rush in with me, let's show them the might of French Cavalry."

The ground started to tremble, the Cavalry rush into the group of Deep Dweller mowing everything that was in front of them, the foot soldiers behind also follow up slowly killing them, when the reinforcement went inside of the wall.

"Young lady it is nice to meet you again, it seems the role is now reverse, we will now support you in defending the city."

"Admiral Gill it is nice to meet you again."

"We were indebted to you, I have met your teacher, he is a very wise man, after arriving there he immediately healed and tend to the wounded in the army, he also asked us to tell you that he is waiting for a good news."

"Now Miss. Ritsuka leave the defense to us, we will guard the city with our lives, please deal with the imposter that is using our beloved Saintess name for evil and give her punishment."

"Ahh I almost forgot this is an item that your teacher gave us." Gilles then took out a orb, when ritsuka saw it she felt a huge amount of mana was inside the orb.

She then took the item from Gilles.

"Your teacher said you will understand the use."

"Thanks Admiral Gill, this is what I need the most right now." she then used the orb, the mana inside the orb started to move and fill her mana circuit with mana filling it up, Ritsuka then felt refresh after absorbing it, the orb then shatter after filling ritsuka mana circuit, she then notice one of the command spell in her hand was filled.


A word of thanks to :

ReimAscart VictorWalker 0zymandias Hosea_6679 DeadCat5757 ThreshGasm Dream_More Gitbhang Luis_Contreras_248 Lion_KingSimp1 Phi0fany_11531 Unknown_Wizard SirFawzi Joshua_Gagnon ParallaxDawn kainebartz16 Kliuy2k Greddy_wolf. Saurian_mp4 BIMMM galks Dtrackt Aphos JJ123 GuessTheGender Judy_Morgan_5854 Dtrackt DAO_of_UmU DanKress jaden_cadawas The_Trailer_Master MaXsuL08 NordicRazor Dragler TAYROS_LINK See_rer Rose_BloodKill jkrsa Crystalsinger81 AltrEgo Parsakzz King_8997 PureWhite248 AetherBlacklight UchihaMadara Akito_ Crystalsinger81 Atalyn_Navia ChromeFate Aaron_Evangelista Aamzazap Ethan_Farias Daze_Imaginator Aozu Rainhawk True1ironDragon DaoistgiCsfI flavio_Sampaio_8936 noobmasterop1 Poseidon_M NamelessDeity Stling Bored_Sailor The_Enraged_Tumor Ryuuto_Kirigaya Haze_Plank BMZ LongHao yoru9 Dzetro Liioo Astranee_Astrea Emersonn_Nov Sirawish_Muttamara Redelta Holy_Roon MCoronado Jawblade179 Green_Thorne Draco_9102005 M01marco Wolf_god_420 Rockman_Yo Helia_King Ban_Kai_9754 A_K_I_N_G83884929 Daoist0GxFJE Mthetheleli_Dywili Keisen_Shishigo Robin_Lieurance Suigahama NyannNyann_69 FallenInnocence Ban_Kai_9754 Alex974 Kleisz

for the Power Stone

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