
Fate/Rebirth Chronicles

This story is a fanfiction as that has the main world set in Fate and many other works mash up, what I mean I took several character or organization and throw it to make a new worldview, the story will focus on the Fate world first but he will slowly go to other world so expect world hopping but the main will always be Fate. The story won't Immediately start with fate character coming, it start on making the Mc have a backstory in the world first, there will be scene from few of character here and there for about 10-12 chapter. I write this fanfic because I thought I should try it, because it sounds fun. DISCLAIMER : beside the OG character and plot of the Fanfic I don't own any other character that appear in this fanfic. the book cover is search from google so I don't own it.

Empyream · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Magia Erebea

When I arrive at the Library I see a grand book collection on there, I then asked the Homunculus working there to help me search about mana manipulation and conversion as well as Homunculus and Golem creation and maintenance, I need the research since it will be easier and faster for me since I don't need to research all of the information on my own.

the problem is how I can solve the problem of collecting the offensive magic fired at me, absorbing it, integrate, and assimilate.

the number one problem is collecting them, for absorbing, integrate and assimilate, it can be solved by my heart, because it is a mana reactor on it's own, refining and purifying the mana is a simple task for it.

Gramps then use telepathy to talk to me, we used this method to hide his identity.

'Contractor, with this knowledge, what dost thou intend to undertake?'

'I intend to make a new Magecraft spell, it use is to gather, absorb, integrate, and assimilate the magecraft that was fired towards me, in return it will boost my strength, the problem is the gathering part that stumping me.'

'Master, why hast thou not considered employing the theory of a mana-gathering array or barrier as a means to aid thee in thy spellcasting endeavors?'

'thanks Gramps for your advice, and thank you for deterring Vlad from attacking me.'

he just kept silent after hearing my words of silence, well as stoic as always.

I then re focus my self on my research after several attempt, it seems I need to use my eyes to reconstruct the array for gathering mana, after non-stop researching I finish the research on the magic gathering method, seeing this I choose to rest first fearing that I will become reckless on my research.

while walking to my bed, I met with Siegfried, and I Throw something towards him, after that I continue to walk ignoring his look, after seeing that I don't intend to explain anything he continue to walk to his destination.

after arriving at my room, I decided to close my eyes and let Gramps keep watch of the room, of course I also make some magical traps, using my knowledge on bounded field magic, I made a very unique spell to blow up anyone who open the door without knowing the way to unlock the trap, since with the help of my eyes the magic is now small and complex so no magician or heroic spirit here can undo it unless Gramps was the one doing the job, and probably the shadow of the first Hassan and those who know teleportation.

not long after I was asleep the alarm for the castle sounded making me woke up from my plan on having a shuteyes, after all there's a scene that will started and a chance to make a waves, and since the knowledge I need is already on my head the Yggdmillennia is now useless to me, and there will be chance to take over Yggdmillennia if I want to.

after letting the event of Berserker of Red being capture I focus on the event of Siegfried and Astolfo.

well it will be more interesting since the information was already spread and the fight will be more equal.

"Gramps we will prepare for a battle, so be prepared, and I use one of my golem I made to follow Astolfo."

"As you wish Contractor."

I hide my presence and catch up to Astolfo and the Homunculus from the distance and see Jeanne was coming from the other side.

Siegfried fight resulting in Astolfo defeat, on the other side I saw the Homunculus was injured, I can safe the Homunculus but decide to go against it since it is necessary for Siegfried to save him since it is his wish.

Gordes punch landed squarely on The homuculus resulting in him to enter near death condition, not long after Siegfried and Astolfo arrive.

Astolfo crying was heard. "I'm sorry. I got here too late. this is my fault."

"Master can you heal that homunculus?"

Gordes then scolded Siegfried but he cut in and said. "You don't wish to save him?"

"like I said just shut-." he continue to berate Siegfried before he was knocked unconscious.

surprised by this Astolfo asked Siegfried ."what are you doing?"

Jeanne arrive and called to Siegfried, he then said "I made the same mistake, I almost abandon someone who did not wish anything of me. Instead of thinking for myself, I left the choice to someone else."

"what are you trying to do?"

"I may be liable for having him shoulder a violent destiny."

then without saying anything else he slowly thrust his hand towards his chest then took his heart out.

slowly he walk and approach the Homunculus and put his heart inside of him.

Astolfo asked "then what about you?"

"one sacrifice saves another, that is a fair trade is it not?, Assassin master you are there right, I have a commission for you please grant the boy his freedom, and rider please give my apologies to my master." after seeing Astolfo nodded he throw his coin to the sky before disappearing into particle.

with that I jump from the trees and catch his coin. "your commission is taken, you can go without regret."

surprised by my action both Astolfo and Jeanne, then the Homunculus body started to shine and after the light receded the homunculus become older.

"well this is interesting."

"Alex do you know what is happening?"

"he is now a demi-heroic spirit, since he inherent Siegfried heart he gains a mana reactor to sustain his life and this resulting his body to grow and become an adult version of himself."

while explaining that the homunculus opened his eyes. "good morning Kid, from here on I will protect you from the Yggdmillennia family pursue, you can call me Alex."

he looks confused by my introduction.

"well don't show that face to me, let's all introduce ourselves, started from Jeanne."

"I am Servant Ruler, Jeanne D'arc."

"I am Astolfo, pleased to meet you."

I then check his heart it seems it works perfectly, it seems he is a perfect match for the heart.

"well then it seems I need to be serious, Jeanne could you do me a favor of making sure Sieg safety, as a payment I will cook for you after we are out of this place."

after saying that the Black faction master and servant approach.

"Alex can you explain what happen here?"

"no problem, to make long story short, Saber choose to sacrifice himself to save the homunculus right here, and then he hired me to Gurantee his freedom, I should say the request is quite interesting."

hearing my words everyone around started to frown.

"do you intend to fight against all of us?"

"well I will take on half of you and the other half is left to my servant." I answer them with a calm and relax tone, I signal Jeanne and she understood my signal and started to move and cover Sieg.

I then send a telepathy to her and Astolfo. 'I will erase your presence use it as a chance to get out, don't worry I can find you all so just run and focus on hiding yourself, and close your eyes.' confused by what I say, they can only follow my order.

after saying that a click was heard and a bright light appear covering the eyes of many people, hearing that noise Jeanne and Astolfo understood, after a moment she carried Sieg and Astolfo followed them running as fast as they can.

I then jump backwards and become a dividing line between the Black Faction and Jeanne.

"well now since that is over from here on out none of you will pass me and Gramps." with my words as queue Gramps appear holding his heavy sword.

seeing that all of them was shocked by this.

"Gramps please take care of the servants, I will deal with all the masters, don't kill them we just need to buy time for both of them to run."

"do you think you can stop all of us with just one servant?"

"it was never a doubt, since I took on this request then I will make sure to fulfilled it."

hearing my words the body of Gramps started to burst blue pale flame.

"are you sure you want to do this?" Vlad finally talked.

"the person you protect doesn't even have an Identity, background, nor family, why are you protecting him?"

"well he and I are similar in a certain sense."

with that as the signal Gramps summon a sand storm to cover the whole battlefield, he separate the servant and the master.

the landscape change, into a barren desert.

all the master now was standing in front of me, before attacking I offer Caules. "Glasses if you want you can step aside with your sister." he then took her sister chair and pushed it far away from the location.

"well Mr. Darnic now it is 3 vs 1 your side now become weaker again."

"you're quite over confident, you think your servant can survive the attack of our servant."

"ohh you mean Gramps, I not worried after all if you know his Identity you will understand why." while we were talking a huge amount of mana was collected and fired towards my position.

the shoot landed and cause the sand to fly around and cover their vision.

"to think you will blabber and allow to be sneak attacked."

"Mr. Darnic it seems tactics is all you can do." the sandstorm is settle and there a figure holding a sphere in his left hand. "well let me show you my original magic, Actus Noctis Erebeae."

my body is now change from the original white into black color because of the effect, with this my physic is already at the level of 3rd tier servant.

without giving the moment to regroup I rush Towards Darnic, he then put a magic shield as well enhancing his physique.

seeing this I tore his magic barrier using my right arm and chant. "Dextra Emittam." releasing the magic in my right arm towards Darnic.

Darnic then lose his consciousness because of the heavy Impact and pain from having few of his bone broken.

"well now the lady over there, would you mind giving Rider to me?"

"like hell I would, kill me if you want, I won't hand over Rider's master authority to you."

hearing her words I walk towards her slowly while showing my killing intent, Celenike was intimidated by my killing intent. "wait, I will give you the command."


to make sure, I caught her by the neck so she went do any funny stuff when transferring the Authority.

"well, this is probably enough." I sent a telepathy to Gramps telling to end the fight.


A word of thanks to :

ReimAscart VictorWalker 0zymandias Hosea_6679 DeadCat5757 ThreshGasm Dream_More Gitbhang Luis_Contreras_248 Lion_KingSimp1 Phi0fany_11531 Unknown_Wizard SirFawzi Joshua_Gagnon ParallaxDawn

for the Power Stone