
Fate/Rebirth Chronicles

This story is a fanfiction as that has the main world set in Fate and many other works mash up, what I mean I took several character or organization and throw it to make a new worldview, the story will focus on the Fate world first but he will slowly go to other world so expect world hopping but the main will always be Fate. The story won't Immediately start with fate character coming, it start on making the Mc have a backstory in the world first, there will be scene from few of character here and there for about 10-12 chapter. I write this fanfic because I thought I should try it, because it sounds fun. DISCLAIMER : beside the OG character and plot of the Fanfic I don't own any other character that appear in this fanfic. the book cover is search from google so I don't own it.

Empyream · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Library, Confirmation

"Alex let me down, I won't escape anymore."

"no, the last time I believe you, you started to run after I put you down, or do you want me to hang you upside down in the cafeteria as the punishment for running."

"wait, wait Alex, I am serious I won't run anymore, I swear it on Mash."

"Senpai what are you talking about?"

"so you mean if you ran the one who will be punish is Mash?, are you okay with that Mash?"

"hmm, I trust Senpai won't do that anymore." while saying that the atmosphere become bright, as expected of her."

hearing Mash word Ritsuka become quite.

"hit you in the heart doesn't it Ritsuka." my word jabs at her guilty conscience, making her become even more quite, while saying that I let her down knowing that she won't escape anymore.

three of us walk towards towards the library on the Chaldea.

arriving there I let the both of them sit while I walk toward the bookshelf and find the book that is filled with detailed explanation of true magic and their user.

"well this is the book, you girls start to read it first, when there's any question you girls can ask me."

after handing both of them the book and letting them read the book, after a while Ritsuka look up and ask me a question.

"Alex can you show us how true magic works?"

"it is fine, I will show you."

I first tried to show them 1st true magic, by creating a glass.

"this is the most basic use of 1st true magic, to create something from nothing, but this seems to be a misconception on it's own."

"Alex what do you mean by misconception?" Ritsuka asked

"the item I create is using the small atom in the surrounding and changing their form into a glass I hold here, the reason why I know this is because I the 4th true magic."

"the most closest example is LAPLACE system, 4th true magic is a magic that can predict and see the movement of atom of course you can manipulate it in a limited way."

"then Sensei isn't 1st and 4th magic the same."

"no they are different, one focus on manipulating and the other focus on sensing and predicting atom."

"but you say the 4th can manipulate atom in a limited way?"

"when I say manipulate the 4th can only move it or break an atom at most of course this can be only done by me because of my eyes."

"while if you have the 1st magic you can manipulate it but can't see or predict it."

"then sensei what is the 3rd magic."

"it is the magic that materialize the soul, basically I can touch and manipulate the soul, so even if the enemy turn into spirit I can destroy it or if you die I can revive you."

"Alex then can you explain your original true magic."

"of course."

I first tell her the explanation of Magia Erebea, starting from it's name, and the use of the magic.

"then Alex that means you directly manipulate mana itself, aren't you too strong."

"well it does have a side effect, but I already mastered it so the side effect is now gone and different from other magic I can teach it to anyone."

"then Alex please teach me, I want to use true magic as well."

"no, it is too dangerous, if you failed to learn it I need to kill you."

"Sensei why do you need to kill someone who failed to learn your true magic."

"there's a connection to the name of Magia Erebea, it means Dark Magic, the reason is because you will be tested by your inner darkness, if you fail you will lose the ability to use magic or became a monster that lost any reason."

after hearing my words they become quite.

"then Sensei will you lose control?"

"no because I already mastered it, before I mastered it my body will turn black and become monster like, now it will depend on the attribute I absorb, and of course because of that I can manipulate the mana and do cool things like manipulating gravity, space, or even time if I was given time to learn it."

"why is that Sensei?"

"because unlike normal Magus, I can directly change the attribute of mana itself, that means now I can manipulate every attribute known in the world."

after saying that I continue to teach them knowledge about magic, starting again from the basic until the intermediate level, giving the two of them chance to review.


after teaching them I let them head back to rest and relax after the mission.

I then decide to walk towards Roman room, deciding to ask some question towards him.

arriving at the front of his room door I knock at it, after a brief moment the door was automatically opened.

"yo Alex what can I do for you?"

"Roman there's something I need to ask you?"

seeing the atmosphere changed he then close the room door and locked it, his aura started to change.

"ok Alex, there's no one that can hear us now."

"I know the person behind the scene is Solomon, but it is impossible since in front of me is the real one, so can you explain how can your demon get out control and become the subordinate of the person behind the scene."

"as expected of you Alex, you can easily see this, but why did you keep quite about this?"

"because I need to make sure of something, after all since he is your demon I can understand it as you are the one who order him to kill most of the Master and almost killing Marie right."

hearing this he sigh and started to tell me the reason why the demon he control is now under the order of someone else while he was here and living his life as a normal human.

"ok I understand, I won't tell them since it will make them suspicious and will make a divide between us in Chaldea."

"you believe me that easily?"

"well I can tell if you are lying or not."

"is that so, I am happy to hear that from you Alex."

"Roman, I like woman."

"I know you like woman, I am married as well."

"well you can't blame me, the atmosphere become weird after you said that."

hearing my words he became speechless.


A word of thanks to :

ReimAscart VictorWalker 0zymandias Hosea_6679 DeadCat5757 ThreshGasm Dream_More Gitbhang Luis_Contreras_248 Lion_KingSimp1 Phi0fany_11531 Unknown_Wizard SirFawzi Joshua_Gagnon ParallaxDawn kainebartz16 Kliuy2k Greddy_wolf. Saurian_mp4 BIMMM galks Dtrackt  Aphos  JJ123  GuessTheGender  Judy_Morgan_5854  Dtrackt  DAO_of_UmU  DanKress  jaden_cadawas  The_Trailer_Master  MaXsuL08  NordicRazor  Dragler  TAYROS_LINK  See_rer  Rose_BloodKill  jkrsa  Crystalsinger81  AltrEgo  jaden_cadawas  Parsakzz  King_8997 PureWhite248  AetherBlacklight  UchihaMadara  Akito_  Crystalsinger81  Atalyn_Navia  ChromeFate Aaron_Evangelista  Aamzazap  Ethan_Farias  Daze_Imaginator  Aozu  Rainhawk

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