

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

The Celt Servants

(Author's Note: I am getting frustrated at this point, who the f*ck does all the things at the last? Of course my father!! He is a blatant hypocrite and liar!!!!!!!! My body is aching in pain, and I have to travel everywhere because he didn't do a bit of the preparation that needed to be done before!!


I am tired at this point, I am seriously thinking of quitting being an Author, my life has gotten worse)


Poseidon Pov

There are things that needed to be done in this singularity for me to achieve my goals, and one of them will be defeating the two other factions. We are currently assaulted by the Celts' servants under Medb and Cu Chulainn. They had surrounded us and then tried using a Noble Phantasm to separate us but with me using the tenth-tier spell creation they failed to achieve that.

"Tsk, he negated the effect of my Noble Phantasm it would seem things aren't going to boring as I expected", a man with a broad chest and purple hair said, another man with long blond hair going all the way down to his waist looked at me and said," It would seem you are the Divine Spirit Lady Medb has told us about".

I looked at them mockingly and said," Let me guess, you three are boy toys of that slut?", their expression changed into one of fury. " Haha, you sure have some guts", said Fergus, " It would seem we will need to have your heads, for insulting us", said Fionn, I looked at them as if looking at some idiots.

" Well, if you three are so nice to offer your lives to me, then how can I be so heartless to refuse it?", I said with a playful smile," What do you mean?!", said Diarmuid as he got in a battle stance holding both of his spears." Rama, Nightingale, Artoria, Jalter, and Nero, demolish them", I ordered my subordinates who without waiting any further charged at them.

Their eyes widened as they finally understood the situation they are in, they are really stupid I guess. Meanwhile, Geronimo, Billy the Kid, and Robinhood remained at their place confused, both of them knew I had taken over the resistance as their Leader, and since I didn't order them they didn't know what to do in the current situation.

I glanced at them and commanded," You three go ensure there aren't any hidden threats", they nodded hearing that, and quickly went to do the job I gave them out of nowhere so they don't feel left out, then I shifted my focus back on the battles unfolding before my very eyes. Nightingale and Nero fought against the guy who I will call a bulldozer. His noble phantasm demolishes terrain, after all, thus such a crude name fits him well.

On the other hand, Artoria and Jalter fought against Fionn beating him into a pulp and Rama battled against the Master-con, Diarmuid. The battles seemed more like one-sided bullying than actual battles as Celts were fighting against servants who were stronger than them in every aspect.


3rd Pov

Nightingale gave a jab in Fergus's stomach, and Nero attacked him with her sword, their coordination wasn't anything special but slowly they were gaining an upper hand against him. Seeing the situation disadvantageous for him, Fergus decided to use his Noble Phantasm, "Spiral, ready! Let me show you the true rainbow...Caladbolg!!!", shouted Fergus as his Noble Phantasm demolished the entire terrain, the situation changed quickly and both of them fell into an unfavorable situation.

"Damn it!", Nero said annoyed with the constant destruction of the terrain, Nightingale narrowed her eyes and looked at Fergus who laughed like a madman, then she jumped on top of him ignoring all the attacks for Noble Phantasm as if her skin was made up of Nemean Lion's hide.

"What?!!", shouted Fergus in disbelief as Nightingale punched him with her full strength, by the nick of the time he managed to evade her attack successfully, Nightingale glared at him and said," I get it now, you Celts are pathetic diseases, and you spread this disease to other people, the disease called 'war', you ambushed us and your intent should have been battling against us, but you have destroyed the entire Town where innocent people live for no reason other than finding this conflict amusing".

Fergus replied annoyed," This is a battle, bloodshed, and destruction are bound to happen and if those people can blame anyone then that should be themselves! Their own weakness... for being pathetic...for being unable to save their town!", Nightingale's eyes turned red hearing that, and Fergus's fate was sealed at that moment.

"I see, it seems you are needed to be cured!!! Nightingale's Pledge!!", she said activating her Noble Phantasm, a giant figure of a woman wearing a Nurse's uniform manifested above her and attacked Fergus who tried defending himself but suddenly fell on the ground feeling extremely weak, he understood the ability of Nightingale's Noble Phantasm in a second feeling his own abnormality.

"A- Noble Phantasm that nullifies the combat ability", he said baffled, then he glanced at her and smirked," So what you won't be able to ever defeat me like this!!", he said," Umu! It seems you have forgotten me!", Nero said charging at Fergus whose face became pale seeing her, "Behold my glory... Hear the thunderous applause... Sit down and praise... My Golden Theater! Kingdom of Heaven and Hell... My heaven, reconstructed! This is where the limelight shines!", she said the chant necessary to use her Noble Phantasm.

The reality marble materialized as a theatre trapping Fergus inside it, the next moment Nero slashed his body several times injuring him severely, and then red petals followed her attack finishing him for good. " Umu! That's what you get for fighting against me!", she said with pride filled in her voice, Nightingale came beside her and asked," I had already used my Noble Phantasm on him, why did you use yours?", Nero replied very seriously," How can I kill him in such an unrefined way? He should have died in a way, which foretold his departure in the form of a dazzling art!".

Nightingale tilted her head in utter confusion, while Nero looked as if she had won the Holy Grail War and not killed a servant who was completely powerless.


Jalter and Artoria fought against Fionn, unlike Nightingale and Nero, Jalter and Artoria were at a clear advantage, and not long before Fionn was beaten black and blue and plummeted to the ground. " You are pathetically weak", commented Jalter, Fionn coughed out blood and then stood up slowly," Two beautiful ladies are beating me instead of some burly guys, I guess it isn't half-bad all things considered", he said.

Artoria scoffed and said," Are those your last words?", Fionn grinned and said," It seems I have to use my trump card now! Now is the time for a glorious victory! This is the one blow that has slain fallen gods. Taste it with that body! Mac a Luin!", a swirl of water surrounded him, then all the water focused on the tip of his spear and got released as a beam of highly condensed water with magical energy.

Jalter looked at the attack with a scoff and then said, "La Grondement Du Haine!", her Holy Flage shined brightly and absorbed the attack leaving Fionn shocked, then returned the attack with strength befitting of an EX Rank Noble Phantasm and obliterated half of his body. Fionn fell down on the floor and said," So it has come to this-", his mouth stopped as Jalter impaled his core with her Holy Flag.

" Pathetic", said Jalter, Artoria came beside her and said," As the Liege said, other than the names he had mentioned others are so weak that they can be disposed of easily", she nodded agreeing with her.


Rama battled against Diarmuid with an obvious advantage, " Let me ask you one thing before we battle at our full power, have you heard of any girl known as Sita?!", he asked him, Diarmuid ignored him and at strikes him with both of his spears, Rama seeing this quickly summoned Trishula of the Shiva in his another hand and successfully blocked Diarmuid's attacks who quickly made the distance between them.

"Not bad, also not heard of that girl you are speaking of", Diarmuid said, Rama gritted his teeth and said," If that's the case, then I shall waste my time no longer on you", Diarmuid's eyes narrowed hearing that and he prepared to attack him with his Noble Phantasms, "Witness my power! The Immortal Blade that even the Rakshasa King succumbs to, takes form! Take this! Brahmastra!".

His sword floated above him and started spinning at rapid speed, red lightning crackled around it as its center turned pitch black as it rotated thousands of times per second. Diarmuid didn't stay still and said," Revealing Noble Phantasm. Drill! Gáe Dearg! Gáe Buidhe!", he stabbed at him aiming for his heart and neck simultaneously.

Rama seeing this quickly used Trishula in his hand to block the former attacks and kicked against the latter successfully parrying it, Diarmuid's eyes widened in shock, disbelief could be seen on his face," Im-Impossible, you blocked a Noble Phantasm with your bare legs?!", Rama smirked and threw Brahmastra at him and said," I know a bit about martial arts as well".

"You Bastard!!", he shouted as his body disintegrated from the impact of the Godly Weapon, he then fell on the ground groaning," Damn, that took a lot out of me, using two Noble phantasms simultaneously is really a bad idea", he said lamenting how he used his second Noble Phantasm to summon unnecessarily an extremely strong noble Phantasm where any D Rank Noble Phantasm would have done the job.

(A/N: His second Noble Phantasm lets him summon Noble Phantasms from Hindu Mythology)


Poseidon Pov

The battle finished in mere minutes and as expected we emerged victorious, all of the servants returned back with tired looks," Nice! We have defeated three of their servants while not taking any casualties ourselves!!", said Nero merrily, Jalter said," As those weaklings could have done anything to us, and even if that dog had come here he would have been helpless against the Lord".

" Now that we are free from any disturbances I want to know who are you!", said Nero pointing her fingers at Poseidon who said," Well, I am God of the Seven Seas, the Lord of Water, and one of the twelve Olympian Gods, people know me as Poseidon, but you might know me as my Roman alias, Neptune".

Nero froze and remained unmoving for a few seconds before her face contorted in surprise," What?!!!".

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Again, I have to give a small chapter because of some annoying person{ Not gonna mention him}, I have to go now for some annoying stuff.

P.S.: Have a nice day!)