
God of the Gods V/S The Strongest Greek Hero Part 1

(Author's Note: Webnovel guys have changed the interface of the Inkstone a little bit I think? Whatever the case new one looks better!)


Poseidon Pov

I entered the forest near the Yggdimillenia Fotress, If I am not wrong the war between the two factions should start soon, it was currently evening, and I traveled in my spirit from finally finding something, so someone, it was none other than the Two Gay bois, Astolfo and Seig who has no name right now.

I watched silently as Astolfo dramatically told Seig the meaning of life and freedom, soon some Golems appeared which were quickly finished off by the trap, I decided to materialize and did just that in front of him, he saw me warily stood in front of Seig and said," How about we talk on it a bit later on? Quickly run away from here!".

Then he quickly attacked me with his lance as Seig started running away, I summoned my sword and covered it in Touki making it a D-rank Noble Phantasm same as the rank of his Lance except the fact I don't have any energy-related moves. He quickly got ready," Trap of Argalia", and shouted his Noble Phantasm's name.

His lance started glowing, I decided to not dodge it despite being fast enough to pull off a dodge as I wanted to test my sword technique Absolute counter, after all, I need to know if it can counter energy attacks as well which are 70% of the Noble Phantasms attacks in this entire Moon Type Universe.

His lance threw a blob of shining golden energy and I used Absolute Counter to Counter it, and thankfully the technique worked as I intended to as it countered the attack and threw it back to Astolfo who despite being surprised managed to dodge it, he looked at me shocked and shouted," Just with raw skills?!! Tsk, it is going to be harder than I thought".

I calmly put my sword back surprising him and looked at the Seig who while quite far has stopped running and was looking at our battle," Your name is Astolfo right? How about we stop our battle? You want to make that Homunculus free right? So you better escort him far away right now before your Master arrives".

He looked at me surprised and wary, but then suddenly a smile appeared on his face, and asked," Really?! I didn't think you would understand my feelings as well! And yes now that you say I do need to escort him a bit far away so he can truly be free, Thankyou! Lord Poseidon!", after that he quickly summoned his Hippogriff and looking at Seig he said," C'mon we gotta leave you a bit further from here".

The Homunculi nodded and came near with apparent fear towards me, I asked Astolfo," What is his name?", he stopped and looked genuinely concerned," He doesn't have one! How about I give you one? How does Rema sound to you? No it's too girly? How about Arthur? No that's a name of a famous King? Usha? Eh? So what you want as your name?", he looked at him for an answer.

Seig looked troubled and confused by Astolfo's rant and said," Ah- I don't know", I sighed and said," Eston, how about we name him Eston?", Astolofo looked at him and he nodded," That sounds good", Astolfo came and grabbing my hands he started swinging," Thankyou for the name suggestion Lord Poseidon!!", thus the boy who was Eston now said," I- I want to thank you sirs, both of you!", he bowed gratefully.

Astolfo waved his hand and said," No need to thank me Eston, now get on Hippogriff, I need to make sure you are away from all the conflict here", he nodded and got on it, then Astolfo gave me a thumbs up and said," See you later on! Now let's fly Hippogriff!", the beast roared and then flapping its wings it flew up.

Once he have went considerably far away I muttered," That was weird", well I can't say much about Astolfo's weird and cheerful personality on top of that he has a curse called Evaporation of Reason which might be a factor in how weird he is, I decided to ignore it and go to the battlefield where top Servants like Achilles, Atalanta, Vlad III are, my plan was fairly simple.

Kill them, win the Holy Grail War and that's it, as for why I left Astolfo left because while weak he is useful to have as an ally, going against Serimanis who is the Queen of poison will be a hassle especially when I am a Demi-Divine Heroic Spirit and susceptible to her attacks which might be fatal so having some loyal help will be fine and knowing his personality I am sure he will more than happy to help me.

I soon reached the open field only to see Achilles and Atalanta fighting against Homunculus and golems which were just acting as canon fodder, they quickly spotted me and stopped for a bit, I walked slowly while summoning my sword, Achilles with a smile bowed and said," Nice to meet you again Lord Poseidon, you should have at least told us who you are last time, I could have at least thanked you officially for gifting me my Chariot".

I took a fighting stance and said," Let's stop this useless chat and start fighting", he chuckled and said," Sorry Lord Poseidon but I am here to defeat a worthy opponent, not an opponent who can decimate me in seconds, thus he will be fighting you!", Atalanta who had finished up all of the homunculi stopped and said, "Let's get back their battle might be a lot more dangerous".

I quickly without saying anything attacked Achilles using my quick agility but he parried it and said," I know I can't fight you but he can", my eyes widened as both of them changed into spirit forms I angrily grunted as I heard a roar, looking towards where the roar came from and saw a huge figure coming towards me at an extremely fast speed.

My eyes widened realizing who he is, Hercules came towards me speed breaking Sound Barrier easily, I quickly covered my sword in denser touki making it D+ Temporarily, and using counter I deflected his attack, but the force of his attack made my hand a bit numb and the ground below me cracked.

I quickly made some distance between us and thankfully my agility was A+ compared to his A which made me able to go twice as fast as him if I gave my all, and I did just that and quickly asked the system,' System will my abilities will be counted as a different type of attack even if I were to use the same weapon for it? '.

[Yes, Master that's the case however after using a technique, ability or spell once his defense against it will become higher making it difficult to kill him again with that attack as it is almost nullified till his actual death], the system quickly explained to me.

Meanwhile, Berserker chased me at a rapid pace but with my superior agility I dodged his attacks and continued making some distance between us, finally, I stopped and coated my hand and Sword in dense touki, the rank of my Noble Phantasm aka Sword remained D+ while my strength increased to A+, I quickly used my A rank technique absolute counter to counter his attack.


Huge air pressure was generated breaking ground around us as I countered his attack and the force of his attack returned at him, but surprisingly only a small scratch appeared on his Chest, grunting I continued using Absolute Counter to counter his attack and inflict damage at him.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clan*

"*Roarrrrrr*", he roared as he suddenly jumped hundred of meters high and like a meteorite using gravity to his advantage breaking the sound barrier leaped at me and swung his axe-sword, I smiled bloodthirsty not wanting to waste this opportunity and using Absolute counter at its full power I countered the huge force of his attack.


The ground below me cracked even further as all the debris was thrown away due to the huge pressure, I gritted my teeth as I tried to counter the huge force from his attack and managed to do that, I quickly returned all the force on his chest finally managing to inflict a deadly attack.

"*Roaaarrrr*", Hercules quickly made some distance between us and then looking at me with intense anger he leaped me at again, "F*cking cockroach", I cursed as I again deflected his attack but used C Rank Skill Counter instead not wanting to waste mana any further, thankfully my sword style countered his aggressive fighting style but we are in a deadlock.

I tried to inflict some attacks with aggressive attacks but with his budget Spider-Sense ability he somehow evaded it, I finally coated my whole body in touki doubling all my Parameters and mixing my fighting style with the sword style I started attacking him,"*roar*", he roared in pain as with my superior parameters I started inflicting injuries on him while not very fatal once taken together with his previous fatal injury and all other I inflicted on him it can be deadly.


With my temporary four times Agility, I used the Absolute Counter attack on his chest dodging his attack and managed to inflict another fatal wound on his body, as a deep cut appeared on his chest which even showed his heart.

"*Roaarrr*", he roared in pain as his body started slowing down and he finally died, at least once, I quickly made some distance between us as his body glowed brightly, smoke came out of his body as all of his injuries healed letting him return to his top shape. I smirked and said," I am finally gonna all out against you a Mega Cockroach".

He roared and grunting came towards me angrily, I used my Strongest Sword Ability Sword Deprivation Sword Kingdom and my four times bas agility even became even higher as I used the strongest of Five Secret Arts, unsurprisingly I easily countered all of Hercules's attacks, and at a rapid speed.

*Clang* *Clang*

Using the full power of this technique I attacked him from different sides, several attacks at once which defied the laws of physics as I simultaneously performed all of them. Just in a few seconds of the ordeal, I managed to kill him, fatal injuries appeared on his chest, his both hands separated and so did his head.

I made some distance again waiting for his next resurrection as I thought,' There goes my other ability, thankfully all of my three trident techniques are Aggressive so I should be able to kill him three more times with them ', I watched him resurrecting helplessly, but just as he was about to resurrect.

I summoned my trident, and approaching him from behind I used my Technique Wrathful Amphitrite and the moment he finished resurrecting a circular hole appeared on his chest killing him again, he roared helplessly as he resurrected again much quicker than before. I jumped in the air hundreds of meters above leaving a huge crack in the ground.

Breaking the sound barrier in half a second I was above hundred of meters, I quickly took aimed my trident below as I started falling to see Hercules who has already jumped towards me and approached me at a rapid speed, I gave a bloodthirsty smile as I used my second trident technique.

Countless afterimages of my trident appeared before Hercules as helplessly all of his limbs separated from his body at the same time leaving gaping holes in his chest, we both fell and I landed broking another piece of ground, smoke started coming out of Hercules's dead body which was hundreds of meters away.

Half of my Mana has already been used up and now came for me to use my strongest Trident Technique, I took my stance as resurrected Hercules ran towards me breaking the sound barrier, I finally shouted my technique," Medusa Alope Demeter!", a dome of countless after mirages of me surrounded him as breaking the law of physics I attacked him with hundreds of attack simultaneously.

Thousands of deep holes appeared all over his body, and roaring in pain he fell on the ground, stopping I clicked my tongue in annoyance,' And he has 7 more lives to go while I am finished using all of my techniques ', I thought as I unsummoned my trident as well, finally unequipped I clenched my fists covering my whole body in touki.

' If I don't have any more techniques then I will beat him using my fists ', I thought as I gave resurrected Hercules a bloodthirsty smile," Come here you King of cockroaches have a taste of my fists", he roared as he leaped towards me while swinging his sword axe at me.

To be continued...

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