
Fate only binds you if you let it

After the events of Ragnarok and when Loki/Atreus was able to find all the Giants he wanted to relax bit then he stumbles to find a gate in his travels but not just any regular gate but one forgotten by both time and space then years later After finding the gate the wheels of fate have been changed forever more as for Remnant it is not prepared for the storm of destiny that shall present itself for shall it be changed forever shall it fall into the deepest darkest pits of despair or shall it encounter the light and regain redemption I don't own anything related to RWBY or God of War does belong to their original creators and also I don't own any drawings or videos that are going to be used as a reference also i don't own this drawing as the cover

Joyboy325 · Anime & Comics
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Meet the Arcs

"You are the unknown variable that will shatter a millennia worth's of careful planning so you shall be dealt with permanently"

Said a woman in a black dress sitting on a black throne made of bones And a crown on her head


"No, you are no monster do you hear me!"

Spoke a red-haired man with a bow strapped to his back with a green line tattoo going over his left eye


"The descendent of the 'SLAYER OF GODS' I shall make sure you're the last of your kind"


"The chains of fate shall catch up as death for the one that was meant for, escaped its grasp"

"Not while I live and breathe"

"Ha! perfect set of words for the fate meant for said individual"

Spoke a beast with wings that spread wide with a roar that was shaking the ground he stood on


 Eyes slowly opened and to see it was morning and hearing the birds singing the gentle air and explosions happening wait what

BOOM! As the whole building shook, the face of the person just looking at the ceiling like it was a daily occurrence, and while hearing one yelling

"! Persephone Maple Arc what did I say about using magic inside the house!" yelled out a mature feminine voice

"! Sorry mom!" yelled out an apology a younger female voice of the now-named Maple 

As the person still lying in bed let out a tired groan and turned to the side

Then as the door swings open to see two black-haired girls that look alike except for a few tiny distinct differences in their eyes are one of them while one has sky blue the other has hazel-colored eyes

Then one walked up to the bed at the tired young man

"c'mon big brother you're going to be late for grandfather's training again and you know what happens when your late," said the sky-blue eyes girl

This had the instant effect that the girl was hoping for, as the boy instantly jumped out of bed and pushed his sisters out of his room as he was getting dressed up for his training with his grandfather and Father

As the twins walk down the hallway, they talk to each other "Chrysas I think that was a bit mean to... to what we did to Jaune" shyly stuttered the girl with hazel eyes

The now-named Chrysas looks at her shy twin sister with a playful look "Well from the looks of it, it seems like he doesn't remember that it's his birthday and besides we need him to be out of the house for a while for preparation and don't worry about it Asimi he'll probably be told by some of the shopkeepers oh and I asked for some help from a certain friend of ours" she said in a very excited tone

But Asimi knew what her twin sister Chrysas was thinking this wasn't the only reason but there was another reason behind it and oh boy if she knew what her sister was thinking and the only thing, she could think of saying was

'Good luck to you big brother ' was the only thing she could think of praying for her brother's safety for she knew what was about to happen 

"And besides I technically wasn't lying to Jaune he does have to do something with grandfather, and I know what he's going to do," said Chrysas as they were walking downstairs with a smug look

This caught her sister by surprise because being able to figure out what their grandfather is thinking is basically something thought to be impossible 

"How ...how do you know what grandfather is going to do for Jaune on his birthday?" asked Asimi in curiosity 

"I am that smart and incredible you kn-"

"You were eavesdropping on him weren't you "interrupted Asimi giving her sister a deadpan look

"Maybe~," said Chrysas while looking to the side avoidings her sister's eye contact 


The twins turned their heads to see that it was Jaune who tripped down the stairs and looked like he just got out of the shower but quickly picked himself and ran to the kitchen but then heard another voice ask

"Woah what's up with Jaune why's he in such a rush is" asked another female voice as the Arc twins turned around and saw their elder sister Saphron

"Well, he overslept and is kind of late for his training with grandpa" said Chrysas with a smile which made Saphron quirk a brow in this implication

"But today is his birthday?" stated Saphron squinting at her younger sister do to her being known for her playful nature and pranking others and being a big trickster getting it from their father though he knows when it's a good time to joke

Then Saphron lets out a sigh "why did you lie to Jaune" and asked her younger sister

Then she looked offended when hearing this "how dare you I don't lie"

And the only reaspons she got was a look from them that says 'really'

"That much" she muttered at the end

"She technically didn't lie this time though" answered Asimi to her elder sister which made Saphron to quirk a brow and to say oh

"Yeah, surprised me too" honestly said Asimi earning a hey from her twin

"But what Chrysas heard from eavesdropping from grandfather was that it had something to do with... what was it? "After that her twin sister decided to tell them since she never told her twin sister properly

"I couldn't hear everything because I was almost caught but it had to do with a type of test that Grandpa was going to do for Jaune what the test is though I don't know" Answered Chrysas to both of her sisters but before more could be said


As they herd someone running, they turned to see that it was the birthday boy himself and that he was running while having bread on his mouth with him franticly putting on his armor as he runs past them but before he could

"Jaune Deimos Arc where do you think you are going young man" said a female commanding voice that he knew too well as he finished eating his toast the person was

"Mom good morning you look beautiful as always" answered the nervous young knight scared for his life for his mother called him by his full name which parents only do to gain your attention for either you were ignoring them, and they kept trying to get your attention and they were getting annoyed, or you did something wrong and you don't know what you did wrong

the blonde woman eyed her son for a moment then smiled warmly at him "happy birthday Jaune how does it feel to be 17 years old now" said the female Arc matriarch

"If I'm being honest, it feels surreal like time went by to quickly and the whole situation with the red horns out there causing chaos and all because of him" said Jaune causing bad memories to resurface but Juniper shakes it off and the hands something to Jaune he wasn't expecting

"Happy birthday Jaune" said Juniper to her son with pride being shown on her eyes for her son for the young man that he has become

As he looks at what his mother was giving him a sword but not just any sword

"Crocea Mors" said Jaune in awe at the family heirloom but then looked up at his mother in worry

"Why are you giving this to me I'm not the heir that's for Nero not me I don't deserve to take Crocea Mors" he said in a sad tone as he looked away from the sword and was about to walk away but was stopped by another hand on his shoulder from his mother

"Son you do deserve this you are one of the most hardworking people that I know helping with the amount of dedication that you put into if they didn't see that they would be blind to not give you this and besides Noir agreed into letting you have Crocea Mors it's better than just collecting dust and being a decoration piece even with the help of the dwarves to make it look good as new and better than ever its better used by someone else and who else either than my own son who has a big heart remember to never lose that big heart for the road of a huntsman is not for the faint of heart so walk tall Son and know that we as your family will always be there for you when you need us" she said as tears were starting to fill her eyes "I promised myself I wouldn't cry for when the time came but I can't help but worry about you I know worrying about an actual demigod sounds dumb but know that I am your mother and you are one of the most precious things in this world to me so demigod or not you are still my baby and don't ever forget it got" said Juniper as the tears were starting to fall and Jaune smiled at his mother and gave her a big strong hug "I'll never forget that and even though I'm a 'demigod' I'm also part human and I know that I'll never let that get to my head everyone taught me that the hard way and you should thank both uncle Mimir and Grunkle Tyr for that" as here remembers the way both Mimir and Tyr taught him of even with demigod powers he could still die if still careless and he's thankful for the twos teachings, wisdom and for their guidance is priceless and not just from them but everyone he knows and at the thought a serene smile crossed his lips 

As he grabbed Crocea Mors at the grip the hold of his mother's hold tightened as they look into each other's eyes and looked into her sons very soul for the very important answer that she needs before letting go

"If I am to give you this sword, I must know something, and I will know if your lying" she said in a serious voice and at this Jaune looked just as serious to answer back "this sword this weapon what will you do with the power that's bestowed upon it the legacy that you will carry as far as you go what will this do will it help or shall it hold you back for you to fight in the count of life and or death" she asked in a serious tone

Jaune took his time to look for the answer and looked his mother in the eyes and said without fear but resolve "The sword is the form that it takes but that is not the intention that it was made it was made to protect does who cannot do that themselves to help the weak to turn strong and protect the lives of many and to pave way for my own path that I wish to choose and shall never regret it for it is my choice that I walk this path" he said with the resolve turning into a flame for what he promised himself a long time ago

With that declaration that she heard from her son and the stubborn determination that screams within his eyes she knew that he would do the right thing but still let out a melancholic sigh that she cannot change her son's mind on the path that he set himself on, but she must worry for her children if no one else would but still she will not make a horrible mistake that was once made and instead encourage him to pursue his dream no matter how worried she will be for her son she has to trust what they taught him and hopefully make it back safely

"Alright then I 'll get everything ready for Tomorrow and after that you'll be close for completing your dream" said Juniper in a happy tone "now go on we don't want to keep your grandfather waiting now do we" Juniper hurried her son

"Okay, okay I'm going" Jaune quickly hugged his mom and gave a quick kiss on the cheek "Love you mom" he yelled and waved off with a big goofy smile

As the mother closed the door then turned to her eldest

"So, when is the bet starting" Juniper asked

"By the time he goes off to beacon tomorrow with her" Sapher answered calmly 

"Oh, why wouldn't they just start dating already" said Juniper pouting

At that the three girls sweatdrop at their mothers antics on being a matchmaker

Then they heard someone chuckling and they turned they see someone that looks almost like a goat Faunus

"Well then lassies would you mind if one more joined in" asked the goat Faunus

"Why Mimir I never took you for a gambler," said another female voice in a joking manner

And all turned to see a woman in regular civilian clothing

And the twin ran towards her "! Granny Freya!" yelled the two in unison as they envelope their grandmother in a big hug as Freya was smiling and chuckling with seeing her grandchildren

Sapher was smiling and happy to be part of this family and all heard someone yawn "what's with all the noise," said a groggy voice while she was rubbing her eyes

And Sapher looked to see that it was her wife waking up "Morning beautiful sorry that we woke you" she went to her love and kissed her on the forehead

"Nah it's ok we need to prepare for Jaune's surprise anyway," said Terra while yawning and that's when they wear hearing a baby crying

"Oh, Adrian's awake I'll go-" before she could get her crying son it then turned to giggling as they saw a girl with blue neon hair playing with baby Adrian by showing him stars as he is giggling and babbling while reaching out for the stars being shown

"Good morning, Neon" said Sapher to her sister as the now named Neon turned as her eyes were covered by her neon blue dyed hair with bits of dirty blonde poking out

"morning" Neon answered back as she walked to give her sister her son in a better mood

"So, any visions lately" asked Asimi

"Yes, the stars are telling me things will start to change and the person caught in the center will be-" she answered and said the name

- [Scene Change]-

Jaune was Running through the bustling shopping district as both Fanus and Humans were just living everyday life and no trouble is being made in the crowd and living in true peace

As he runs in the center of the area, they see a statue of a man in with a battle axe and putting his arm down as if it was helping someone get up that was the man that helped build this paradise known as Sparta on the statue the man's name is shown in big letters and his name is

-Kratos the hero of the Fanus Revolution and Founder of Sparta-

And Jaune knew about his grandfather's past both the good and the bad things it was a tough pill to swallow for what happened and what he did at first, he was angry at him for that he did but the as time went on, he started to think that if he was in his grandfather's shoes and that the god's would trick him into killing his whole family would he go exact his revenge or not but just thinking about the people that he cares for being taken away from him angers him greatly but before he could get more angry he hears someone call out to him

"Jaune!" yelled out a voice with excitement

As Jaune turned to see a boy that has dark brown hair and forest green eyes and wears a dirty and scuffed white shirt that has laces across the chest. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows

"Oscar you're here, how's everyone in the ranch?"said Jaune excited to see one of his good friends

"Aunty and the helpers are doing alright but besides that" as he takes out what looks like a colapsable staff and shows it to Jaune "look Jaune I finaly had enough to get a collapsable staff" said Oscar excited

"and so you can help me train to be a better huntsman"said Oscar with a look of determination and respect that is towards the man that has saved his life once and wanted to become stronger to help others just like Jaune did and he's thankful that his friend and big brother figure is such a nice guy

"yeah sure sounds like a plan but not now I need to go see grandfather and also this might be our last lesson for now since I'll be going to beacon tomorrow"said Jaune in a bit of a sad tone at hearing that this might be the last time that they see eachother for a long time Oscar became a little sad but a hand was put on his shoulder and looked at each other with Jaune looking at him saying

"Hey there I did say for now didn't I can come visit you at summer break" comforted Jaune and it did work little

"ok then" said Oscar with a bit of relief and then he remembered

"oh yeah I was so excited about getting my new weapon that I forgot about giving you this" said Oscar as he shown him a small green gift wrapped box At Jaune

"Happy birthday Jaune"


As Jaune opened the present he saw a necklace that was tied to a pure white crystal and looked at the gift happily and thanked Oscar for the present as he puts it on and goes to the training spot where he always goes to while waving goodbye to Oscar

When he got there it was a cliff side having an incredible view able to see the whole small bustling city from the shopping district, town hall, the statue and the big house that he lives in this spot was his favorite out in all the realms he's ever seen well it was bias because this is his home Sparta the home of peace and unity where everyone won't fear or hate each other, it took time to get to the point that it is and it was no easy task there were fights that would happen once in a while but thanks to Sparta's personal army things became tolerable at first but then things started to change for the better after the general of the army was able speak to the people about why race shouldn't matter and the one true enemy of remanent is the Grimm of course it took time but slowly down the line we were able to fight together and became a place where both humans and Fanus can seek shelter but when the other kingdoms of remanent heard of this they weren't all that buddy, buddy about it as the other kingdoms tried to take over one way or another but of course all attempts of trying to conquer Sparta have all but failed the walls are damaged but still stand strong and of course lost casualties but not forgotten as they are remembered as heroes and brave men put their names on the mural for them to live on and hopefully the afterlife and the brothers are kind to them to let their souls rest

Before Jaune could continue the history lesson for his home he heard a voice

"Your early boy," said a deep voice in a calming manner a pale-Is man that was 6 feet and 4 inches and what looks like red tattoos going around the upper torso and ending over his left eye 

"Father maybe he was just excited for what you have instore for him or maybe this is his favorite view," said another gruff voice another man next to his father's right and in the height of 6 feet and 1 inch with red auburn hair and light blue eyes and has the same tattoo as his father but instead of red it's green

"hmmm" was the only reaspons from the pale man

"Anyways happy birthday son hope you enjoy it while you can because you won't be going home in a while" smiled the green tattooed man now being known as Jaunes father

"ooohhhh" Jaune paled almost the same color as his grandfather

This caused Jaunes father to laugh while his grandfather still has that stone cold look but if you looked closely, you would notice the pales man's lips were slightly moving upward at this, but his grandfather cleared his throat to gain their attention

"Atreus you have something for the boy," said the red tattooed man

"Yes, sir I do" as the now known Atreus walks up to Jaune and gives him a box with a dark emerald, green ribbon as Jaune opens the gift he sees that it's a gun but not just any gun it's a desert eagle and looks like a new model the desert eagle and it was customized with black paint job with bits of gold and on the grip it showed the arc symbol "and that's not all if you press this button it can turn into a" as Jaune pressed the button it magically turned into a "short sword and also you should throw it as far as you can" said Atreus

This confused Jaune


"Trust me you'll love what will happen"

"don't worry boy, trust him he has never let you astray," said his grandfather

And at that he threw the short sword far that it looked like it would land somewhere in vale

"So, what now?" as he asked both his father and grandfather

"Look in the box," answered his grandfather and as he did, he was shocked in the box was the desert eagle as he took it out of the box, but it was inside the gun holster

"It can always come back to you but don't become too reliant on it someone can always use it against you when you least expect it" answered Atreus "but anyway what are you going to name the weapon"

Jaune looked at the gun smiled "how about Fortuna Mors"

"Hmm named after a goddess of fate, why choose such a name boy" asked his grandfather in curiosity

"Because I want to control my fate, my future not just mine though but for the people that I will be fighting with, to be going against fate to help does in need and to help my future friends and comrades maybe even others that I might consider family" he said as he looked at the gun with strong determination And that Atreus looked proud of his son for who he chooses to be and what he wants to do with the life and path ahead of him but does dreams he had this morning though were more and he need to know what because it seems that Jaune is in the center of the storm for fate to start but for now he focuses on the birthday present that his father thought of and to be honest it shocked him greatly what his father thought of and that he would think of this but understood the reason his father thought of and he would be lying if it didn't excite him what is going to happen, Of course, then time to hop to it

"Well, Jaune I'm not the only one with a gift as well" as Atreus looks at his father

And Kratos walks up and Jaune was both excited and nervous because he didn't know but he had a bad feeling in his gut and he was starting to fear what this gift was and what his grandfather said made that feeling of dread multiplied and he was now even more pale than his own grandfather

"I shall give you your gift but only if you show me if you're ready and the only way you can show me is in a fight and you have to fight against me" Declared his grandfather

His gift is after the hill to fight the hero of Sparta and Faunus Revolution AND is the GOD OF WAR, WAR!!! HE has more experience in wars than training people in fights, probably but fighting Kratos his grandfather and thinking about it and the only thing he could say was

"Well fuck"