

In ancient Japanese, Mount Suzuka is known as the legendary land of treasures, a mystical realm where mankind's most coveted riches are enshrined. At the center of this fabled domain are the three Sacred Treasures: the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi, the mirror Yata no Kagami, and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama. To their misfortune, however, they can never get their hands on these treasures, for he is there to protect and rule the legendary land of treasures with a ferocity that knows no bounds. His unwavering strength and commitment have earned him the throne of sacred Mount Ibuki. In a kingdom where power and brutality determine leadership, he emerged as the natural choice to rule the Yokai, the supernatural creatures of Japan. Under his reign, he commanded unparalleled control over these beings, making his era the golden age of the Yokai in Japan. His leadership was so extraordinary that no other leader could ever replicate or surpass his feats. His name became synonymous with a great leader and a testament to his outstanding rule and the pillar of history that made him the supreme leader of all Yokai. An ordinary human being in the modern world, he reincarnated as a Yokai during the Age of Gods and therefore decided to take the name of the most powerful Oni he could remember from his memories. He was Otakemaru, the Demon God. And after his death, in order to try to fulfill his promise, he even changed his destiny as the [Last Embryo] to gain recognition of the root in order to ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the true Demon Lord of all existing worlds. A Fate/DxD/Mondaiji/Multi Crossover.

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Noble Phantasm [Spoiler]


Avesta: Behold, I am the one who will bring down eschatology upon all mankind.

Rank: EX

Type: Anti-Unit |Anti-Divine | Anti-Planet |

It is the third Noble of Otakemaru, obtained from being the avatar of Azi Dahaka. This Noble Phantom "Another Cosmology" allows him to add the original power of his enemies with his own power "Another Cosmology" and create the opposite mirror that neutralizes everything, following the dualism theory of Zoroastrianism.

He can use his "Another Cosmology" to build duality with maximum speed, as long as this Noble Phantasm is there, no matter what situation and type of enemy he has faced, his chance of victory will never drop below 50%, also no matter how many Gods have gathered, it is impossible to win against him, because the more of the enemies there are, the stronger he himself becomes.

  By imitating the antithesis of his enemy's cosmology and absorbing it into himself, he can use it to a limited extent. [Avesta] is very powerful in that he can neutralize the Authority of Universal Truth (Brahman) and even the power of the Principal Gods

Chant Activation: 『[Avesta] activate ─── Rival and Return, [Another Cosmology]』


Kenmyouren: Trichiliocosm  (Hegemony of the Heaven)

Grade: A

Range: 1

Type: Anti-Self

Maximum number of targets: 1 person?

Description: The sword of the divine construct that takes the form of a sword of light representing the concept of Trichilosim, a concept in cosmology of a "third-order" universe containing a thousand second-order clusters, which are made of a thousand first-order clusters, which are themselves made of a thousand worlds each, a universe of billions of times. It is a Noble Phantasm considered to be on the level of a true authority that allows Otakemaru to see and manipulate every possibility within the past, present and future in order to be able to create a miracle of his choosing.


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