This is the story of how a man Becomes type Earth in the Nasuverse. Hope you'll enjoy it the same way i did ! ——————— #NOT MY WORK# This is an incredible fanfic written by XanaShadow that i beleive deserves more audience thanthey get on wattpad and in respect to that i will only upload the first part of the story here for the next part you'll have to go read on their profile ! ——————————————
I really wish I had lungs to sigh with right now.
I can't get hurt, but the boredom itself was almost straight up killing me. It has been a few... months? Years? I don't know. I should really learn to keep track of time despite the mentality of stopping me from feeling it.
I just kept heading in the direction I left the Shapeless Isles in. I did encounter the Argonauts for a short while, but I just passed by them and gave them a push. After that, almost everything I encountered ran away as soon as they saw the mark of Archtype Earth.
No wonder Arcueid was always looking for fun things to do. Being Archtype Earth is BORING!
"And the scenery here is not helping," I groaned as I kept walking around.
I reached land quite a while ago. I was right now walking through the weirdest forest you can imagine. The trees around looked like they were covered in ash, not dead, just grey. There was also the fact faint magical energy was coming from them.
There was also the sky. Somehow, the sky was completely covered in clouds yet it wasn't dark. The clouds were all white and light filled the area.
"It's official, logic is dead in the age of gods," I groaned out.
"That depends on what your definition of logic is," I jumped as I heard a voice speak right in my head. "Uh... hello?" I asked as I looked around.
"Hello, Archtype Earth Zack," the voice spoke again. It was feminine and REALLY young.
It actually sounded like a little girl.
"You know who I am?" I asked, still looking around.
"Yes, but we have not met before, as such you don't know me," the voice replied which just made me more confused. "Keep going ahead, and you'll see me."
I just did what the voice said. I should have been more concerned that I was hearing voices outta nowhere, but hey, I've played Uno with Gilgamesh and it doesn't get weirder than that.
I kept going until the trees got thick enough to form a wall, but with a wave of my hand, they opened a path. I walked in to what the trees were blocking and- "Okay, there HAS to be some kind of trick, because there's NO WAY I didn't see this before!" I exclaimed.
I was referring to the absolutely MASSIVE tree that seems to be made of light. The tree would go up into the air and disappear into the clouds, and it was thick enough to hold a freaking city.
"There is in fact a barrier that hides me from people," the voice came back into my head.
"Wait... are you the tree?" I asked.
"Yes, and so are you, or at least what Gilgamesh called you," the voice, or tree, replied.
"Uh... okay, how do you know this?" I asked.
"Allow me to introduce myself," the light from the tree seemed to get brighter, as if presenting itself. "I am Yggdrasil. The World Tree. It's a pleasure to meet you, Archtype Earth Zack."
All credits to XanaShadow on wattpad
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