
Fate of you and I

When Hakim and Skylar meet for the first time, they immediately dislike each other. As very insignificant pieces of each others lives, they build their lives apart. But when fate intervenes they find themselves unable to escape each other.

xena_ · Teen
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3 Chs

Would you like to kiss him now?

"I'm Maddison, but everyone calls me Maddie" the girl with long brown hair and sparkling Hazel eyes said smiling.

"I'm Skylar" Skylar replied awkwardly.

Catching the awkward vibe that Skylar was giving she let go of her hand and put some distance between them.

"I'm sorry if it's a bit weird, I mean me being really friendly and all, especially since I barely know you. But my best friend transferred out and she used to sit right here" she said extending her hand to touch the table "I really miss her"

"Oh, I'm sorry for being weird. I really hope we can be good friends" Skylar said smiling at her. This time it was pretty and genuine.

"I hope so too. Anyways we have to get to the cafeteria. Come on, I'll show you the way" Maddie said taking her hand and leading her out of the class.

The sudden change of position made Skylar drop her pen without realising.


After the lunch break

Ah I'm lost. So much for I'll meet you in class, how will I ever find the science lab. I'm already late.

Skylar wandered down the hall before finding the lab. As she stepped in, the teacher turned to face her. It was a woman, she had short black hair and a few visible grey strands of hair.

"Miss, can I help you?" she asked looking obviously displeased that she was interrupted.

"I..I'm sorry ma'am, I'm new and I got lost on my way here" she stuttered. She was rather displeased with all the attention she was getting.

"It's fine. Take a seat" the woman said to her.

Desperate to get as many eyes off her as possible she faced down and made her way to the back of the class. She really didn't have the courage to look for Maddison, so she just went straight to the last empty chair at the back.

When she sat down, she noticed that the person beside her had his head on the table.

She looked at him for a while contemplating if she should try to get his attention or just let him be. Then she agreed to the latter. With that, she opened her book and reached for her pen. When she didn't find it, she realised that she must have dropped it.

So now she had two choices, ask this guy for a pen or just sit still and go through the class without writing anything down.

"I can't possibly not write" she thought to herself.

Then she extended her hand and lightly touched his hand. This caused him to react and he raised his head quite surprised.

Then he turned to her. As her eyes met his, she immediately lost her words. She sat still and quietly scanned his face. He had a shocked expression on his face. His eyes were pitch black and his jet black hair gently caressed his forehead. He had soft and perfect facial features that made her think another angel decided to rebel against God and stay on earth and that angel was staring at her. The world seemed to stop and she just stared.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard her name. But she couldn't take her eyes off him just yet.

"Miss Skylar, would you like to kiss him now?" she heard and before she realised what was happening she replied with a yes.

The eruption of laughter in her class smacked her back into reality.

A brief moment of confusion passed and it then hit her. She turned bright red and immediately put her head on the table.

Ah, Skylar. You just committed social suicide.

The teacher had asked her that after trying to get her mind back to class, and without thinking she said yes.

My God you said yes.

She panicked a little more then gathered the rest of her dignity and sat up.

She had to get through this class. She couldn't even ask him for the pen. Forgetting asking him, she couldn't even look at him. She could still feel a few eyes on her. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. When she finally lifted her gaze, almost immediately she locked eyes with a girl. She was pretty, but her gaze wasn't very friendly. Skylar couldn't help but wonder if she was Angel's girlfriend. Angel are you serious?

She looked away from the girl and struggled to concentrate the rest of the class.

Then just before the bell rang, Angel slipped her a piece of paper.

She opened it,

You're Cute


As she blushed, the bell rang and he left.

Maddie rushed to her side, and saw her blushing. "Gosh Skylar! What were you thinking?" she exclaimed partly shocked and partly apologetic.

"I.. I don't know. I wasn't thinking" she struggled to say even as she continued blushing.

Maddie caught a whiff of Sky's blush.

"Why are you blushing?" she asked raising a brow.

Skylar squeezed the note as she got up to leave. Maddie tried to snatch it from her but Skylar was almost running out of the class. She went after her and managed to get the note.

After she read it, she had a disapproving look on her face. When Skylar saw it she couldn't help but ask what was wrong.

Maddie didn't really want to say anything but then Skylar asked her if she liked him.

"What? No. He's definitely not my type. And I'd steer clear if I were you" she blurted handing the paper back to her.

"What really happened anyway?" Maddie asked as they walked to class.

"Well, in class I realised I had lost my pen and his head was on the table, so I wanted to ask him for his, and then when he looked up. I saw his eyes" she said dreamily.

"Baby girl, calm down. And just so you know, I strongly disapprove, but if it makes you happy you can admire him. But don't go to deep" Maddie said concerned.

Skylar giggled before telling Maddie that she was indeed going to admire and dream about it. Then she remembered the girl who was looking at her in class. She didn't know who she was. So she asked Maddie.

"Hey, do you know if he has a girlfriend?"

Maddie burst out laughing "you really think just a note can make you Liam Yoshi's girlfriend"

"No, no. It's just, there was this girl who looked at me weird"

"Ah I see, Leena Dewaka. She's not his girlfriend. They've been playing games with themselves as long as I can remember. Rumour has it that Liam is in love with her and that's why he never dates anyone. But she basically plays with him, she doesn't let anyone close to him but she won't date him either. Complete psycho if you ask me." Maddie rambled.

They got to class. As they stood by the door, Skylar immediately saw the new kid. She hissed and caught Maddie's attention.

"What's wrong?"

"It's that new kid, ran into him earlier. He's a total ass" she said rolling her eyes.

"I'm sure he's not that bad. Maybe you just need to get to know him more" Maddie said smiling.

Skylar saw her face and murmured something under her breath as she reached her seat. She saw her pen.

"Ah, I finally found you" she said out loud as she bent over to pick up her pen.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I really hope you are enjoying it so far :)

xena_creators' thoughts