
Fate Of The Missus

What was meant as a sign of love and devotion for other couples was nothing but a testament of his ownership on me. A daily reminder for the rest of my life. Until death do us part wasn’t an empty promise as with so many other couples that entered the holy bond of marriage. There was no way out of this union for me. So I was own by my husband until the end of my life. The last few words of the oath that men swore when they were inducted into the Black Clans could just as well have been the closing of my wedding vow. This wedding wasn’t about love or trust or choice. It was about duty and honour, about doing what was expected. A bond to ensure peace in Black territory and White Clans stop more bloodshed in between two big clans on this earth, B Clans and the last W Clans feud that clashes more than 2000 years.

F3n3 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 36

I was glad too. I was already tense enough. If he actually tried to deepen a kiss in front of hundreds of guests, I might lose it altogether.

Fu Heng sat beside him and said something to him that made both of them laugh. So I didn't even want to know what kind of lewd joke that might have been.

The rest of the seats at our table belonged to my parents, Su Liang and Qu Qinli, his father and step-mother, as well as the Fo head master and his wife and their son, Fo Ye. I knew I should be starving.

The only thing I'd eaten all day were the few pieces of berries in the morning, but my stomach seemed content to live on fear alone.

Fu Heng rose from his chair after everyone had settled down and clinked his knife against the Champagne glass to silence the crowd.

With a nod toward Fu Shao and me, he began his toast.

"Ladies and gentlemen, old and new friends, we've come here today to celebrate the wedding of my brother big brother and his stunningly beautiful wife lady Fu Shen Mi, now. "

Qina reached for my hand under the table. I hated having the attention of everyone on me, but I mustered up a bright smile.

And soon made several inappropriate jokes that had almost everyone roaring and even Fu Shao leaned back in his chair with a smirk, which seemed to be the only form of smile he allowed himself most of the time.

After Fu Heng, it was my father's turn as he praised the great collaboration of the B and the W parade, making it sound as if this was a business merger and not a wedding feast.

Of course, he also dropped a few hints that it was a wife's duty to obey and please her husband.

Qina clutched my hand so tightly by then that I was worried it would fall off. At last, it was the master Fu father's turn to toast us.

He wasn't quite as impressive but whenever his eyes settled on me, I had to stifle a shiver. The only good thing about listening to the toast was that nobody could call 'cheers' and that Fu Shao attention was focused elsewhere. That reprieve was short-lived however.

The servers began piling the tables with food and meals.

Qina grabbed a piece of bread and tore into it, then said.

"I wanted to make a toast as your bridesmaid but Father forbade it. He seemed worried I would say something to embarrass our family."

Fu Shao and Fu Heng glanced our way.

Qina hadn't bothered lowering her voice and pointedly ignored Father's death glare.

So I tugged at her arm. I didn't want her to get in trouble.

With a huff, she filled her plate with pastries and dug in. My plate was still empty.

A server filled my glass with white wine and I took a sip. I'd already drunk a glass of Champagne that combined with the fact that I hadn't eaten much all day made me feel slightly foggy.

Fu Shao put a hand on mine, preventing me from taking another gulp.

"You should eat."

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