
Fate Of The Missus

What was meant as a sign of love and devotion for other couples was nothing but a testament of his ownership on me. A daily reminder for the rest of my life. Until death do us part wasn’t an empty promise as with so many other couples that entered the holy bond of marriage. There was no way out of this union for me. So I was own by my husband until the end of my life. The last few words of the oath that men swore when they were inducted into the Black Clans could just as well have been the closing of my wedding vow. This wedding wasn’t about love or trust or choice. It was about duty and honour, about doing what was expected. A bond to ensure peace in Black territory and White Clans stop more bloodshed in between two big clans on this earth, B Clans and the last W Clans feud that clashes more than 2000 years.

F3n3 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 30

As Zuli made a face, which reminded me how young she was. Only 21 year old. She'd gotten thin. I couldn't believe they'd chosen to send those two to talk to me about my wedding night.


Zuli face spoke of her unhappiness.


Since her wedding to a man almost 30 years her senior, she'd been fading away.


Was that meant to soothe my fears? And Man Lin sis had lost her husband 5 months ago in a war.


How could they expect her to talk about wedded bliss?


"Your mother," Zuli said.


"She wants to make sure you know what's expected of you."




"Expected of her?" Qina hissed.


"What about what my big sister wants?"


"It's what it is," Zuli said bitterly.


"Tonight Fu Shao will expect to claim his rights. At least, he's good looking and young."


Pity for her kindled in me, but at the same time my own anxiety made it hard to console her. She was right.


Indeed, Fu Shao was good looking. I couldn't deny it, but that didn't change the fact that I was terrified of being intimate with him. He didn't strike me as a man who was gentle in bed.


My stomach lurched again.


Man Lin sis cleared her throat.


"He will know what to do."


"You just lie on your back and give him what he wants," Zuli added.


"Don't try to fight him that will only make it worse."


We all stared at her and she looked away.


Man Lin sis touched my shoulder.


"We're not doing a good job at consoling you. Sorry. I'm sure it'll be alright."


Qina snorted.


"Maybe mother should have invited one of the women Fu Shao to the wedding. So they could have told you what to expect."




"Fanli is here," Zuli said, then she turned red, and stammered.


"I mean, that's only a rumored. So… "She looked toward Man Lin sus for help.


"One of Fu Shao old girlfriends is here?" I whispered.


Zuli cringed.


"I thought you knew. And she wasn't really his girlfriend, more like a plaything. Fu Shao known as been with many women."


She snapped her mouth shut. I was fighting for control.


But I couldn't let people see how weak I was.


Why did I even care if his girlfriend was at the wedding?


"Enough," Qina said getting up.


"Who the fuck is Fenli and why the fuck is she invited to this wedding?"


"Ang Fenli. She's the daughter of B Country the ministry who's on the payroll of this country," Man Lin sis explained.


"They had to invite his family."


Tears blurred my vision and Qina rushed toward me.

"Oh don't cry, Big sister. It's not worth it. In fact, he is an asshole. You knew that too. You can't let his actions get to you."


Man Lin sis handed me cloth.


"You'll ruin your make-up, girl."


I blinked a few times until I had a grip on my emotions.


"I'm sorry. I'm just being emotional."


"I think it's best if you leave now," Qina said sharply, not even looking at Zuli and Man Lin sis.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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