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Same Night°°°°° 

Ben was laying on the couch while resting his head on Eleanor's lap, where Eleanor was examining the photos and reading details of all members all over again, the reason she is doing this is that she wanted to read about 'Draco' but strangely he does not exist anywhere not in anyone's past life, not in the present, nor it mentioned anywhere who is he and what are his specialties.

"What the heck!!! He is not anywhere like he doesn't even exist" Eleanor snarled

"What are you talking about?" Ben asked

"Draco…I am talking about Draco. Why he…"

"Babe…Babe… *Ben sat up* I told you earlier he is not my lo…" 

"I know that, but he is unique. I mean, I will not lie but I am attracted to him I am attracted to his amber eye"

Ben sigh, He pulls Eleanor on his lap and drops all the photos on the floor, and hugs her tightly…

"Babe, Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"What??? Nooo… Do I need to do that?"

"No, you don't. But then why you want to know about Draco"