
He wanted a grandson, not a granddaughter?

(In the Werewolf)

(Ashh and Blaze's Mansion)

Ashh and Blaze both were in their room, sitting on the bed while adoring the sight of their baby crawling around the floor, though she is just a week old her learning and growing ability is insane, and as a Werewolf's baby she should be growing fast but the problem here is... as she is the next successor of purple Stone so she will suck up Emily's remaining energy gradually as she grows up and none of them are aware of this except Jack(Ashh's Dad), Charlie, and Angela.

Blaze picks up his daughter and while playing with her, he sat on the bed beside Ashh, but suddenly his gaze shifts toward Ashh who was in a daze and was in her world of thought...

"Babe? Are you okay? What are you thinking about?" Blaze asked caressing her back