

"OHH MYY!!!! Mom, LARA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING???" Bella yelled as she ran toward them and push Lara aside while holding Angela tightly as she falls.

*sigh* "I am just fixing Angela's brain in the right place because lately, she is being selfish and only thinking about her son"

Lara said and sat down on the table while crossing her leg and She looks at Zale…

"What are you waiting for dear? Complete your incomplete work?

"Lara, you are going overboard" Angela yelled but Lara shut her mouth and pin her on the wall… 

"Don't raise your voice at me. I am your superior" She said and signal to Zale,

He nodded his head and within a flex, He pins Bella on the wall while pointing a knife toward her stomach,

"Wait…wait…You can't do this…ZALEEE come to your sense." Bella said as she tried to push him, but Zale was still mumbling the same line…

"Kill Her…Kill her…Kill her"

"NO, YOU CAN'T KILL ME. Zale, you are hurting me and our Child" 

"WHAT?" Angela and Lara said in sync