

Eleanor was hustling down from stairs with her backpack after getting changed from her nurse gown to regular one, while she was heading out of the hospital, Lewis quickly clutches her hand to stop….

"Stop, Where are you going?" He asked

"To murder someone…." she said and sprinted outside, toward a car in which Ryan(Ben's Delta) was already waiting for her, she quickly hops inside and the fleet away….

Here, Lewis was still cluelessly standing there, as he was still trying to process what Eleanor said, at the exact time he heard nurses whispering,

Nurse1: What will happen now? Was it our fault?

Nurse: No, it's not. We didn't lie to her…but Alpha will not do anything to her right?

Nurse: You should say, she will not do anything to Alpha Right?

Nurse1: huh? *the other one nodded* 

Hearing their talk, Lewis walks towards them but before he could ask anything, his heart started beating rapidly and he quickly understood Why?