

*Wolves Howling*       

"So, they finally mated," Lewis said smiling while looking out of the window toward howling Wolves "Lara must be happy, Yes She is happy"


On the Other Side°°°°

Jack and Emily were sitting in the garden, staring at the moon…

"So, today we are officially free from all burdens," Jack said

"What do you mean by burden?" Emily asked

"I mean, now that we got our Luna Queen. So from now on, I will give the rest of my life only to my Queen" Jack said peaking on Emily's cheeks 

*Emily smiled, She leans her head on Jack's shoulder* "Time really flows too quickly, I can still remember everything we all did together… Jack?"


"Let's go to Moira(a big forest) again, I want to spend our old age there"

"Old Age?" *Jack quickly snaps at her* "What do you mean by that old age!!! I am not old at all"

*Emily chuckles* "Yes you are. We are going to be Grandparents soon. So come out from your imagination and accept we are old"