

Read on as a nameless soul is reincarnated into the world of DxD with a powerful Akashic Grimoire that allows him to travel into the Nasuverse and much more. He will seek ultimate freedom where he is only bound by his very questionable set of morals. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD and Nasuverse and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime & Comics
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216 Chs

Rejoining the Ladies

Domina Coronam did indeed live up to expectations and it was still nowhere close to reaching its full potential.

The only thing holding Jun back was his own output that was capped at B rank even though his body could actually support the power of the Ten Crowns.

This was not an oversight however, simply a limitation of his constructed vessel but there were away to fix this problem.

First, his vessel was closely connected to the Crown of the END: Babel and, when it finally awakened, Jun predicted that his output problems would disappear and he would gain a few more abilities to go along with the release from his current limitations.

A quicker way would be to use the Cradle of Life ability granted by the Crown of Earth: Potnia Theron. With its powers of self modification, Jun could build himself a monstrous body capable of much more.

This body would be a mere shell however, something formed around his vessel which would serve as his Cerebral Corpus. While not a permanent solution like the awakening of Babel would be, it still gave Jun an useable option in a time of need.

It was not all sunshine and rainbows however. But more of that matter later. For now, Jun was going to reunite with his beloved girls who he had not seen for quite a while despite how quick time had passed for them due to his own care for such matters.

Arriving back at his veritable palace in Kuoh, Jun quickly met the ladies who gathered instantly upon his arrival, asking him how his endeavour had went and how they could play their part in what was to come.

Having been surrounded by a bunch of people that had no hesitation in binding themselves to Jun for eternity, the girls who felt unable to decide right away were left a bit embarrassed and wondering nervously what both the others and Jun himself would think of them for their indecision.

Jun knew this was quite probably too big a step for these high school girls to take at the moment and had only extended the offer so that they didn't feel excluded or lesser. As such, he was actually quite proud of them for not blindly following or give in to the pressure of those surrounding them.

Learning that they had left, Jun quietly decided to meet them later for a nice talk about their decision so as to clarify any possible misunderstanding.

Contrary to his understanding of matters however, some of the women were not nearly as forgiving to what they perceived was a sin of the highest order. To have their beloved's affection and yet refuse the honor of being bound to him . . . It was unthinkable.

Penthesilea found them quite unworthy and felt that they would need to prove themselves to all of them before being granted such a chance ever again.

Morgan thought such ignorant little girls were simply not deserving of Jun's affection and that their refusal of his gift was only more proof of the matter.

Scathach, while not nearly as invested also thought that despite young, one should have the courage and decisiveness to grasp what one wanted.

Her abilities let them perceive that the love the girls had for Jun was indeed real and strong so for them to refuse his offer proved to be quite disappointing in her eyes.

Cleria was by far the most understanding of the "Queens of the forming Harem" with her views being much the same as Jun's. Unfortunately, in the meritocracy that was Jun's Harem, by the will of the Harem itself, she was ranked the lowest of the queens and so, she deferred to her sisters.

Back to the current situation however, Jun assured his enthusiastic girls that everything went fine.

Those of them whose senses were more attuned were quick to point out how his parameters seemed much lower but he swiftly explained that was but a temporary matter and that despite that, his new abilities made him as powerful as he used to be and perhaps even more.

This of course brought the m much relief but the one most pleased was Scathach due to Jun's following words.

"Looks like we'll have plenty of training ahead for me to get used to these new abilities, Master." Jun had said to her.

The Mistress of the Land of Shadows might not be a clingy woman but she would not at all be displeased with having her beloved husband all for herself for a significant amount of time and hearing him call her master again mad her feel some kind of way too.

For a woman who was not the most expressive, the light smile and piercing eyes told everyone around her, who had come to know her due to their joint ventures in the Tower of Akasha, just how pleased she was with the current development.

"If you were successful my husband, then I assume we can proceed with the binding then." Morgan interjected.

"Indeed we can, I shall share with you each of my Crowns' specifications and you can then choose whichever you think fits you best." Jun replied.

And so, he used the the master Servant bond to transmit the relevant information to his Servants first before sharing some unfortunate news that were the reason it was not all good as previously mentioned.

"For those of you who are not my Servants, it appears binding is not quite achievable . . . Well, to put it more accurately, it is rather pointless." Jun revealed.

"May I ask why and can it be fixed?" Iri interjected.

She might not be the one most interested in binding herself to Jun for herself but she was sure that her daughters, yes, she had started arbitrarily calling Sakura her daughter as well, would wish for it and she was paving their path forward so it was indeed worrying for her.

"I'm not quite sure why but I assume it must be due to the unique characteristics of Servants that simply make them more suitable for such things." Jun theorized.

"As for fixing it, I can just make you into Servants like I did for Cleria and don't worry, there is no need to die first." He added, much to the non Servant ladies' relief.

He was not quite done however.

"Unfortunately, the remodeling of my Domina Coronam was quite a bit more costly than I expected as so, my material and magical energy reserves are quite depleted and it will take some time for the Aurea Poculum inside the core Crown to replenish them." Jun shared.

"So the plans you had for summoning more heroic spirits will also be put on hold I assume." Penthesilea inquired.

"Unfortunately yes." Jun confirmed.

But while he felt it was unfortunate, many of the ladies guiltily felt great about not having to worry about more competition for Jun's attention so soon.

Morgan however, was quite disappointed as her existential crisis might have been solved with the summoning of a few specific heroic spirits. Such a solution would also enable her to share the secrets she unwillingly had to keep from her beloved husband.

Whatever the case, Jun's current lack of energy and resources meant that not only would new summonings be out of reach, even just turning the women into Servants was too costly as Jun wished to give them all Transcender Class vessels.

Only the best for his girls after all.

While the non Servants had to leave with some disappointment, a few more than others, all Servants went ahead with the binding as it would strengthen both them and Jun while increasing the rate at which his noble phantasm generated resources.

Scathach and Morgan already had their specific Crowns to which they were bound to and as soon as Jun restored their temporarily cut connection to them, it was immediately reinforced and intensified into the eternal binding that he had spoken of.

Artoria and Mordred wasted no time either, there was a crown literally named after the city they had called home after all, it was the Crown of Heroes: Camelot all the way for them both.

Semiramis, a demigoddess in her own right had her choice made for her as the empty sky of the Crown of Heaven: Celestia acquired her Hanging Gardens of Babylon when she bound herself to it.

This greatly empowered Semiramis' noble phantasm while also giving Jun authority over it should he require it.

Penthesilea was quite torn between the Crown of Heroes and the Crown of Heaven but as a daughter of Ares with an even higher degree of Divinity than Semiramis along with a powerful noble phantasm of the gods, she ended up choosing Celestia.

Jeanne also chose the Crown of Heaven: Celestia despite possessing no Divinity of her own. Perhaps due to her life in service of God however, she felt it suited her the most.

Jack chose the Crown of Death: Kur, intent on becoming a true demon from hell, in the service of her beloved master and father.

Cleria followed the murderous loli as being a Devil, a Crown h«that embodied the concept of all underworlds was what she felt the right place for her.

Asako surprisingly decided to follow Scathach instead, binding herself to the Crown of Undeath: Dun Scaith as she felt that as an Hassan, she was already a being between the boundary of life and death so being completely removed from those two concepts felt like a natural progression to her.

Finally, there was Atalanta. In truth, she was quite conflicted. She had felt a connection with both the Crown of Heroes: Camelot due to her heroic aspect but her more bestial side pulled her towards the Crown of Earth, Potnia Theron.

In the end however, feeling her greatest potential lied in the the power of the magical beast aspect that Jun had given her full control of, Atalanta chose the latter and completed her binding as well.

And so now, all Jun had to do, was wait and watch his power and resources growing until he felt comfortable in making bolder moves.

First however, he had a foundation to set in the Nasuverse, though one that did not require his presence there . . .


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You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

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