
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs

the servant that controls the storms

after shirou was done summoning his servant, kurono called illya for her summoning, he had already detected the surge of prana coming from the Fujimura house that confirmed that sakura had already summoned her servant,

illya used the axe-sword to summon her servant,


illya stood infront of the summoning circle,she continued to chant the aria for summoning,

she still did not understand why she received the command seals for the war because she did not wish for vengence anymore, in fact, her wish of having a loving family was already fulfilled, but it does not matter anymore, if she has to fight in the war, then she will fight to protect her family,

that is why she had her big brother retrieve the catalyst that the Einzbern had originally acquired for her servant,

she waited as the smoke cleared and a massive form stood there,

he had copper skin and towered over 8 feet in height,

he had hetrochromic eyes and had the axe-sword in his hands

illya grinned as she looked at her newly summoned berserker,

he would help her protect her family


after illya was done summoning her servant, Kurono walked towards the summoning circle and put down the piece of wood he had acquired , according to his sources, this was a piece of the staff that leonardo da vinci had used during her life, but what he did not know was that the piece of wood did not belong to the staff, instead it belonged to a certain woman who had led the knights under her command to victory, using a lance that acted as the avatar to the pillar that connected the normal world with the reverse side of the world,

as the light from the summoning subsided, there stood a beautiful woman who looked shockingly similar to the saber that Shirou had summoned, but she looked much more mature with a much more pronounced figure, but what drew Kurono's attention was the lance in her hand, the feeling it gave off was similar to the Continental class magic-world anchor, this spell was used to hold together a planet that was on the verge of collapse, the only time it was used was when the watchers had to destroy an alien device they had found burried in pluto's moon,

as he was in deep thought, he did not notice how his newly summoned ruler was observing him,

The woman that was known as King Arthur when she was alive, looked towards her master, the man had a very handsome appearence , however, it was his eyes that drew her in,

his metallic silver eyes spoke of war and weariness, only found in soldiers that had spent their entire lives in war,

another thing that drew her in was his mana, she herself had already attained the level of a divine spirit thanks to her lance, thus having massive amounts of mana ,combined with her dragon core, she was a goddess in everything but name , but her master's mana completely dwarfed her own , it was as if she was deep inside an ocean, being crushed from all sides by his mana,

thankfully, her connection with him allowed her to withstand his power, she believed it was thanks to this absurd amount of mana that he was able to break the rules and summon her as a ruler, which should not be possible, as the rulers are normally called forth by the grail itself and have no desires of their own, granted that she did not have a wish for the grail, but she knew for a fact that she was not qualified for the class of ruler

she then walked forward and said

"I have responded to the summon, Are you my master?"