

A bonus chapter for every 1k power stones, thank you for the support!


'This guy huh...'

King Mark, who is also the uncle of Tristan.

During the previous discussion, he was the most opposed to Artorius's policies.

As expected.

King Mark, wearing a golden crown, veins pulsating on his forehead, exclaimed, "On what grounds?! Just because you say so, you want us to surrender everything?!"

"On the grounds of saving Britain." Artorius calmly replied.

"What nonsense righteousness?! It's merely an excuse for your desire for power! You, this dragon, are worse than Vortigern back in the day!"

After uttering those words, he turned around and walked out of the meeting room, saying, "Whoever wants to be this kid's servant, go ahead! I'm leaving! From today onwards, I have nothing to do with any of this!"



Upon hearing this, Merlin, sitting beside the throne, couldn't help but laugh.

Meanwhile, an arrow pierced through King Mark's back.



"...Tristan, you—"

King Mark lowered his head, recognizing the appearance of the arrow. He immediately identified the person who had shot him.

"Why...? To think, you'd personally kill your uncle who raised you."

Behind him, the archer slowly lowered his bow, shaped like a 'harp'. One of the most skilled archers among the Knights of the Round Table couldn't help but shed tears. "I'm saddened, truly... deeply saddened."


One could say that he truly deserved to be the king in the Age of Gods. Even with an arrow piercing his heart, he didn't die. He still had the strength to roar in anger, the power to draw his sword, and charge towards Tristan.

Witnessing this scene, many Knights of the Round Table couldn't help but draw their swords.

"Don't move, all of you!" Tristan shouted in anger.

"Listen to him." Artorius also supported him.

"It is crucial to unify the power of Britain. Anyone opposing the will of His Majesty must be eliminated. As a knight serving His Majesty, I must remain loyal to my duty, even if the opponent is my uncle."

Tristan said those words as he pondered in his heart the conversation he had with his king, Artorius, before this.

During the discussion, they debated which kings could be swayed, and which ones would strongly oppose. Among the kings who strongly opposed was King Mark. Therefore, after the meeting ended and while Tristan was still worried about it, Artorius had already found him and asked for his opinion on the matter.

The sorrowful knight became even more sorrowful. He couldn't help but ask a naive question—"Isn't it possible to achieve reform without resorting to this?"

Not long after asking this question, Artorius convinced him.

Under the tremendous pressure of their country's destruction and with Artorius balancing it with his speeches of righteousness, Tristan decided to continue following Artorius.

However, he didn't expect that afterward, Artorius would say something like this—"I can spare King Mark. For you, Sir Tristan. Also for the unity of the Knights of the Round Table. For the bond between us."


Hearing Artorius say this, Tristan realized that he didn't feel excited or joyful within himself, only guilt and self-reproach.

"It will be unfair..." Tristan looked at Artorius in astonishment. "If only my uncle is pardoned, what about the other kings... No, among the other kings, many have connections with the Knights of the Round Table. If only my uncle is forgiven, what about the other comrades of the Knights of the Round Table..."

"That... indeed is true, but..."

Tristan saw the king's wavering, his struggle, his helplessness, his sadness.

'His Majesty's sadness is not inferior to mine.'

'I can't burden His Majesty.'

'I must make a decision.'

With these thoughts in mind, the finest archer of the Knights of the Round Table made a decision.


'My decision stands.'

As he watched his angry uncle rushing towards him, Tristan felt torn between two conflicting emotions. On one hand, there was gratitude for the kindness and the familial bond that his uncle had bestowed upon him. On the other hand, there was a sense of national duty, loyalty, and the path of righteousness. This was the unity and friendship among his fellow Knights of the Round Table.

With determination, Tristan raised the bow in his hand.

"I will carry out the execution myself."

The arrow shot straight toward King Mark.

Tristan's arrow enveloped Mark's throat, eyes, heart, and kidneys—all vital points. In an instant, the once roaring and charging King Mark stood frozen in his tracks, immobilized. He could only stare intently at Tristan.

"Is this how you want to kill me, Tristan?" Mark managed to utter with his last bit of strength, his voice filled with anger.

"This is my... final mercy for you, my uncle..." Tristan replied, his voice trembling, unable to conceal the pain of killing his loved one. His emotions remained far from calm.

"You are a great knight and a hero, Sir Tristan..." Artorius said sincerely as he walked up to Tristan, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"I am a sinner..." Tristan said sadly.

"Then let me share this sin with you..." Artorius said, his tone compassionate.

"Your Majesty..."

Upon hearing this, Tristan could no longer hold back and fell to his knees, tears streaming down like a spring. "You understand human hearts so well... I am willing to follow you forever."

"There's no more room for hesitation!"

These words were spoken by Lamorak, one of the Knights of the Round Table and one of the most skilled in archery.

Since his father, King Pellinore, passed away, Lamorak inherited the throne. Despite being a king himself, he became a knight and remained loyal to King Arthur. This loyalty persisted even after Artorius ascended to the throne.

Similar situations existed among the other Knights of the Round Table. They were not only knights but also kings of small nations, occupying more than half of Britain's territories. During the previous gathering of the Knights of the Round Table, Artorius had convinced all of them to support him and obey his commands. This provided the foundation for him to centralize power.

"I've had enough of the conflicts between nations, the self-interest of the privileged, and the internal strife of Britain!" Lamorak said, kneeling on one knee while bowing to Artorius. "From this day forth, I relinquish my throne, surrendering all my lands and subjects to His Majesty—King Artorius Pendragon. I will serve at his side as a knight, fighting for my lord!"

As his words fell, the other kings of the Round Table also knelt before Artorius and pledged.

""We willingly surrender all our lands and subjects to His Majesty, King Artorius Pendragon. We will serve at his side as knights, fighting for our lord!""

Witnessing this scene, the other kings felt various emotions—fear, trepidation, or resignation. The wisest among them had already realized that in terms of military strength, public support, and morale, Artorius Pendragon possessed everything. They were powerless to change the course of events.

And so, from the day General Stilicho announced the withdrawal from the Province of Britannia in the year 408, until August 21st, 486, after a span of seventy-eight years, Britain finally put an end to the chaos of kings and competing nations, and once again united under one rule!

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