
Ultimate Heroine Z

It was like when siblings always fought and insulted each other when at home, but when they ventured outside, they supported each other without hesitation.

This principle was also applied to the relationship between a parent and a child.

No matter how chaotic things might be between Artorius and the Artoria Species, it was all the Pendragon's business. However, if those vampires as outsiders interfered, the nature of the situation would change.

"Don't worry, it's not a problem..." Artorius said confidently to everyone. "Vampires are the enemies of humanity. When it comes to fighting them, we don't need to talk about integrity."

Doing something like using outsiders to fight your own 'mothers' was not just frowned upon; even speaking of it was disgraceful. Of course, using the power of your 'mothers' to fight outsiders was different.

Although it sounded like bullshit, there was no pressure in doing it and somehow made sense.

Weren't parents supposed to love their children? Helping their children out and beating up the scum who harassed them was only natural, right?

"Well, when you put it that way..." XX mumbled and then waved her hand. "Never mind all that! Artorius, what's the plan now?"

"X hasn't contacted us yet?" Artorius asked with some concern.

Whether it was to contact the 'mothers' to confront the vampires or to mediate the conflict between the 'mothers', they first needed to determine the 'mothers' whereabouts.

To find the Artoria Species, they needed X or XX, who was sensitive to 'Artorium'. Otherwise, their efforts would be in vain, much like the empire's intelligence department.

Under Agravain's command, his subordinates turned every restaurant, street food stall, and even roadside sweet potato seller in Orleans upside down, but they couldn't find a single trace. It was so frustrating that their hair was falling out. They couldn't stop worrying.

It wasn't because Agravain and the others lacked ability or skills. Their talents were exceptional, and the magical equipment provided by the empire, along with various special agent training manuals that Artorius had compiled from the future, made them more than capable of surpassing their time.

However, they had only surpassed their time by fifteen hundred years. Considering the development of the empire and the divergence from the original timeline over fifteen hundred years, they were probably ahead of the world by a thousand years.

But their opponents were the Artoria Species who had been ahead of this world for who knew how many years.

Their civilization had reached galactic levels, with geometric advancements in technology. Artorius didn't know what methods they used, but for whatever reason, if the Artoria Species wanted to remain hidden, he wouldn't find them no matter how much he searched while they could roam freely by his side.

So, if he wanted to find them, he had to rely on X.

However, so much time had passed. Yet, there was still no word from X, which was quite strange.

"No, there's been no communication from X..." XX said, furrowing her brow.

In her eyes, X was not only her former self from her 'chuunibyou' days but also an adorable little sister. She felt a sense of responsibility toward all the Artoria Species who were younger than her, wanting to take care of them properly.

This sense of responsibility extended to this world Artoria, as well as Mordred. Both of them, as the local Artoria Species, sensed that XX's gaze toward them was off, and it wasn't just a misconception; something was genuinely off.

But since XX was just looking and not doing anything suspicious, they only became suspicious and did not bother to confront her.

"XX, why don't you go."

Without much thought, Artorius made a decision and sent XX to search for Artoria Species too.

The best outcome would be to reach an agreement with them before Crimson Moon and her army arrived.

Whether it was acting cute, offering benefits, or pretending to be pitiful, Artorius had to make the Artoria Species submit beneath him.

As long as they were Artoria Species, they would never resist his charm!

He was Artorius Pendragon after all.

The Dragon Emperor.

The Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

The Savior of Humanity.

The Creator of the Human Universe.

'Absolutely, that's the way.' Artorius exclaimed with excitement inside his mind. 'Everything is under my control. All Artoria Species will become mine.'

Just a second later, the magical communication channel with X opened.

"Have you located their position? If so, we can proceed to the next step."

That's what Artorius said as soon as it connected. However, the situation was entirely different from what he had imagined.

"Ugh! Ughh! Mphhh!""

When the camera feed opened, the first thing he saw was indeed X, but she wasn't her usual cheerful self. Instead, she was bound, forcibly seated in a chair, with her mouth gagged, clearly like a kidnapping victim.

Despite her desperate struggles, the seemingly ordinary ropes held her as if she were trying to wrestle a polar bear.

Seeing the despair in her widened eyes, Artorius knew it wasn't an act; she was genuinely desperate.


Witnessing this scene, he naturally became anxious and subconsciously tightened his grip on his sword.

He felt pain in his heart. Anyone who dared to treat his mother this way, he swore to make them pay!

However, the next moment...

"Hahaha! Nice to meet you, Artorius."

After a series of arrogant laughter, a face identical to X's, but with a mischievous grin, appeared on the screen.

Her outfit was the same as X's, consisting of a baseball cap, shorts, and a sporty jacket. The only difference was that X's attire was predominantly blue, with some gray and dark tones, while this individual was dressed entirely in white.

Ultimate Heroine Z!

'So, she's the one who kidnapped X... well, that changed things.'

Artorius's anger dissipated ninety-nine point nine percent instantly, and his earlier determination was just hot air.

"Z?! What are you doing?! Release X right now!" Behind Artorius, XX shouted with a hint of urgency. "What do you want to do, you rascal?! Believe me, I'll rush over and spank your butt right now!"


Hearing XX's threat, Z's expression subtly changed.

She instinctively took a step back and covered her buttocks. The formidable and mysterious final boss image she had just made came crashing down.

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