
FATE: My Mother is King Arthur

Artoria: Artorius, my beloved son, the pride of all Britain. As the Prince, you are meant to inherit everything from me. My throne, my possessions, my holy lance and holy sword, the noble warhorses in the royal stables, and all the treasures in the treasury, including but not limited to the Knights of the Round Table. Mordred: Mother, Mother, what about me then? Ah, I see. Brother inherits everything from you, and then I inherit from brother. That's a happy ending, right? So, Mother, when are you going to abdicate? How many tables should we set for the wedding? Can I turn your scabbard into a surfboard? Reincarnated into the TYPE-MOON World as the son of the legendary King of Knights, Artorius was well aware of the 'history' of this world. In an age filled with chaos and war, where the Age of Gods was about to end, he decided to embark on a path opposite to that of his 'Father'—no, his 'Mother'. Follow his journey as he seeks to save his dear mother and his country from downfall by choosing the path of a conqueror. Just take it as AU. MC is a schemer/manipulative. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. The cover image is not mine. Original: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/7918.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Saber Galahad

"Surprisingly smooth, huh?"

It was that evening, and Artorius's self-proclaimed mother, X, was giving her assessment of the banquet.

"You even managed to persuade the Golden Great Emperor Cosmo. As expected of my son, hehehe~"

Artorius almost interjected, his instinct urging him to clarify that the 'Goldy (Gilgamesh)' wasn't who she thought. But after a moment's thought, he decided against it. Let this silly girl continue in her blissful ignorance; there was no need to overthink things.

At the first-day banquet, she was supposed to attend as well. However, her presence was nowhere to be found despite the search efforts. It was only when everyone dispersed at midnight that she appeared. She clung to Artorius, boasting about taking down a few more Sabers.

On the path to defeating Sabers, incidental world-saving occurred—ancient empires were obliterated, alien invasions repelled, and even evil gods were sealed. She spoke as if it were nothing, and Artorius merely listened.

"It's just the beginning..." Artorius stated calmly.

For this moment, his facade of the majestic emperor in the adult form was dropped, replaced by the attractive youth form that Artorius was most familiar with.

"Gaining control over them isn't easy." He continued.

"True, true. Of course, I know that. But that can't stump you, right?"

"Of course not..." Artorius responded confidently. "But apart from that, there's another matter equally important, which I need to attend to."

"Equally important?"

In the eyes of X, her precious son came first, filling her belly second, and the pursuit of Saber and Artoria Species was third. Beyond that, there was little truly important to focus on in her head.

'What might that be?'

The question lingered in her puzzled expression until the answer came the next day.



"Haven't you eaten?!"

"Tighten your ass!"

"Who are you trying to seduce with that bouncing chest?! Wrap your chest properly! Otherwise, I'll make you undergo surgery!"

'Artorius, you're quite strict with Galahad, huh?' X thought in a daze as she watched the spectacle.


Given the building's ancient design and castle architecture of the hotel, there was naturally a training ground. It was adjacent to the entertainment area, where bowling lanes, tennis courts, and a large swimming pool resided.

Artorius, having already made up his mind, took 'Galahad' with her well-developed chest for training the next day.

Under Artorius's torrential onslaught, 'Galahad's' reactions were as follows:




It wasn't working.

After a few rounds, 'Galahad' was left bruised by Artorius's blows, her sword and shield were sent flying, leaving her collapsed on the ground, unable to rise.

'What in the world is happening here? Why did I get pulled into this hellish training by a scary senpai right after I woke up?'

She felt a sense of injustice, tears forming in her eyes.


"No crying allowed!"

Seeing 'Galahad' on the verge of tears and about to burst into sobs, Artorius intervened in his typically forceful manner.

"Get up and continue training!"


Although he said that, observing her shaky legs as she struggled to stand, her scared gaze fixed on him, Artorius knew she was in bad shape. Continuing like this wouldn't yield results; it could only create psychological scars.


'So weak, this girl.'

As he pondered this, Artorius moved forward, reaching out to give a headpat on her head as she nervously attempted to curl up. Through the influence of his magical energy, her exhaustion and pain disappeared.

This surprised and bewildered her, but regardless, her fear of Artorius decreased.

"So, how did you fight before?" Artorius asked somewhat exasperatedly. "Poor swordsmanship, unrefined footwork, insufficient speed, sluggish reactions. None of your techniques are any good. Given this, how did you even survive till now?"

"I didn't—"

"Don't try to evade!" Artorius cut her off, "Answer my question."

"I-I was..."

"I understand now..." Artorius nodded. "I'll start training you from the basics. Prepare yourself, 'Sir Galahad'."

As he said that, Artorius put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, even if you're completely useless, I won't give up on you. After all, you're my dear friend!"

"Uhh, eh...?"


At the same time, inside one of the luxurious rooms in the Tokyo Grand Hotel, Iskandar smiled with delight in his assigned room, "Guhahaha, this thing is indeed great, Master!"

The room, spanning over a hundred square meters, was nearly filled with all kinds of 'toys.'

There were various military-themed board game pieces, as well as deluxe collector's editions of real-time strategy and war strategy electronic games.

Top-of-the-line gaming consoles and high-end computers were all present. For someone inclined towards this type of hobby, it would feel like they had entered paradise.

"Enjoy it." Waver said somewhat helplessly while thinking to himself, 'Did you really anticipate that this would work, using these things to win over someone as great as Iskandar? Did you foresee this, Your Majesty?'


During the noon hours, newcomers joined the training ground.

There lay Shuten, on her large floating gourd in midair, with a cheerful smile, seemed to view Artorius's training of 'Galahad' as a form of entertainment.

On the other side was Scathach, now Artorius's assistant trainer.

"Wouldn't it be better to leave Galahad's training to me?"

Regarding Artorius's intent to personally teach 'Galahad', Scathach raised this question.

"It's fine if it's someone else, but when it comes to Galahad, I must personally instruct her."

"...Fine. As long as you're happy."

After a few seconds of silence, Scathach made this evaluation. She walked over to Shuten and poured herself a drink.

Despite the casual manner, Shuten didn't mind at all. She just smiled blissfully with half-lidded eyes, occasionally shifting her posture.

"Do you think you're hiding it well?" But after that, Scathach leaned in close to Shuten's ear and whispered, "Not a single flaw?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Old Hag..." Shuten responded nonchalantly.

"Hmph, do you even have the right to say that? Look at the mirror, Old Hag." Scathach retorted.

Although Shuten was much younger than Scathach, Shuten herself was the kind of character that people wouldn't hesitate to call 'Old Hag', an authentic 'Loli Baba'.

Age seemed to be a taboo for women, and apparently even for Oni.

Dangerous gaze flickered in Shuten's eyes. Simultaneously, Scathach's hand tightened around her Gae Bolg.

Beside them, their Masters thought they were about to start a fight, but in the end, Scathach and Shuten both stopped.

Without exchanging glances or words, they focused their attention on Artorius and 'Galahad'.

"Keep your arm straight, and this move goes like this."

Artorius was busy correcting 'Galahad's' stance and techniques. He reached out to adjust various parts of her body, ensuring her posture was perfect.

"Remember this well."

Artorius said to her earnestly. Unfortunately, the teaching result was a disaster. He couldn't help but frown.

Meanwhile, 'Galahad' stared at him with a resentful gaze.

'What should I do next to resolve this...?'

Artorius pondered, but before he could come up with an answer, his phone in his pocket rang.

"Wait a moment, I need to take a call." After notifying 'Galahad', Artorius disappeared. The former let out a sigh of relief and slumped to the ground.

"This Galahad really isn't cutting it." X said while watching them and frowned, "Rather than being a knight, it feels more suitable for her to be a pet concubine. She can't go to battle, just filling the harem, right? Poor thing."


Hearing X's muttered words, 'Galahad' cast a resentful glance, sending X into a fluster.

"Huh, what? What Artoria? You've got the wrong person, hahaha... I'm Mysterious Heroine X! Not the Evil Artoria!"


Though tempted to retort, 'Galahad' rolled her eyes, too tired both mentally and physically to speak.


Meanwhile, at the top of the hotel's palace complex, standing on the pinnacle of the tower, overlooking the city by Gilgamesh's side, Artorius answered the phone.

"Sir Agravain, is that you?"




"I'm doing well, no need to worry. But how about you?"


"I see..."


"I don't hold it against you."


"You're right, it's been quite a task for you, Sir Agravain."


"That's correct."


"Let's go with that plan."


"The next steps are up to you as well. I'm counting on you, Sir Agravain."

After ending the call, Artorius switched off his phone and casually put it back into his pocket.

"You're done talking with your loyal dog."

Beside Artorius, came a voice. There, stood a golden figure. Who else if not Gilgamesh?

Gilgamesh didn't turn his head, only calmly inquiring like, "Is the plan set?" "Have the troops been mobilized?" "Are the traps laid out?"

"I'm looking forward to your show, Evil Dragon."

There was a tinge of sarcasm in his voice. Just as arrogant as ever, as usual, it was easy to tell that the individual named Gilgamesh was quite the jerk.

"Pretty much, that's the idea." Artorius was equally unaffected, "You have your part to play in this performance as well, Gilgamesh. I'm waiting for your performance too."

"Fuhahaha... So bold, to consider me a top-tier actor in this drama, is that it? You really want to die, Dragon."

"Perhaps, but not right now."

With those words, Artorius disappeared without a trace. Once again, he appeared on the training ground, making 'Galahad', who had relaxed a bit, nervous once more.

"Take it easy..." Artorius spoke gently to her. "Just now, I thought about it a bit. Although your talents are lacking, your skill is limited, your abilities are insufficient, and your confidence is low, it's not entirely your fault."


'Am I really that terrible?'

Artorius's series of remarks hit 'Galahad' quite hard.

"However, there's a way to make you stronger in the shortest time."

"Eh? Really?"

Though Artorius's training had left her in a disheveled state, the prospect of becoming stronger excited her.

"Of course it's true." Artorius sounded light-hearted, "I wouldn't lie to you, 'Sir Galahad'—so, just be a little patient."


The next moment, amidst the amazed exclamations of Scathach nearby, as well as Caren who had come over to join in the excitement, 'Galahad' was bound by Artorius's magecraft.

"Uh, eh? W-What is this... ugh—"

The next moment, even her ability to protest was taken away.

Treated like a puppet by Artorius—not like the casual touch and fiddling during training before, but with direct control over every aspect of her body and mind from the inside out.


"Something, something's entered. It's inside me, ahhh~"

Fear, confusion, unease, and even an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

As Artorius channeled his magical energy, through his 'Dragon Emperor's Privilege' into 'Galahad', an unexpected and miraculous change occurred.


"Can this really be?"

"Is this even possible?"

"Too ridiculous, isn't it?"

"Kukuku, truly a splendid old man."

Amidst 'Galahad's' confusion about what exactly was happening, the onlookers around them erupted in astonishment.

Because they were witnessing a 'Miracle.'

The Saint Graph of 'Galahad' was modified.

In just an instant, the Saint Graph of Shielder underwent a transformation that defied reason due to the EX-ranked 'Dragon Emperor Privilege' and the boundless magical energy of the Third Magic, changing her into a Saber.

The shield of the Servant, Galahad, quickly shrank to the size of a one-handed shield. Simultaneously, a holy sword appeared at her waist, with a crimson hilt and a pure white blade named 'Frostfire Requiem'. A holy sword from the fusion of Galahad's original Noble Phantasm—'Crimson-Hilted Sword' and the power of Artorius. {T/N: The  mysterious and unnamed crimson-hilted sword of Galahad Alter's in Fate/Requiem if I'm not wrong.}

Meanwhile, 'Galahad's' armor, once known for its modest yet sensual appearance, rapidly transformed into something more angular, gleaming with a metallic luster. Its defensive capabilities improved significantly, but it became heavier, more majestic, and more imposing—a full-body plate armor.

And so, Saber 'Galahad' took the stage in all her glory.


Having completed the modification of Saint Graph, Artorius nodded in satisfaction and withdrew his power.

At the same time, 'Galahad' blushed and fell to the ground again.

Though it had only been a fleeting moment, the sensation of their spirits intertwining was imprinted deeply within her soul, a pleasure that lingered.

"With this, the parameter has been strengthened, and the retained skills have been modified. As long as you adapt and train well, you can become a true knight worthy of Galahad's name, right?"


Confronted with the irrationality of the Dragon Emperor, 'Galahad' finally snapped and couldn't hold back anymore.

"I keep saying! I am not Galahad!" She couldn't help but exclaim, "My name is Mash Kyrielight! I am a Demi-Servant of Chaldea—"

"Ah, I know that girl, but where does your Saint Graph come from?"

"G-Galahad..." Mash instinctively answered Artorius's question, then immediately froze.

"Well, that settles it."

He looked earnestly at her, "So, Mash, what gave you the misconception that you are more important to me than Galahad? Why do you think I always called you Galahad? From my perspective and position, how should I view the 'you' that has become a fusion of existence known as 'Mash' and 'Galahad'?"

Artorius raised Galahad's chin—or rather, Mash's chin. Her cheeks flushed once more due to his playful demeanor. He whispered near her ear, saying, "Present yourself well and work hard. Be it your identity, status, or reputation, if you want me to acknowledge you as 'Mash' and see you that way, you must earn everything for yourself, girl."

Then, he turned and left without hesitation.

"Old Man, you're so heartless. you basically making that poor girl stupefied."

Shuten, the onlooker, casually commented.

"Mind your own business, Oni." Artorius calmly responded, "Also, stop calling me 'Old Man.'"

"Ara? How should I address you then?" Shuten asked playfully, "Your Majesty, Master, Lord, or maybe... Darling?"


This time, Artorius didn't reply. He just quirked the corner of his mouth, leaving Shuten with a meaningfully ambiguous smile.

"Ahh! The Saber-class increased again! Artorius, what are you up to?!" Amidst the sounds of distress from X, everyone present felt that Artorius's mood had taken a turn for the worse after that phone call.

"Who made that call, and what did they say I wonder?" Scathach muttered curiously as she gazed at the departed figure of Artorius.

"I can kind of understand why you called him 'Old Man'." Scathach turned her head to address Shuten, who was lying flat on a gourd once more, exposing her belly and legs, "But don't get it wrong, Oni, or you'll have an ugly death."

"Kukuku, scary~ scary~" Shuten responded with a laugh.

Though she said that, there was not a hint of fear on Shuten's face.

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