
FATE: My Mother is King Arthur

Artoria: Artorius, my beloved son, the pride of all Britain. As the Prince, you are meant to inherit everything from me. My throne, my possessions, my holy lance and holy sword, the noble warhorses in the royal stables, and all the treasures in the treasury, including but not limited to the Knights of the Round Table. Mordred: Mother, Mother, what about me then? Ah, I see. Brother inherits everything from you, and then I inherit from brother. That's a happy ending, right? So, Mother, when are you going to abdicate? How many tables should we set for the wedding? Can I turn your scabbard into a surfboard? Reincarnated into the TYPE-MOON World as the son of the legendary King of Knights, Artorius was well aware of the 'history' of this world. In an age filled with chaos and war, where the Age of Gods was about to end, he decided to embark on a path opposite to that of his 'Father'—no, his 'Mother'. Follow his journey as he seeks to save his dear mother and his country from downfall by choosing the path of a conqueror. Just take it as AU. MC is a schemer/manipulative. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. The cover image is not mine. Original: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/7918.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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Plan for the Future

Forging a closer and more intimate connection with this world, forming closer and more intimate relationships with the people of this world, engaging in all sorts of ways with numerous lovely girls, in short—Sex.

"I see, I see, so that's how it is..." Artorius exclaimed after realization.

After Morgan and Vivian explained, he finally grasped it. The method to alleviate his drifting symptoms was to interact with more women in various ways.

'Well, I guess there's no way around it...'

Artorius sighed with resignation.

'My safety is intertwined with the fate of the empire.'

'The security of the empire affects all of humanity.'

'Hence, this truly is an inevitable situation.'

He thought those with a grin—more like a resigned grin. Artorius felt content—no, he felt helpless.

If possible, he wouldn't have chosen this path.

But there's no other way, right?

He was willing to do anything to save humanity.

Compared to the act of saving humanity, his personal principles, ethics, or even dignity, were all things he could sacrifice.

He did sexual activities with Morgan and Vivian in various ways and positions solely to save humanity, not for any ulterior motives, of course.

"Hahh... there's one more thing." Morgan chimed in.

Seeing Artorius looking like he'd gained an upper hand, Morgan's lips curled into a satisfied smile.

"To strengthen your bond with this world, when you travel to another world or different timelines, you can't engage in sexual activity. Otherwise, your connections with those worlds and timelines will strengthen while this world will weaken. All our previous efforts would go to waste."


Upon hearing that, Artorius couldn't muster a laugh.

After several hours of smashing the two women and a half hour of bath, he went to Scathach with a very gloomy expression.

Morgan and Vivian, on the other hand, had their fun as they took revenge on him, and could now rest in peace and felt satisfied.

"You look as if Morgan and Vivian have drained you completely."

Continuing the conversation, Scathach evaluated Artorius.

"So, what's wrong? Did you encounter something depressing?"

"Well, I did encounter something, but... well, that's not the point."

"What is the point then?" Scathach's tone remained casual. "Are you asking about the progress in conquering Northern Europe? We progress to some extent."

She referred to her endeavor to subdue several Norse tribes while wearing her Skadi guise.

As someone with sufficient historical foresight, Artorius knew that the next few hundred years would witness the Viking Age. The Vikings, Norse, or Normans, would trigger a new wave of barbarian invasions across Europe.

Which included Britain, France, and even Italy and the Rus.

The seafaring pirates, brandishing their battle axes on dragon-headed longships, would spread slaughter and terror across the lands of Europe.

In the fragmented and divided Europe of that time, the feudal fiefdoms were hardly a match for them, practically defenseless.

Of course, with the establishment of his empire, Artorius believed that the might of the new Rome would fear no such barbaric Norsemen. But, if possible, he hoped for peaceful resolutions.

War should be a last resort. After all, the Holy Roman Empire was still in a period of recovery.

So, if he could make the Norsemen submit to the goddess Skadi, then they wouldn't have to resort to a drawn-out conflict.

Unfortunately, Scathach didn't bring good news.

"I had some respect among the Normans, but expecting them to obey and follow my lead without question is quite far-fetched. Total avoidance of conflict is impossible, considering their land's poverty, expansion is almost a necessity. Nevertheless, controlling warfare to a certain extent is plausible. Perhaps the empire could hire Viking mercenaries. Some Norse tribes and cities might bow to you and serve you as their ruler, but full submission without invasion is unlikely."

"But won't it turn into a Roman-Germanic mercenaries situation like in the past?" Artorius inquired.

"That depends on you." Scathach's tone remained relaxed. "Speaking of which, you're planning to disguise dynastic changes with puppets to maintain control, right? In this era, the fate of nations and peoples largely rests on the ruler's capabilities. If you are powerful enough, you can keep the Normans in check. Conversely, if they overthrow you, it's your weakness to blame."

"In that case..." Artorius's eyes shimmered for a moment as he thought of some cunning tricks.

When the Vikings were at their prime, which country did they establish as the mightiest?

The five Nordic countries? The North Sea Empire founded by King Cnut? Or perhaps the Kingdom of Sicily established by Norman knights?

None of those, but the Rurik Dynasty's establishment of Kievan Rus.

In the age of Sweden's rise, who were their most significant rivals?

The Poles (Polish people) and the Russians. In broader terms, the Slavs.

'Guiding those Norse barbarians to attack Eastern Europe might work.'

Artorius contemplated.

'Perhaps they could serve as vanguards for my empire's eastward expansion, like the Cossacks.'

"Are you brewing up some mischievous ideas again?" Scathach asked with raised eyebrows.

Artorius didn't answer his teacher's question directly, and just offered a pleased smile.

"Then, I'll leave the next steps to you, Teacher. Continue guiding the Northern tribes. Small-scale border skirmishes are fine; just prevent them from escalating into full-scale wars."

"Alright, I'll do my best." Scathach agreed while shrugging her shoulders, concluding the topic.

Afterward, Artorius was about to speak but hesitated. He opened his mouth but closed it again.

"What's wrong?" Scathach noticed his weird behavior and asked.

"It's about the vampires..." Artorius paused briefly before continuing, "Agravain is already gathering intelligence about them, but please keep an eye out as well."

In reality, he wanted to discuss his encounter with Scathach of the future from the previous drift.

The Scathach of fifteen centuries later was more direct and gentler with him than the present one. More importantly, she had ascended to the Throne of Heroes.

But that was fifteen centuries away.

Artorius didn't know the specifics of what had occurred to her. Sharing this now would only cause needless concerns.

Considering this, he decided to stay silent on the matter.

"I will."

Scathach sensed Artorius's unease but respected his choice not to elaborate. She would keep an eye out discreetly.

Similar to her recent observations on the underground magic factory, the Illuminati, and the Mage's Association.

"Lately, the empire has been recruiting more mages." Scathach casually mentioned, implying that she had noticed some peculiar or suspicious individuals.

"Isn't that a sign of our empire's rising fame?" Artorius responded casually, seemingly dismissive of her hint.

Everyone should know that the empire was flourishing.

Whether driven by ideals, ambition, simple pragmatism, or aspirations for power and wealth, the empire was the obvious choice.

As they conversed, the underground magic factory continued its construction, experimentation, and expansion.

New labs, workshops, production lines, energy sources, and rest areas were being developed.

Military facilities, storage rooms, and mass production of homunculi and mystic codes—along with various combinations of technology and magecraft led to cutting-edge, black-market products.

Notably, the experimental aircraft seen by Artorius in the facilities likely surpassed the F16 in combat capability, while the armored tanks probably outmatched the M1A1 or T72.

More crucially, there was the homunculus technology.

If Artorius wished, he could assemble an army of millions with brainwashing, top-tier physical abilities, master-level combat skills, and elite unit-level organization.

Such an army could easily conquer this world—well, not completely, as they were on Nasuverse after all.

'The Mystery side of the empire is thriving, but it's not enough.' Artorius thought. 'There's one crucial element missing.'

The Throne of Empire—the true treasure that could free the endless cycle of the entirety of human history.

In the coming years, the empire would prioritize research into the Throne of Empire.

When it was complete, the empire would be truly invincible.

So, instead of idle thoughts or suspicions, Artorius hoped Scathach would focus her energy on studying the Throne of Empire.

In the history 1500 years later, the empire built the Throne of Empire around the 900s. Artorius didn't expect this miracle project to be completed ahead of time but certainly hoped it wouldn't be delayed.

"Internal monitoring can be handled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Artorius assured Scathach. "Even if there are a few rats, they won't disrupt the grand scheme."

"Easy for you to say..."

"Relax, Teacher. You surely don't believe everything is part of the Artoria Species' conspiracy like X, do you?"

Artorius jokingly remarked with a slight smile, though it wasn't particularly amusing.

If X were here, she would undoubtedly protest. But, Scathach wasn't a chuunibyou; she merely smiled at his remark, acknowledging the jest without responding.


There might be some spies from other forces infiltrating. But for the mighty Holy Roman Empire, it hardly mattered.

"Well, let's delve into magecraft then, Teacher. I haven't studied magecraft in a while."

Artorius invited Scathach to join him, and she readily agreed.

Neither of them noticed some researchers nearby exchanging meaningful glances when the term 'Artoria Species' came up.

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