
FATE: My Mother is King Arthur

Artoria: Artorius, my beloved son, the pride of all Britain. As the Prince, you are meant to inherit everything from me. My throne, my possessions, my holy lance and holy sword, the noble warhorses in the royal stables, and all the treasures in the treasury, including but not limited to the Knights of the Round Table. Mordred: Mother, Mother, what about me then? Ah, I see. Brother inherits everything from you, and then I inherit from brother. That's a happy ending, right? So, Mother, when are you going to abdicate? How many tables should we set for the wedding? Can I turn your scabbard into a surfboard? Reincarnated into the TYPE-MOON World as the son of the legendary King of Knights, Artorius was well aware of the 'history' of this world. In an age filled with chaos and war, where the Age of Gods was about to end, he decided to embark on a path opposite to that of his 'Father'—no, his 'Mother'. Follow his journey as he seeks to save his dear mother and his country from downfall by choosing the path of a conqueror. Just take it as AU. MC is a schemer/manipulative. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. The cover image is not mine. Original: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/7918.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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213 Chs


"That's right, indeed worthy of your title, Your Majesty."

Kirei sighed, his emotions seeming very sincere. It appeared that he was indeed an admirer of the Dragon Emperor.

But then again, this wasn't surprising, or rather, it was quite normal.

Living in the Empire, people basked in the majesty of the Dragon Emperor, growing up in such an environment. They had heard, seen, and personally witnessed the magnificent achievements of the Dragon Emperor. How could they not become admirers of the Dragon Emperor?

"So..." Artorius said, his expression devoid of emotion. Even as he saw Shuten struggling to get up, he maintained an indifferent smile. "After putting in so much effort, so much work, do you really want to retreat? I am right here, if you want my life, you'll have to try harder."

"Life?" Kirei said with a calm smile.

What happened next left Mash feeling perplexed. She tilted her head and let out a puzzled "Ehh?"

Because Kirei said something like this, "Your Majesty's life? Why would Your Majesty think like that? We've never had any intention of harming you."

As he spoke, he spread his arms towards the Dragon Emperor.

"Despite the misunderstandings that have existed between the empire and the vampires for hundreds, even thousands of years, the loyalty of the vampires to Your Majesty is beyond doubt."

"We aren't plotting rebellion, nor any mischief. We have come to pledge our allegiance to you!"


"Heh..." Artorius sneered, "Is this what you wanted to say? Utterly ridiculous."

"No, no. Please allow your subjects to clarify, Your Majesty. We are sincere."

"During the years of war against the empire, we experienced confusion, pain, turmoil, and setbacks. After countless failures, we finally realized one thing."

"That is, Crimson Moon is not suitable. You are the rightful ruler of the vampires. Brunestud of the Crimson Moon—that kind of woman is simply not fit to lead the vampires forward."

Kirei spoke words that were outrageously rebellious, making Artorius find it even more amusing.

"Go on."

A stylish armchair appeared behind the Dragon Emperor. He settled into it comfortably, manifesting a glass of grape juice in the process.

"I'm listening. The stand-up comedy routine you're doing is quite entertaining. I might reward you later."


Mash, who was tickled by Artorius's words, quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Then she blushed and lowered her head.

"Thank you very much for your generosity."

As if not sensing the sarcasm in Artorius's words, Kirei said those words then bowed again and spoke:

"Please allow me a little time to explain this matter. The war between the empire and the vampires has spanned over a thousand years. Why hasn't the empire achieved victory? Why hasn't Your Majesty crushed the vampires completely?

The reasons for this, Your Majesty, you surely understand better than I do. The restraint of the Counter Force is one aspect, your own self-restraint is another, and beyond that, there's one more crucial point—the limitations of humanity.

Humanity does have its limitations.

I'm not denying the brilliance and greatness of humanity. What I mean is that humans, apart from their brilliance and greatness, also have darkness and corruption within them.

Humans are a mix of good and evil, angels and demons, gods and devils.

What Your Majesty desires, is to restrain humanity, to control them, to confine them, to suppress the darkness and corruption of human nature. To shape humanity into what you expect."

"Is there anything wrong with that?" Mash tilted her head. Even though speaking up in this situation wasn't ideal, she couldn't resist asking, "I-Isn't His Majesty a good person?"

"As a ruler, how can one use terms like 'good' or 'bad' to differentiate, young lady? You are still too young, too naive."

Kirei smiled, leaving Mash momentarily speechless.

"A true ruler should act based on the highest interests, young lady."

Kirei glanced at Mash and spoke earnestly like an elder sharing his wisdom with the younger generation. Then, with a steady gaze at the Dragon Emperor, Kirei continued:

"Please consider my proposal earnestly, Your Majesty. Please seriously consider accepting our pleas, accepting our loyalty, and accepting us as your subjects. We will dedicate everything to you—our research, our armies, and ourselves. I know that all of that is insignificant, not worth mentioning. Yes, to a great ruler like Your Majesty, everything we have is indeed insignificant. However, vampires possess advantages."

"The True Ancestors are the 'sense of touch' of the planet, just like the gods of ancient times. After the Age of Gods ended, the True Ancestors that still thrive in the world will be the mightiest weapons of Gaia. We have grown tired of that existence. We have realized that continuing to follow it brings us no benefits. We also yearn for the future, Your Majesty."

Kirei looked up with sincere eyes, gazing at Artorius.

"As long as Your Majesty agrees, the day when all vampires are under your rule will be the day you completely dominate 'Gaia'.

The contradiction of good and evil, light and darkness, justice and evil in the world—all will be under your 'rule'. Your 'authority' in this world will transcend, surpassing even Gaia and Alaya.

You will become the new Counter Force of this planet.

Beyond good and evil, beyond light and darkness, beyond everything!

The next era you've been anticipating will also begin.

We will be the blades in your hands. We will conquer the myriad worlds, planets, and the universe for you."

As Kirei spoke those words, as if to emphasize his fervent speech, the battle between X and Ex came to an end.

X, bearing wounds and appearing almost breathless, was carried by Ex. She put her glasses back on and then discarded X to the side.

"I didn't kill her, Artorius." Ex gazed calmly at Artorius. "Although I really wanted to. But if I did that, Artorius would be sad, right?"


Artorius's expression wavered slightly.

Indeed, she really is 'Artoria'.

"I also want to stand with Artorius. I also want to play with Artorius, to be by Artorius's side."

Although Ex's expression was calm and her voice steady, Artorius could see the sincerity and earnestness in her eyes. She truly thought this way and was truly looking forward to it. Her feelings were genuine.

Artorius continued to remain silent, neither granting nor refusing Kirei.

"I don't trust you." After a while, Artorius looked at Kirei and added, "I don't trust your sincerity."

"Sincerity? Of course, we have it—because Your Majesty perfectly embodies the concept of the Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors and the ruler of vampires." Kirei said calmly.

"Hmm?" Artorius raised his eyebrows.

"The Dark Six..." Kirei gazed at the Dragon Emperor as he said the name, "Among the Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors, it held authority and status surpassing Crimson Moon. Compared to the self-proclaimed 'King of the Death Apostles' by Trhvmn, the Dark Six is the true 'Emperor of the Death Apostles'. We have reason to believe that this figure is you."

He continued:

"Beneath your radiant greatness lies an equal darkness. The more light, the more darkness.





The Steppes.


The territories under your rule align with ancient and recognized civilizations, in line with the prophecies. So, with a slight nudge, this 'concept' can be brought forth.

You can simultaneously embody the concepts of the 'Emperor of the Death Apostles' and the 'Dragon Emperor'.

You will become both rulers of light and darkness. After that, our world will experience a complete rebirth, standing tall in the universe, no longer manipulated by anyone, free from all concerns."


"The attack from Shuten just now... was that your plan?" Artorius asked a question.

"Yes, Your Majesty sensed it too. If it was just any attack, it wouldn't even scratch you, who possesses both Third Magic and Avalon. But what we aim for is never to harm you. What Shuten-douji did was inject an energy, a catalyst, to Your Majesty. A trigger that would guide Your Majesty to summon your own dark side. So, this isn't something that can be restored with the concept of 'restoration'."

"..." Artorius fell silent once again and then said, "You've prepared for a long time."

"..." Kirei didn't speak, maintaining a calm posture of respect. Even so, Artorius could sense his inner satisfaction.


Sensing the change in Artorius's tone and demeanor, Mash widened her eyes and looked at him with a hint of fear.

'If Senpai really agrees with them, t-then...'

Mash had an instinctual feeling that something was off about Kirei's words, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She could only feel anxious.

'It can actually succeed?' At the same time, Kirei was filled with joy in his mind.

He had thought that the probability of convincing the Dragon Emperor was at most a little over ten percent. But now, it seemed that the Dragon Emperor might actually agree?!

'If this can really succeed...'

Achievement, credit, benefits—Kirei didn't care about any of that. What he cared about was the intense pleasure he could derive from this massive change.

"Kotomine Kirei... I have two more questions for you."

"I will share all that I know."

"The first question is..." Artorius began, "If I agree to become the Emperor of the Death Apostles, will vampires continue to drink human blood, and will they continue to threaten humanity?"

"This... even I don't know. The urge to drink blood is a challenge faced by all vampires." He lowered his head, slyly saying, "Perhaps with the empire's capabilities and Your Majesty's talents, a new path can be found."

"I see."

Artorius didn't express agreement or disagreement with his answer. He then continued:

"My second question is..."

"What about today's victims? Thousands have died because of your actions."

"By extension..."

"Before this, during the time when vampires roamed unchecked, for all the humans harmed, killed, and preyed upon by you, how do you intend to address it?"


Hearing Artorius speak like that, Kirei's excitement began to wane.

He started to realize that he had underestimated this emperor. Things might not unfold as favorably as he had hoped.

Even so, he gave the Dragon Emperor his answer.

"These are the pains of progress." Kirei bowed his head, continuing respectfully, "All sacrifices are necessary, laying the foundation for a brighter future."

"I see, that's what you think." Artorius nodded. "In that case, I have the answer..."

The Dragon Emperor's voice was solemn and sacred, akin to a judgment day for the vampires.


{T/N: The Crimson Moon in this fic seems to be a female.}

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