

Negativity, something Kumagawa Misogi was very familiar with. He was the definition of negativity, he couldn't even feel pain. The flames that searched to extinguish all life could do nothing to him. He was a minus that crawled through the chaos, abandoned by everything with no one to experience what affection was.

LazzyD · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4

Kumagawa sat in his dark room. Nothing was right, the space around Kumagawa strayed far away as possible. He had lost once again despite being given the false hope that he could win. For a moment, he thought he had broken his damn curse of not being able to win, only for his hopes to be crushed utterly.

Anastasia watched over her master suffering once more. Her master had been given hope only for the hope to be utterly crushed under the giant's foot.


Kirei had enough of this unknown variable and so did Gilgamesh. It was not because he was an unknown variable. No, it was because an unwelcome guest had entered his garden. A pest that only bought misfortune on itself. He had enough and did not wish to spend time pruning later. So he prompted to do it now.

Kirei tilted his head at the golden figure dematerialising before giving a smirk.


Anastasia's bounded field warned her immediately. A large magical energy signature. Kumagawa was already awake and looking at the golden figure. The golden figure laughed before announcing aloud "Mongrel, you have sullied my garden with your presence. Surrender and I shall give you a swift and painless death. Do not waste my time lest I let my hand slip."

Kumagawa knew these types of people, he hated them, he loathed them, he absolutely wanted to tear them apart. He decided to play it nice for now and take advantage of this. 『Forgive me for being insolent, may I know the name of someone this great?』Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes "I do not like your way of speaking mongrel, but for the fact that you know your place I will grant you the honour of knowing my name."

"Your eyes should be glad they ever saw Gilgamesh, The King of Heroes!"

『Know my place huh?』

『I most certainly do know my place.』

Gilgamesh laughed.

『I know that I'm pathetic, I know that I'm worthless and I know that I'm the weakest human ever...』

『But that's why I'll beat you and all those elites into the ground. I'll drag you down to my level and make you see despair and misfortune which the likes of you has never seen!』

Gilgamesh snorted "You wish for me to see despair and misfortune? Me? Misfortune avoids me like a plague and despair flees at the sight of me. Only riches and fortune may find me."

Kumagawa rushed at Gilgamesh while Anastasia set and ice field around encompassing Gilgamesh's foot while defending against the golden blades and axes that were sent flying at her.

Kumagawa rushed forward trying to reach Gilgamesh only for chains to restrain him mid-air. Kumagawa broke out into a grin 『What? Scared of losing? Mr. Goldy?』 Gilgamesh snorted while keeping a barrage of fire at Anastasia.

"Me scared? Scared of losing against a pathetic mongrel like you? No. I just wanted to see your face when you die." Swords pierced Kumagwa like a porcupine as swords littered the area which were left by the King of Heroes who had deemed him dead as he started walking away.

The sound of metal clangs brought the King of Heroes to look back. There he was, Kumagawa standing up with no problems as if nothing had ever happened.

『All Fiction』

He adjusted his cuff button before placing his hand on a sword. The King of Heroes was furious.

"YOU! You dare touch my treasure with your filthy hands mongrel!"

The weapon vanished as it disappeared from reality. Gilgamesh was furious "What did you do MONGREL!"

『I know I'm the weakest human alive, which is why I know everything about weaknesses. I'll tear everything that makes you... You, and I'll do it until the only thing you have left is your name.』

Kumagawa kept walking before all the weapons laid on the ground disappeared. Gilgamesh was enraged as he yelled at Kumagawa "You CUR! DIE!"

But nothing happened.

No golden gates formed and no weapons where launched. Gilgamesh looked behind him in shock.

『The King of Heroes, Gilgamesh, renowned for his possession of every treasure in the world. Having contained the prototypes of every Noble Phantasm.』

『But now that bit is gone? What's left?』

『Ah yes, your pride as a King.』

Kumagawa smiled chaotically as he grinned 『I'm going to take everything that makes up you. Then I'm going to take it all apart. Every weapon you possessed gone. Next is your pride, I'm going to break it into tiny pieces until only your name remains.』

Gilgamesh couldn't move as the ice from Anastasia had snuck up on his foot. That was enough for Kumagawa. A flat panned screw with a negative sign stretched to the length of a sword. Gilgamesh grabbed the only remaining weapon which he had dropped before as he swung it at the rushing Kumagawa.

"Die mongrel!"

Kumagawa grinned 『You first.』

In that moment the screw pierced him, everything was stripped from him, all his accomplishments, all his success and all his pride reduced to ashes before 『Bookmaker』.

Every victory became a failure and every dream was shattered.

Everything that made up him was reduced to the weakest person alive. His once radiant blonde hair became white as his ragged breathing was the only thing to go by.

Gilgamesh grit his teeth, his enormous ego was the only thing that was allowed to exist only due to Kumagawa's unknown, but strong heart.

The sword plunged into Kumagawa's heart just as Kumagawa's screw pierced Gilgamesh's spirit origin.

Gilgamesh fell down onto the floor as blood poured out of the wound while Kumagwa died before resurrecting.

Kumagawa sighed.

『Once again. I couldn't win.』