
Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse.

"Why does every world that we go must be someone with Young Master syndrome is that a trend?" "I don't understand your question Young Master" "I already told you to not call me like that!" "You have guts to ignore the great me!" " Yeah Yeah I know, you will say some shit like that I'm courting death or whatever" "You are mocking me, are you courting... how do you know what I was going to say peasant?" "Cause everyone like you say the same bullshit!!!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own anything except some OC and barely. There is a Harem Tag for something so please don't leave hate comments in the future for that, Its on the description so save time to everyone. English it's not my first language. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a pleasant experience doing it. First World- Harry Potter Second World- High School DXD

Stuckinapileofbook · Anime & Comics
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Chapter XIII: What the actual...

Gryffindor Tower. 3rd Person POV

While Yozora was having a dick measurement contest with the Slytherin students. Harry, Ron, and Neville were having a conversation about him.

"I'm telling you he wants to use you!" Ron was babbling to Harry.

Harry frowned at the redhead's words. "Why do you say that? You don't even know him that well, he even shared his food with everyone." Harry said while remembering Yozora's food that was even tastier than the one served in the Great Hall.

"Because he is a bloody SNAKE!"

"What if he is from Slytherin? He barely knows who I am, and he has been kind since we meet besides, what could he possibly gain from me?" Harry said now more annoyed.

"Harry you are literally the-boy-who-lived. You are known by everyone in the world, he must want to use your fame to gain something, remember you can't trust snakes they are all evil." Ron scowled truly believing that he was right. "Look even Neville is afraid of him." He said pointing at Neville.

"That's not right Neville is just shy." Harry said defending Yozora. "You aren't scared of him, are you?" Harry asked the chubby boy.

"N-no, he has been nice to me, he even help me find Trevor, but Gran said that I should not associate with people from Slytherin so I am conflicted about what to do," Neville said truly conflicted, even if he feels intimidated by Yozora, he hasn't done anything to him.

"You should listen to your grandmother Neville and don't lie Neville if you aren't scared of him, why are you always so nervous in front of him?" Ron questioned Neville trying to take him to his side of the discussion.

Neville didn't know how to answer since he didn't know how to explain it. "I don't know, he has this 'aura' that makes me nervous."

This time both Harry and Ron made a confused expression, but Ron decided to use this to prove his point.

"See, if he isn't evil then why would Neville feel that.?"

Harry rolled his eyes at Ron's words. "Neville, can you elaborate a little bit so we can understand you?"

Neville nodded at Harry's words and tried to explain in the best way he could "Since I was little sometimes, I get some 'feeling' at certain people, as far as I can recall I only felt it with 6 people including Yozora."

"Can you tell us who are the people that you felt this?"

"4 are Gran's friends, or I think so since I never knew their names since Gran always told me to be in another room when they came to the house but I looked at the from distance and gave me a strange feeling, I think that they are from outside the country since I hear them talking with some accent but I'm not quite sure, the only thing I know is that they are important people from what Gran told me." Neville gave a little description of them, but it was quite ambiguous.

"And the last one?" Asked Ron quite curious.

"Professor Dumbledore." Neville said bluntly.

"Nonsense, can you say that the Snake and Professor Dumbledore are the same." Ron said quite angry. "Professor Dumbledore is the greatest wizard of all time! There is no way that he is like that fool!"

"Calm down Ron, Neville just said that he felt something similar from both of them and he doesn't even know what that feeling means." Harry says trying to tranquilize the read head.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Neville followed what Harry said. But what he didn't tell him was that whatever that feeling is, he feels it stronger in Yozora than in Professor Dumbledore but since he doesn't want to hear Ron's rant, so he keeps quiet about it.

Ron wanted to say something, but a fellow Gryffindor interrupted the conversation.

"Mates, what are you talking about?" Seamus Finnigan asked curiously since he was curious about what they were arguing.

"Ron says that Yozora is a bad person just because he was sorted on Slytherin." Harry answered the Scottish boy.

"Yozora?... Oh yeah, the Asian lad with the weird eyes. I haven't talked with him, but he doesn't look like a bad guy." Seamus says quite confused since from what he knows they haven't known the guy for long.

"But he is a Slytherin!" Ron yelled again.

Seamus raised a brow. "So? If he was acting like… what was his name again? Daniel? Monroy? Bob? whatever the name his name is" Seamus says as he gave up remembering Malfoy's name

"Draco Malfoy." Harry says trying to hold his laugh.

"Yes, that blond idiot from before, if he was like him, I would give you the reason, but it seems that he hates that kind of people."

"I still don't trust him." Ron says still denying all his housemates.

"Whatever let's not talk about this anymore, we should go to sleep is already late," Harry says since he gave up trying to change Ron's opinion about Yozora.

"Yes, I'm tired from all the travel and what happened today," Neville says as he as well wants to drop the talk.

"Fine, good night, everyone." Ron says reluctantly but he knows that he will not convince anyone today, but this will not be his last attempt to make everyone see that Yozora is evil.


Slytherin Dungeon, with Yozora.

I reached my room and checked if all of my things were there, but it would I didn't truly care if something was missing since everything important was in my pocket dimension, but it would be a hassle to order the things inside by owl.

I also inspected the room to see if there is some kind of 'bug' to spy on me but lucky for me there is none, it seems that even Dumbledore can't work that fast, so I made a simple boundary field to not let the noise out of the room and prevent to someone to entering my room without my permission.

"So, how do you think I managed the situation gramps?"

Gramps undid his astral form and materialized in front of me. "To be honest little Yozora you managed it way better than I thought."

"Really? I just beat the crap of some kids back there." And here I was thinking that gramps would reprime me.

"Well first, you didn't throw the first hit and second you didn't even break the bones of any of them, so you controlled yourself quite well." Gramps says in his honest opinion.

"Well if I have to be honest I kind of wanted with some, especially with dumb-face but their bodies are more durable than I thought." I quite expected that since from my memories fell from a floor high and only broke his wrist but a normal human would break more than that. "But it wasn't worth it, my display with him was better than broking his arm, it was more painful and dramatic, so I hope that that will keep them at bay for some time, but I doubt that it will last long."

"Indeed, young people from families of high status are too proud to let this go easily at best I give 1 or 2 weeks." Gramps says from his experience with people with similar status. "By the way have you checked your rewards?"

"No, but let me check."

Mission: Slap the house of the young masters.

Description: Hello there~ you see I was not going to ask you anything related to your house selection initially but the last month I heard you saying that you hate 'young masters' fufufu, so the great me will allow you to let off that hate, Oh and before you ask this is not for some bullshit of making that house better, I just thought that it would be entertaining to see you slap the faces of brats wet behind their ears so I don't care what happens to them.

Also, this will increase the whole difficulty for you, so you won't get bored that easily.

So have fun!

Sincerely yours, everyone's favorite god, Fuga-sama~


Join Slytherin House (1/1)

Show them who is the boss. (1/1) Note: Show them that they can't mess with you

Slap the faces of 4 senior students before the first-year ends. (4/4)


400 store points.

Introduction to the Spatial Magic by Yen Sid

Source: Kingdom Hearts Universe

One Black Key.

Source: Nasuverse.

Note: Dude I know that I told you to go wild, but I didn't expect you to clear the mission in time record, 'Nothing Personal' hahaha that was gold my human. Since you entertained me, I decided to give you a hand to complete your Yozora/Noctis template, so be thankful to the great me. And before you complain I didn't have anything to do with your third reward, so don't nag me for that!

Anyways keep the good work going!

With love, everyone's favorite god

Fuga-Sama <3

My right eye twitched slightly at the antics of this god. 'Is this how everyone feels around me?' I mean the book was pretty neat but even knowing that the Black Key is useful in the real world, but this brings out my past trauma from playing Fate/Grand Order, and to add salt to the wound is just ONE! But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter since I can make copies of it with Armiger.

"I got a book of space magic written by a mage from the same universe I got the black robe and….one black key."

Gramps raised a brow. "One? You must mean one set don't you?"

"Sadly no."

"Hahaha well, you can't be always lucky little Yozora."

"Whatever, anyway more importantly now with this reward I have a total of 1,099 points after expending on those other 3 books." I said grinning widely.

"Oh yeah, the book of that madman Zelretch, the one that you use for your 'secret' training and the one from training muscle from… what was his name again?"

"Akisame Koetsuji"

"Oh yeah that man was a genius of his own, to think that he could create a way to modify the human body muscles with just the right type of exercise, I would love to fight against someone like him." Gramps says wondering how a fight versus Akisame would be.

"Mmm technique wise he would give you an interesting fight, but your physical stats are higher than his so it will be a one-sided beating."I answered my sincere thoughts since their world's levels of strength are way too different gramps's Servant body makes him almost immune to non-magical attacks.

Gramps just sighed since he really wants a good battle with a martial artist. "Well if we ever go to that world maybe you can use your runes to limit my physical parameters or even better go to the world of the Monkey King that you mentioned before." Gramps says quite with high hopes, even if he is way calmer than his younger self, he still likes a good battle. "But talking about your points, what do you want to buy this time? More things about magic and magecraft, a martial arts book or something different.?"

"For the time being, I don't think that I would get something new about magecraft or magic" I said in an instant. "I already have enough with what I have for the moment that consumes much of my time, so for now at most I only will but more references and maybe the basic spells of the Atlas Institute, but hopefully wizarding magic can give me some references" I making good advances with runecraft and with the other basics spells of magecraft, but 'that' is taking too much of my time.

"As for the moment with martial arts, I will stay with Bajiquan, Nabong Needle Ryu, and the ones I get from Armiger, besides the ones I'm interested are too expensive for me to buy."

"So you will not but nothing for the time being?" Gramps asks since I was grinning when I said the number of points I had.

"I want to buy the book from principles of Nen, but I am not sure if I will have enough time to practice. I really want it since Nen is quite overpowered but I'm not sure if I should wait."

Gramps nodded at my words. "It's good that you don't try to hoard everything, but think carefully if it is the right answer to wait." And like always Gramps never gave a direct answer but one of his suggestions.

"Anyways tomorrow will explore the castle to get an idea of the topography of this place since there are many hidden rooms and corridors." Besides The Room of Requirement and The Chamber of Secrets, I wanted to see if there are more special places.

"Good, now you should rest for now, since from the days to come you will have little free time in comparison with before."

I sighed at his words. "I know, sometimes I wish that I could make clones like Naruto."

"Maybe in the future Little Yozora hahaha." Gramps let a healthy laugh since he knows that is a possibility in the future.

"Do you want me to take a bed from the storage or do you want to remain awake?"

"For the time being, I don't want to sleep, after all, sleeping is not a necessity for servants."

"All right gramps good night."

"Good night little Yozora."

I went to my bed trying to fall asleep, being here is not that bad. 'Well, at least here I don't have to put up with perverts'.


'Wrong, wrong, wrong! I was absolutely wrong!'

I was exploring the castle and I saw a lot of couples being all lovey-dovey but nothing uncommon since it was possible that they didn't see each other's in the summer, but as I walked around the castle, I started to hear some 'noises' coming from the broomstick closets. 'How the fuck do they do that in that tiny place?'

I even cached some of them shag, as if they were rabbits in mating season in a classroom. 'Seriously? In a classroom without being locked!'

Okay, I understand that there is not so much entertainment in the castle and in the Wizarding world in general besides Quidditch and some books, but what the actual fuck! It's only been one day since we arrived and they act like this? I thought that they were prudes, but no the only thing that they decided to be more 'modern' is in the culture of sex.

Don't get me wrong I am not a virgin or someone that thinks that sex is something sacred or some shit like that, but I am more surprised than anything. Nobody can blame me for being surprised, after all some part of me recalls many things of this as a children's book, so it never crossed my mind something like this.

{Don't be shy Little Yozora, sex is a natural thing in life, someday you will understand} Gramps says trying to tease me.

{I'm not a fucking virgin! I was just surprised}

{Whatever you say little Yozora.}

I decided to just go to the room of requirements since I wanted to see its capabilities of it.

'Seven floor in the left corridor, across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy… the one that has 8 trolls with a tutu, such a ridiculous thing, also I need to walk 3 times past the area to open the room, let's start with something simple.'

'A room to practice my aim.'

'A room to practice my aim.'

'A room to practice my aim.'

After a few seconds, a door appeared in front of me.

I entered the room, and the inside was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. 'Most likely the room is capable of using an extension charm. Also, there are a lot of mannequins and aiming targets all around the room

I summoned 10 nameless weapons out of Armiger and send them towards different targets in opposite directions and each of them hit on the target.

"Good, let's try something different. 'Move'. I said the last part loudly and after that, all the mannequins and targets started to move slowly.

'Mmm too slow' I said as I send another barrage of weapons and hitting again all the targets.

"Move faster" I commanded and their movement speed of them increased.

I repeated the process a couple of times and in between, I made some simple commands to make the movements more erratic and it worked.

"Good so the speed and movement its quite good, not on the level of Gramps obviously but good enough to practice more my control over each, it seems that I will need to buy the book of the Atlas Institute to help me to process all the information for the independent movements of the weapons."

"Like you said little Yozora this room is fantastic for training purposes." Gramps commented after seeing the basic function of the room.

"Yup, but is time to try something else. 'Increase the gravity of the room.'" I said out aloud but after waiting some time nothing happened.

"Maybe I need to leave the room so it can make other things or the room is incapable of changing gravity, let's try something more simple. 'Appear a table in the middle of the room.'. " I said aloud but once again nothing happened.

"I see, so I need to leave the room to make a change."

I went out of the room and walked around the 'entrance' and started to think about what I needed.

'A room where I can change the gravity inside.'

A room where I can change the gravity inside.'

A room where I can change the gravity inside.'

Once again a door appeared out of nowhere and when I entered I didn't feel any change in the ambiance.

"Increase the gravity a little." I said aloud.

After some time I could feel my body slightly heavier than before and a shit-eating grin started to form on my face. "Gramps, I think that this room will be our favorite one in the whole castle."

The potential of this room is bigger than I initially thought so if I can study it properly, replicate it and enhance it with Primordial Runes the possibilities could be endless.

'Oh boy, I am going this is going to be awesome.'


Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

So Harry is still on Yozora's side and it's getting annoyed by Ron's insistency on trying to make him look like a bad person. How do you think this will change the plot?

Also about the wizards being a 'little' bit promiscuous, I think that I read something about it in one of Rowling's Tweets, but even if I am saying nonsense I think that this will make things funnier and interesting in some ways.

So, the plot is beginning and I will make things go a little bit faster from now on, I wanted to create a good 'foundation' so you could get to know a little bit better the personality of the MC. And talking about personality if Yozora became able of using Nen, what type of Nen user he would be? Leave your thought in the comments.

And what do you think is 'that', of what Yozora has been talking about all this time?

With anything else to say, if you liked the chapter please leave a comment. If you could also leave a review or drop some stones I would appreciate it a lot, so I can reach out to more readers. See you again in the next chapter.

*A cockroach is getting close to the author*

The Author: "Run Away!"

*The author has left the chapter."