
Fate / Marvel Gacha (Fate/Grand Order X Marvel)

Note: This is a What If series of my Marvel: Group Chat. If Rudra had a summoning system in Fate's grand order world Rudra in this version is an alternate version. *** [~Ding System Activated.. ] [Welcome To Marvel Heroes Summoning System] What the hell? I got a Marvel system. I can summon Marvel Hero Characters. Note: Characters of Comics will be Appears

LoneWolfAuthor · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

5. A Promise.

[Host received Holy Grail and Altria (Caster) Servant]

[Rewards for Clearing Singularity F

-Strength: 1/25: Host can increase his strength to full potential.

-Magic: 1/30: Host can increase his magic to full potential.

- 10000 Junk food cards: The host can summon any Junk food 10000 times

-3 Marvel Gacha cards: Can summon Marvel heroes (From your account)]

[New title "Virgin Hero who received his first kiss" achieved]

Dies from cringe,

'What the hell is this title? Fuck you, system.

And I think I got good rewards. But first Give me the Holy Grail'


'what no? Give it to me

[System can't give Holy Grail back, but if Host wants system can give create another Holy Grail. And you can give it to others]

'I don't know but you are doing something behind but okay give it

Then he received the holy grail.

'Finally, I got the proper look of this Tube light'

"Grail secured. Confirmation of Caster and Saber disappearing." Mashu said as Ritsuka resumed healing her wounds. Meanwhile, the Director seemed to be mentally occupied with something.

"Well, done guys!" Romani said crackling into the comm units as he finally got the after-battle update he wanted to hear.

"It looks like I can't get any visuals from there." Dr. Romani said with relief.

"Director, Now we don't have to worry about singularity F…?" Romani tried to get her attention but again she was spaced out on something Saber said.

"Grand Order...Just how in the world did that servant learn the name?" She seemed worried.

"Is there a problem, Olga?" Rudra said, staring at her. Olga looks up to see the others walking up to her along with Rudra holding a Grail. Ogla recomposes herself and returns to her mature statute of being.

"Well done, Mashu, Hulk, Ristuka, and... Rudra." She said with a red face while staring at Rudra as Fou jumped on her shoulder with a yelp. She remembered that she hugged him back.

"Mashu, even If you are inexperienced, or a temporary servant. You made a wish and the shield opened to you." She said awarding Mashu's ability to cast her Noble Phantasm without its true name.

"If you do acquire its True Name, you didn't have the slightest interest in becoming that Heroic Spirit. I'm sure that's why the Noble Phantasm responded to you" The director then ponders a bit as Mashu would still need a name to make it easier to call upon the power of the shield.

"But it's inconvenient using a Noble Phantasm without a True name" The Director's words popped a question into Ritsuka's head...he heard a voice right before Hulk finished...he yelled: 'Hulk Smash'. Ritsuka glances over to Hulk who seemed to be staring at Fou on the director's shoulder. It would appear that he has returned to his quiet mute mood right after defeating Saber.

"Lord Chaldea! That should work for you since it has meaning to you right?" The director said and Mashu looks very happy to have a name for her Noble Phantasm. The Hulk looks on in slight worry, These guys were never done battle before. The Director then focuses on Rudra still holding onto the golden Chalice.

"I would also like to thank you as well, Without you, I doubt we'd be still alive." She thanked the Hulk.

"Hmm...this isn't a wish-granting device..or perhaps creating this singularity drained it of its true power? Well, it's still a magical resource we can use at Chaldea." She pondered as she scanned over the artifact.

"Okay," Rudra said and kept it in his pocket.

"Once we get back to Chaldea we are going to need to" Olga was then interrupted by the sound of a single pair of clapping hands echoing throughout the cave.

"My, I never thought you would all get this far. This is an unforeseen element of the project that goes beyond what my tolerance allows…Far beyond it! This is beyond my predictions. No, I must say that this is beyond even my wildest dreams." A voice called out and a man appeared upon the ridge of the mesa in front of them. Everyone but Hulk felt something from him…

"I didn't like your fashion taste." Rudra instantly replied. But instead of answering the Servant, Leff ignored him.

"You're…" Ristuka stuttered.

"Professor Leff…" Ogla said relieved to see hear

"Professor Leff you say...But No" Romani said over comms.

"Professor Lev!" Mashu instantly shouted but noticed something was off. Instead of rushing to the person she jumped in front of Ristuka, shielding him with her body. "No, you are not Professor Lev!"

"Forty-eight candidates." Taking a step forward the man shook his long dark hair and sighed. "But who would have thought that the only two idiots who would get so far would be the most useless of them?"

Ogla then came running to her long-time friend relieved that he was still alive and well. Meanwhile, Romani was triggering a scan on Leff.

"Leff! Thank goodness, you're alive! Without you, I don't know what I'd..." The pale blonde said running

"Chief!" Mashu tried to call out to her while trying to keep her eyes on the man in front of her. But Animusphere ignored the attempt to reach her.

"Hi, Ogla. It seems you've had a rough time, too." Professor Leff said

"Will you help me, Lev? I can't do it without you!" Olga said and still running.

"Of course, it always happens that way. You plunge into some deep shit and then I end up pulling you out of it." The man sighed, then rubbed his nose. "You know, this was one of the reasons why I set the bomb under your feet, yet here you are, bothering me as always. Honestly, I'm starting to think that it is some form of curse."

"L-Lev?" She stopped running and Having blinked several times the Olga looked at him with incomprehension. "What are you talking about, Lev?"

"Though you died, after all." Lev sighed. "Your body, I mean. To be more precise you couldn't participate in ray-shifting while you were still alive, but after death, you were able to somehow accomplish this. Do you understand this? If you were able to ray shift then this is because your body was destroyed and all that was left of you, is your soul and consciousness. In other words. even if you return to Chaldea you'll just die instantly. Good, no more of you bothering me, at least." Olga froze up in fear right behind the Slayer who still had staring at him angrily.

Each word coming from the professor increases the haunted look on Olga's face as she struggles to accept the fact that she will cease to exist once they return to Chaldea.

Rudra looked at her and understood she is dead. This means She is a ghost.

His first kiss is from a ghost.

He felt sad, and he will lose her. But he promised her.

"Hulk, we will save her," Rudra said to Hulk.

"Director Olga-Marie. Please step back: Demonic threat detected" Romani said on everyone's comms, causing everyone to tense up and be alert.

"W-what?!" Olga was then interrupted by Hulk catching up to her and pushing her behind him...staring at Professor Leff.

"I am afraid to say, Director, The demonic threat-with a 99.8% probability- Is Professor Leff...Director! Get Back!!" Romani said with panic in his voice. Olga widened her eyes in shock, her friend...A demon? It couldn't be possible! Leff was with her every step of the way for nearly all her life. She looked back up at the brown-haired man who was in silence and not proving his innocence.

"I do not know how it got this way...The summoning of an unrecorded servant just makes me sick. To think it destroyed my plans, that I worked so hard…" He sounded very annoyed with the sudden turn of events, however, he guessed the truth was now out there and it was time to reveal the plan as a whole.

"Romani...I thought I told you to come to the command room right away... You should have died like Olga" His words turned dark and sour as he spoke.

"No..it...can't be...I…" Olga said with tears

"But that's too miserable to contemplate… You dedicated your life to Chaldea, so the least I can do is show you what is going on." Leff states as he pulls another Golden chalice out of the very air.

"Another one!?" Ristuka said, now worried about what fate holds for the Director.

Leff then snapped his fingers, and a portal opened up revealing the core of Chaldea's right behind him. All seemed normal, accepted one thing...the light of Chaldea was now a burning red and not the peaceful blue of what it should be. That meant humanity...was no more

"Lev... Lev?!" Olga's gaze fell on the huge globe which was a simulation of the whole planet hanging in front of her. "It's just an illusion, right?!"

"Oh, I assure you it's not. For this demonstration, I connected space and time so that you could look at everything with your own eyes." The man, with an exaggeratedly careful movement, pointed to the huge, painfully red core of the simulation. "Not a single point of blue represents humanity. And you know why? All thanks to your mission and your leadership! It is thanks to your intervention that humanity will not die in two thousand sixteen, you broke the timeline which means that humanity has already been destroyed!"

Having uttered this last phrase, Lev clapped his hands.

"It's amazing, Olga!" The man grinned. "Your incompetence is worthy to be recorded in the history books - the only independent decision you ever made ended the existence of all mankind! I'm not even sure if I should be surprised, delighted, or horrified!"

"But okay, jokes aside." The man sighed after which Animusphere suddenly rose into the air. "If it is time for our parting then let me give you a parting gift. All the time you treasured your Chaldea so much, so you can be one with your treasure!"

Slowly, the body — although in this case it should have been called a 'spiritual body' of Marie flew to the floating red core of Chaldea.

"No! Wait! Wait! STOP!" Instantly, in a second that was necessary to realize the direction of her movement, the girl screamed. "YOU WILL KILL ME!"

"Oh no, I'm not going to kill you! Chaldea is more than just a simulation. This is the whole history of mankind! This is not just a map, it is an interweaving of thousands of mythological lines. It is the door to any point of the existence of all civilization, it is the core that supports billions of space-time pockets. Chaldea is a whole world, united in a masterpiece of magic and technology! Do you think that you'll just die if you touch it?"

"Oh no!" Lev stretched his lips in a smile. "The forces of Chaldea will split you into atoms, smear a thin layer of you on its core, absorb all your mana, information ingrained to you, your soul and your mind, supported by the power of Chaldea, will be forever locked in an agonizing state unable to live or die completely." He said about sending Olga Marie into the core which would sentence her to a slow and everlasting perpetual torment...But ONE PERSON has heard enough and picked her up and tossed her back to her allies before that could happen.

"Eek!" Ogla said as Rudra caught her after being tossed by Hulk. Hulk is angry now.

Hulk Jumped and Punched him.

Leff created a barrier to protect him from the attack from Hulk. He laughs at Hulk and his attack just barely penetrating his defenses. This servant was unknown to him but no matter as he is himself was more than that. His laughter stopped once Hulk's punch pierced his shield and into his face. He sent back a few steps.

"What?!" he was shocked to see Hulk destroy his barrier. He healed himself.

"You knew I was fundamentally different the moment I revealed myself didn't you…?" Leffls voice continued but was very distorted.

"I can tell you are more than a mere berserker…No matter you will still fail in the end." He said laughing as remains of contorts.

"Why do humans always want to avoid the course of fate chosen for them?" He continued.

"I will introduce myself once more: I am Leff Lynor Flauros. I am in charge of the task of disposing of the human race-... " Hulk grabbed him and smashed him on the ground like How Hulk did with Loki in the Avengers movie. Then he ripped Leff's body into two parts and throw them on the ground.

"Puny Demon," Hulk said to Leff.

"Damn you, Berserker are fools," Leff said and healed his body and started to fly. And he disappeared but still he continued his speech.

"Are you listening, Romani?" He turns his attention to his former colleague as they studied together in the ways of sorcery.

"As a fellow student of all these years, I will give you one final word of advice: The Future has not disappeared...it has been incinerated," Leff revealed the truth to everyone.

"That red light...That means the world currently is…" Olga was still shaking as she listened to everything the man said. Olga was in Rudra's arms.

"Just like the surrounding city of Fuyuki, I'm afraid. But Chaldea remains due to the magnetic field the core produces" Romani said as he was still in the Chaldea.

"Correct," Leff said

"So we couldn't make contact because the systems are down. There was already nothing to call!" Romani said trying to stay calm for everyone at Chaldea.

"As you can see, there is no hope. The human race will not fall to war, lack of evolution, or any other means but the fate decided by our king!" Leff laughs and leaves them in despair.

"To think that you two rookies are what remains of humanity! Two pure novices with little to no knowledge of magecraft! High-!" Turns out he didn't disappear but turned invisible to watch them suffer. Now, he was in the grips of Hulk who looked upon him with Rage.

"You cannot spot us! A single servant will never-!" His words stopped as a strange aura was eliminated from his Hulk…it called upon a sense the demon should never have...

'This feeling...is Fear!?' Leff felt

"Who are you-?", The demon then ripped apart again until nothing but shreds of purple mass remained. He wasn't truly dead but the Hulk wanted to shut him up.

"No! I don't want to die! Why does this always happen to me? No, no, no! I mean, I haven't done anything yet! No one has ever praised me for anything! No one has ever told me that they loved me! I will be hated!" The Director screams as she can't control the entire disaster anymore and begins to cry as it all seems hopeless.

Then she felt a pair of arms around her...She looked up to find Rudra embracing her in her time of need. Rudra didn't know what to say to her but he wasn't going to let her go feeling alone. he looks to his left to find Mashu and Ritsuka looking more determined than ever.

"I won't let you go. I fall in love with you at first sight. Even if you disappear I will keep you in my heart and make them pay. " Rudra said holding her tighter. He had tears in his eyes.

"You love me right? You...all won't forget me? You don't hate me?" Ogla said, sniffling as she bag

"Never. That's the truth." Both Ritsuka and Mash said as Hulk returns to them.

"Y-You... Y-You... You stupid idiot!" Olga said and hugging Rudra tightly

"I Love you too," She said To Rudra.

Chaldea then begins to move its ring's around as if it was processing a function.

"What is Chaldea doing?" Mashu said very confusedly

But Olga...She looked on, understanding what was happening.

"Olga!" Rudra cried as he wasn't going to let her go.

"Listen," Ogla said as her composure was restored,

"But your-"

"Rudra, I don't have much time so listen up!" She said as the master and demi-servant stood in attention. Hulk also returned to them to make sure no threat came their way.

"This isn't over. There are more singularities after Fuyuki. You four must clear them out and save humanity. This is a direct command as Director Olga Marie Asmleit Animusphere." She said with renewed faith in her friends and her lover.

'System, Can you save Her' Rudra asked the system.

[System can't resurrect her but System can Trun individual "Olga Marie Asmleit Animusphere" in Demi-Servant like Mashu by fusion her soul with one of your Marvel Heroes Characters by Using Holy Grail]

'Do whatever and save her in any way' Rudra said.

"Berserker...I want you to kill Leff and...protect them." She said as her body was gone from Rudra's waist down. The servant nods as he doesn't need convincing that the demon known as Leff is going to die...and Hulk won't stop until it happens.

He won't abandon them in their time of need, he will keep his promise...No matter the journey, he will prevail and he will kill whatever gets in his way. No demon...nor "God".

The Hulk's time in this world begins now.

[Absorbing Olga Soul... 98% Completed

Finding a Suitable Character... Found.

Fusing Olga with Captain Marvel... ]

"Olga.." Rudra said and is now happy that she is alive.

But still, Olga is with them but only 2% of her soul is present.

"We will get it done!" Mashu said, holding in her tears as she looked to her master who nodded with her.

"It's a promise!" Ritsuka said as a sudden earthquake shook the whole place violently.

"Olga!" Rudra cried as he embraces her once more the Director smiles

"Rudra...Remember me and don't let me go." She said softly right before she finally passed on leaving the task of saving humanity to the two rookie masters of Chaldea, A Demi-servant, and the Hulk.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright. Just wait, Olga" he said with a smile.

'idiot...' she thought

"Romani! Rayshift us out of here!" Mashu yelled as the space around them begins to collapse as the singularity collapses.

"On it!" Romani said working on getting them home alive.

Both servants then got near their masters to protect them from the falling stone ceiling. Mashu held her shield up while Hulk held Rudra and Ritsuka close, using his body to protect them.

"Activating," Romani said as a green aura covered the Hulk.

"Hurry!" Ritsuka yelled.

"Almost...there! NOW!" Romani said slamming the Rayshift trigger button on his console. Then...it all went dark for the ones in the singularity.

[Fusion succeeded Between Olga and Captain Marvel... Olga is Demi-servant. She will be transported to Host directly]