
Fate Magus: A road to be a magician ( DxD fanfic)

Schöne Träume suddenly woke up in the body of his younger self while he still was in United Kingdom. Looking at the mirror he cannot help but remember bitter memories of the past and his present day situation. He felt life was playing a joke like his name which meant Beautiful dreams in German, never once he had lived a beautiful dream but this could be it? Suddenly a panel appeared with a message from the God of the Bible himself. But not from anyone but from the Fate world of Nasuverse who had entrusted a mission to him. It seems He along with his Prime version of Biblical God wants to resurrect the Biblical God in this Parallel World to safeguard humanity. Looking at these he though he was in a Nightmare like his life which is already is in his younger days. But it soon changed with a little gift for his services. Would this be something good finally happening in his life? A path to being a Magus who walks with death? It doesn't matter anymore. His whole life has been a dance with death. A/N: Mc appearance on the picture of webnovel

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Arrival at the land of rising sun

Evelyn trailed alongside Traume, her steps synchronized with his as they moved through the bustling Tokyo airport. The entourage of maids, each with an air of grace and quiet diligence, followed closely behind. It was a spectacle—Traume, an enigmatic figure that bought unwanted attention exuding an aura of calculated intent, while Evelyn, his trusted companion, navigated the path with unwavering loyalty.

Months of meticulous planning culminated in their arrival, timed ahead of the scheduled visit. The butlers, prim and composed, were already stationed at the airport, poised to relieve the group of their luggage. This seamless orchestration bespoke the precision and efficiency of their operations.

Passports, a gateway into a new land, underwent scrutiny by the overseer, ensuring a smooth passage for Traume and his retinue of maids. The meticulous measures taken to conceal their unique abilities from prying eyes were paramount. Traume, versed in mystic codes and appearance-altering magecraft, safeguarded his companions from arousing undue attention—essential in a world where supernatural forces lurked beneath the surface.

Stepping beyond the airport's confines, Traume's piercing gaze swept over the panoramic vista, the sprawling metropolis bathed in the glow of the rising sun. His arrival in the land of ancient traditions and modern innovations signaled the commencement of a meticulously laid plan.

Sebastian, another puppet in Traume's service, greeted him courteously. With practiced ease, he ushered Traume inside where Alexander, the Taskforce team's commanding presence, awaited. A nod exchanged between them spoke volumes—silent acknowledgments of shared objectives and strategic moves.

As Traume delved into the dossier of Issei Hyoudo and his family, a sinister smile played on his lips. Issei, a mere five years old, held a pivotal role in the impending scheme—a plan woven with precision and darkness, destined to unfold over the next twelve years.

The calculated smile hinted at the time yet to pass; a duration meticulously calculated for the intricate threads of fate to converge. Yet, a subtle dilemma loomed—was the destined wielder of Telos Karma yet to come into existence? The incongruity posed a challenge, an obstacle requiring intricate navigation of time and space.

"If the user of Telos Karma is yet unborn," Traume mused, "then another journey to this land shall be required." His ambitions, intertwined with the alignment of goals and the attainment of suitable vessels, demanded a relentless pursuit—a timeline sculpted with exacting precision.

"Enough time," Traume murmured to himself, "to gather the necessary materials for the forging of a vessel, and for the wielder of Telos Karma to emerge."

His thoughts lingered on the prospects—the augmentation and creation of beings, infused with the power of the boosted gear. The intricate web of plans, entwined with magic and ambition, began to unravel in the heart of Tokyo—a city teeming with life, unaware of the impending shadows about to be cast upon its unsuspecting populace.

Traume, his gaze fixed upon the cityscape of 20th century Japan, turned to Alexander, his trusted subordinate, seeking confirmation on the completion of their base at Kuoh Mountain. The stronghold, nestled deep within the mountain's confines, was to serve as the epicenter of his meticulously orchestrated plans.

"Is the base secure and fully operational?" Traume's voice echoed with precision, his keen eyes hinting at an eagerness for affirmation.

Alexander, exuding confidence and unwavering loyalty, assured his liege that the base was established with utmost secrecy. "Bounded fields cloak our presence, ensuring our activities remain concealed. Encounters within the surrounding forest were met, but with the aid of the sacred gears bestowed upon our operatives, we swiftly subdued the supernatural threats," he reported with a steadfast demeanor.

Intrigued, Traume pivoted away from the picturesque scenery, drawn into Alexander's narrative. His puppets, augmented with sacred gears, had proven instrumental in quelling the adversaries—a calculated move that elicited a sense of pride within Traume.

"It was fitting," Traume reflected internally, "to empower my puppets with such invaluable tools, effortlessly acquired through displacement magic—a secret yet untold, hidden even from the discerning eyes of Azazel or the head of Grigori."

Evaluating the preparations meticulously, Traume sought assurance regarding potential attention drawn to their endeavors. Alexander's affirmations eased his concerns, acknowledging Traume's foresight in predicting potential scenarios.

The unexpected discovery of a leyline at Kuoh Mountain intrigued Traume. It presented an unforeseen advantage in the execution of his grand design—a stroke of fortune in an intricately woven tapestry of plans.

"Tonight," Traume declared with a steely resolve, "we shall initiate the first act."

Shifting focus, Traume delved into the subject of Cleria Belial, the overseer of the town, and Masaomi Yaegaki—a tragic figure entangled in the turbulent affair between the church and the Devil faction.

As tensions between the church and Devil factions escalated, Traume saw an opportunity—an opening to exploit the rift for his gain. His eyes glinted with a calculated intent, scheming how to leverage Masaomi's tragedy and the heiress' resurrection to his advantage.

"We shall manipulate this delicate balance," Traume articulated, his mind already strategizing the intricate moves on the chessboard of power. "The cleric and the heiress will be pawns in our scheme—keys to unlocking the submission of Cleria and sowing chaos among the underworld earlier than anticipated."

Alexander, attentive to every directive, nodded in silent acknowledgment of the master strategist's machinations. The impending clash between factions would serve as a catalyst—a carefully orchestrated chaos that would propel Traume closer to his ultimate objectives, shrouded in darkness and draped in the shadows of manipulation and ambition.

"Let's head to our base first and look over the situation between church and the Devils, who knows we might not even need to head to Kyoto for the information about the Five principal clans"

Alexander gave a nod to Traume acknowledging the orders.

!!!!!!Five Hours later!!!!!!

Traume stood atop Kuoh mountain, a solitary figure silhouetted against the canvas of the starry night sky. His gaze fixed upon the horizon, thoughts drifting to those he held dear—Miss Allsion, Eleanor, and his friends. Since his escape from the labyrinthine streets of London, he wondered how they fared. A soft sigh escaped his lips, a silent prayer whispered to the heavens for their safety.

But within his contemplation lay a subtle warning, unspoken yet palpable. Should any harm befall those he cared for, a tempest of consequences loomed, hidden behind the veil of his calm demeanor. The world would tremble, only able to pray for respite from the storm he might unleash.

The Chaldea mystic code rested at his side, an artifact acquired through enigmatic means, its power an assurance that all would transpire as planned. Carwenna, the legendary dagger associated with King Arthur, remained sheathed yet vigilant, a symbol of both protection and potential.

Surveying his companions, Traume acknowledged Alexander with a nod, a silent understanding passing between them. Then, with a deliberate motion, he retrieved the Assassin Card, a catalyst for transformation, and installed it without hesitation. The world around him shimmered momentarily as his appearance morphed, cloaked in mystery, a masked figure garbed in darkness, clutching a dart—a harbinger of veiled intent.

In an instant, Traume vanished, his form melding seamlessly into the night. With calculated precision, he propelled himself from the mountain's summit, hurtling towards Kuoh city, his destination set upon the Hyyoudo residence.

The wind whispered secrets as he descended, a blur of determination streaking through the inky abyss. His purpose was singular, his path defined—a clandestine arrival, cloaked in shadows, to an estate that held secrets yet to be unveiled.

In the heart of the night, Traume's journey began, propelled by a resolve woven from the fabric of secrecy and necessity. The fate of those he cherished hung in the balance, and he moved with the certainty of a man driven by both duty and devotion, destined for the doorstep of intrigue and enigma—the Hyyoudo residence.

Within a few minutes Traume reached the residence and stood infront of the door. With his index finger he drew a rune that unlocked the door and slowly made his way with little to no noise. Traume like Ghost with no sound of footspeps made way to Issei's living quarters.

Few steps away from obtaining the Boosted Gear.

Making sure not to make noise on the steps he jumped straight to the stairs and came face to face with a yawning Issei.

Time slowed downed for Traume as he minds went into overdrive with panic.

With the instincts engraved in the class guard Traume leaped in the air and fell behind Issei with him being startled.

Issei felt a gust of wind as he looked side by side as he felt a presence but was put to sleep with a chop on his neck.

"FUCK! That was close I was seconds away turning him into mush"

Traume carried the knocked-out Issei to his room and locked the door behind.

It was time to strip this pervert of his valuable possession.

Traume reached out to his inventory and bought out Twice Crtical a variant of Draigs ability inputted in it.

Traume put his hand on Isseis chest and switched both of them with displacement magic. But he realized something as analyzed while pinpointing the gear.

The huge amount of dragon factor in this pervert's blood.

Now that he looks over the room, he saw questionable books and posters on the desk.

Though he is not sure what will happen to the twice critical and the dragon factor, he will leave it to fate.

Traume drew a rune of sealing on the boosted gear to prevent Draig from awakening from this sudden stimulus, he does not want an angry dragon trying to break out.

Suddenly out od no where Traume felt a magical pulse hit him like a truck, snapping his eyes in focus he looked outside the window.

He saw a purple barrier appearing where the school of Kuoh town for the main plot was located.

"My of my will you look at the timing, what better time to get some samples of hair for resurrection" 

Suddenly he felt the phone budge in his pockets and he promptly too it out and accepted the call.

"My Lord it seems conflict has begun between the church and the Devils"

"I can see that Alexander from where I am standing, what are the numbers?"

"50 from the church and 50 from the Devil side, the peerage of the Miss Belial is already dead, Masaomi and Cleria are figting the cobined forces of the church and the Devils, looking at the situation it seems it will not last long"

"I need that hair Alexander, make no moves and prepare evac if necessary if things go sideways. I will be heading at the entrance of the school so just be nearby".

"It's show time"

!!!!At Kuoh Highschool!!!!

Cleria and Masaomi, standing amidst an assembly of high-ranking officials, found themselves on the precipice of an unexpected and harrowing ordeal. The seemingly innocuous meeting had turned into a treacherous ambush, shrouded in deceit. None foresaw the treachery that would unfold within these hallowed walls, especially Masaomi, who never anticipated the blade of betrayal aimed at his back.

As the shadow of betrayal loomed over Masaomi, an unforeseen strike targeted his life. Quick to react, Cleria, his beloved, intercepted the lethal blow, sparing Masaomi from certain death. Grateful for her selfless act, Masaomi's heart swelled with appreciation for the woman who had saved him, the woman he loved.

However, their moment of relief was short-lived as the cloak of disguise fell away, revealing none other than Zekram Bael, a figure with a countenance bearing an amused smirk. Cleria's heart sank; their clandestine love, once hidden, now laid bare before their enemy.

Zekram's voice sliced through the tension, admonishing Cleria for daring to love a human. His words dripped with disdain for the forbidden connection between devils and humans, condemning them both to death without remorse.

Summoning power of destruction, Zekram's power crackled and surged—a maelstrom of destruction unleashed upon the ill-fated lovers. In a cruel parting gesture, he mouthed the words "King Piece" to Cleria, his sinister smile a harbinger of doom.

Cleria's eyes blazed with hatred for Zekram, but in that crucial moment, her emotions paled in significance. With unwavering resolve, she shielded Masaomi with her own body, a final act of love, as the destructive force bore down upon them.

Even as Cleria sacrificed herself to protect her beloved, fate dealt another cruel blow. Masaomi, witnessing the sacrifice of his love, extended a desperate hand, only to be pierced by the blade wielded by his trusted comrade, Touji. Tears streamed down Touji's face as the blade found its mark.

In a crescendo of agony and betrayal, blood spilled, mingling on the ground as Masaomi, with hate-filled eyes, spat words of condemnation towards Touji. His vow to meet him in the depths of hell shook Touji to his core.

The battlefield, once vibrant with life and intrigue, now bore witness to the tragic demise of two lovers, their lifeless forms side by side—a testament to a forbidden love that met its end in sacrifice and treachery.

The echoes of their love and betrayal lingered in the silent aftermath, a grim reminder of the cost paid for a love deemed forbidden by the harsh decree of their world.

"It seems my work is done I will leave it to the Head of the church Priest Shidou to clean the aftermath with my subordinates"

Zekram made a teleportation circle and teleported away to the underworld.

Touji Shidou with a look of blank eyes looked at the dead body of his friend.

He kneeled down and closed his eyes giving a silent prayer and forgiveness to the lord for his friend's demise.

The devils that were watching over in contempt came over and kicked the body of the now dead heiress who was reduced to a crisp.

Touji looked at the scene at shock and disgust at how devil treated their own kind.

Then the devil guards bought a bag to contain the corpse to dispose of along with some preparing a teleportation circle.

Touji along with his fellow priest was doing the same but was on the lookout for any trouble from the devils who were looking at the priests with hostility and some lust towards the fellow nuns that disgusted him.

Devils will be devils who are beings of deceit that leads man astray like his friend.

If only Masaomi did not fall for the vixen.

Suddenly out of nowhere huge bloodlust was felt by all the people present.

Hairs stood to their ends as all of the people present looked over where it was coming from.

Suddenly a word was spoken that will haunt the supernatural for days that are to come.


A sonic boom was heard before a read streak came piercing the ungraded back of devils and priests alike with no discrimination.

Red streak of light was moving like a snake through the area with precise movements blowing out people back and chest leaving a trail of carnage.

Touji was shaking as in a minute half from each side was obliterated form the surprise attack.


"Auugh blood bloooooood"


Then he saw the red streak of lighting stop as there was a thump behind him.

Slowly Touji looked at his back and saw a red spear going through the chest of the vice-commander.

He had never seen such spear oozing such bloodlust that can freeze someone in int's presence.

The spear suddenly ejected and streaked away north from where the entrance of the school.

He felt cold it was as if death was around the corner.

"Wh-o who is there!!!"

"Show yourself coward!!"

Some devils were screaming frightened at the carnage of their fellow comrades in arm.

The all heard a snap and quickly turned their faces to the entrance.

The they saw a haunting figure in a dark cloak holding the spear as he twirled it and smacked it to the ground.

There was silence with no sound heard aside from their breathing.

Cold breathe was coming out of their mouth as the atmosphere got colder and colder.

The out of nowhere to all of the beings present the being vanished.



Both Devils and Priests screamed in unison because of the terror in their hearts increased several folds.

"Commader! Where is the commander!"

"The commader is dead!!"

Devils screamed in horror as they found the dead body of their commader lying on the ground.


A slap was heard as a nun came and slapped him.

Shidou came out of his stupor as he grabbed his sword looking around.

"What was that, just what the hell was that!"

All of the priests gathered around shidou holding their swords around looking for the unknown intruder.


A devil came flying with his spear holding it to the faces of the priests with an energy charge held at their faces.


Shidou screamed in frustration as it was not time to fight over petty stuff.

"Umm captain"

"Not know Eva thanks for the slap we need to find-"

"The bodies are gone"

Shidou looked down in Alarm as he did not notice the body taken from under his feet, he was much more afraid now that he knows the intruder has incredible stealth.

Silence descended upon Kuoh Highschool as none would move until the morning sun peaked out.

The night was truly for one to remember.

!!!!Back to Traume!!!!

Traume was Glad he had the Lancer card bought earlier or it would not be easy to take all of thise devils and pries down.

But it was enough for a distraction to pick out the bodies as they were all scared shitless.

His plan worked perfectly.

An Unknown being with a red spear arriving out of nowhere killing their members in one swoop.

Fear is a great motivator for manipulation.

Like a silent wind of death that lurks around, the foolish illusion will keep all of them making hasty decision.

Traume opened a gate with displacement to send the bodies to the base as all of the focus was on him, he did that vanishing trick to make all of the devils and priests into panic so they cannot think that something was amiss.

Now that all of this was over, he went back to base with displacement magecraft.

It sure is useful as powerful leylines provide greater range for teleportation for displacement magecraft.

Traume walked over the base uninstalling the Lancer card which he exchanged on the way to Kuoh Highschool and went to see the statues of the dead bodys.

Evelyn greeted him at the entrance and quickly guided him to the bodies at the workshop.

Upon reaching he saw several Homolucous running around.

"Whoa what happened"

"Umm sir one of the corpses you bought turned to ash as we tried to dissect it"

"Damn it! The bitch was that crisp? Put her in a jar somewhere, I'll deal with priest. No need to save what is left"

"Understood sir"

"Evelyn we are laying low for the time being like tourists, we are going to Kyoto after this. Also let me look over this priests memeories for location of five principal clans"

"Understood my lord"

"Damn what a long day."

Traume summoned the grail and went to the body of the priests.

"I really hope you did some research instead of chasing tits"

Soon Traume went to work.