

Lawrence Ranvil, second son of the Ranvil Family has lived throughout his whole life not knowing the secrets behind his family. He met with a powerful being named Zet (Arc Warden) who informed him of what he needed to know while releasing the power that was rightfully his. First Plot will be Kara no Kyoukai. For those who don't know Kara no Kyoukai, you people must be atleast familiar with the term Mystic Eyes of Death Perception right? This is the story where the original user of that eyes is the protagonist. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I own nothing of this novel except for the main character. They belonged to Type Moon and Kinoku Nasu, if you wish to know more about his marvelous story, please search on google! If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 86

Dota 86



At one place in Underworld, an office can be seen with a person inside. This person has long crimson hair and dressed like a magician. Any person living in Underworld can immediately recognize this man for he is quite famous in the world. He has unparalled power that made him reach his current status, and anyone who dares to challenge him has long been lost in history.

Instead of a cruel and ruthless face though, this person is currently sighing for the umpteenth time regretting his earlier choices. "How will Rias surpass this situation" he muttered sighing again. He cannot really trust that the Sekiryuutei will save his sister since he heard that it was just a recently awakened one. Not really suitable for immediate battle.

He cursed himself and his father many times for the stupid decision they made before that constantly bothered his pitiful sister. 'If only I could return to time and erase that decision, Ria-tan would have not suffered today' he thought doing a daydream of that scenery. A scene where Rias happily live with her life without the pressure of marriage.

Alas all of that could only be a dream. He shook his head and was about to continue signing the documents when the door to his office was knocked three times. Sensing the person outside, he ordered her to come in. The door was opened revealing the same gray haired maid that was present during the trouble of Riser Phenex and Anastashia.

She walked gracefully, each steps full of calculations until she arrived at the front of the crimson haired person. "Maou Sirzechs Lucifer-sama, I am here to report" Grayfia the maid said lowering her head a bit. This caused the Maou, Sirzechs Lucifer to smile wryly at the stiffness she showed. "I am your husband Grayfia, act a little free can't you?" Sirzechs said shaking his head.

"I would do that if this is not an important matter" Grayfia ignored the dramatic reaction of her husband and said. Sirzechs turned serious upon hearing that, "Is this about Rias? How did it go?" he asked worried about the report. Grayfia also assumed a serious stance and spoke squarely. "It went well just as you expected however there is a trouble that occurred during the meeting"

Sirzechs could not help but sigh hearing that, "As expected, did Riser Phenex received unpleasant welcome from Rias? Or did she insult his family?" he continued inquiring knowing that something like this would happen. But to his astonishment Grayfia denied his words. "Unfortunately you guessed wrong Sirzechs-sama. There is an unknown variable that entered the meeting and I had to admit that she is a troublesome one"

This information forced Sirzechs' eyebrow to raise on its own. "Did the Sitri heiress enter the fare? How did it go? Was it beneficial to Rias?" Sirzechs asked pretty hopeful about it. He hoped that Riser Phenex would create some mistake like confronting the two heiress on his own because of his arrogance, he can imagine that scene well.

Grayfia was stunned that her husband almost reached the truth by his own, however it was still not the right one. "Sitri heiress did enter but sadly it was her friend who intervened. She is named Anastashia Edefelt and said to hail from a great magus family. Her pride was to the sky, she confronted Riser Phenex and managed to overwhelm him with one move" Grayfia don't know how to report it so she spoke what came to her mind.

"One move?" Obviously, this minor thing managed to catch the attention of the strongest devil, he waited for the continuation with expectancy on his eyes. "Yes, shocking as it may seem but that girl managed to copy the Phenex Family's fire within a single glance. Her control of it was perfect enough that it baffled the 3rd son of the Phenex Family. To say it was beautiful would be an understatement… it was an art"

The way Grayfia described it startled Sirzechs for it was unexpected. His wife rarely compliment a person yet here she was in awe with something a human did, it is refreshing to see emotions rising from his wife's face so he made sure to enjoy every second of it.

After a few seconds of entrance, Sirzechs digested the information that he received. Copying a magic is not an unheard phenomenon however doing it with just a single glance is mind-blowing. He pushed the thing aside as he needed to ask the vital thing about this new person, "Does that girl… favor Rias?" he asked nervous.

The answer to this would change the game. Regrettably Grayfia's answer was not what he wanted. Sirzechs could only lament the luck of his sister at this moment. While Sirzechs was grieving, Grayfia remembered something she needed to report to Sirzechs immediately. "Sirzechs-sama, you were here at the office for many days already that you have missed the new guest of the Gremory house" she reported.

"Hm? Did mother and father received a guest? I guess I was too focused on my work to sense the new person" he muttered before expanding his senses trying to find the said person but to his bafflement, there was no result. "Did the person already leave? I can't seem to sense her presence" he asked Grayfia in confusion.

Grayfia was puzzled by this for she just saw the guest before entering this office, she tried sensing her but she could only be left surprise as she could also not sense the presence of the girl. Thinking of the worse, Grayfia and Sirzechs teleported to where their parents are located instantly reaching the destination.

"Oh, you two are here? Come join us" Venelena, Sirzechs' mother invited the two of them ignoring the puzzlement on both of their faces. Sirzechs took a second look at the guest's face only to see an above average face of a human girl but it was all. There was no fluctuation of mana or any sort making their assumptions impossible.

In the scene that was laid before them, Venelena and the guest were having a tea while talking with each other. Grasping the truth, Sirzechs and Grayfia took a seat hiding their embarrassment that was noticed by Venelena. "Oh my, what did you assume will happen here?" she asked tilting her head while chuckling in amusement.

"Nothing of the sort mother, I am just interested in the guest that you received. Hello young lady, I am Sirzechs Lucifer, nice to meet you" averting the topic, Sirzechs introduced himself to the young lady subtle noticing how trained she was in tea ceremony. He concluded that she was a young lady from a rich family somewhere.

Shiki stared at Sirzechs for a second before doing the same. Though she made sure to note this person as she was the strongest she has ever seen in this world, even the guards outside are just ant in front of this man. "Ryougi Shiki, nice to meet you. I see that you are formidable, may I have the honor to battle with you?" Shiki asked alarming everyone.

"You mean… you can fight?" Sirzechs cautiously asked. Grayfia was also in guard with only Venelena being carefree about it. "Don't treat our guest like that, you sure never grow" Venelena pouted at her son's action. She already know what Ryougi Shiki wanted and she never meant any harm to them. In fact it would be stranger if Shiki has no ability considering the gift that she gave them.

Sirzechs sighed at his mother's reprimanding words, she never changed, still carefree with anything. "Unfortunately I can't entertain your request for mother doesn't permit it. How about Grayfia here instead? I guarantee her strength" Sirzechs said pointing at Grayfia who narrowed her eyes. Just like him, she also has her work to be done, wasting time against a possible rookie is not within her list.

Shiki took a closer look at Grayfia before nodding her head. "She will do, I haven't move much so I wanted to practice a little bit" she said placing the tea in the table. "I apologize for cutting the tea party midway" she lowered her head a bit to Venelena who just waved it off. "Its fine, it's fine. I also want to watch your fight" she said standing up from her seat.

Venelena ordered the servants to clean the site as they moved to the huge backyard of theirs. "Is there any weapon that you would like to use Shiki-san?" Venelena asked. Shiki thought about it before shaking her head. She then took a simple kitchen knife out of nowhere and prepared herself. She doesn't know the level of the people here but being cautious is not a sin.

Grayfia also stood in front of Shiki, she is casual about this since her opponent is just a human without any Sacred Gear. Sirzechs stood in between the two of them and smiled in anticipation. Although he doesn't have any expectation from Shiki, it is still an entertainment. "Ready, fight!"
