
Chapter 82

Dota 82


=Kuoh Academy=

3rd POV*

Sona held her head for the nth time today, she is having a hard time dealing with the new person in their group. Honestly it is too taxing for her that she miraculously snapped many times. It was really different from the usual Sona who is calm and composed. Her peerage were also baffled by her frequent yelling making them admire Anastashia for being able to break Sona's calmness.

"For lucifer's sake, please stop your annoying demands. It is getting out of hand" Sona said to Anastashia who just smirked at her. "Are you not enjoying the attention that I am giving you? It should be an honor" she spoke as if her words were righteous forcing everyone in the room to sigh. She really is a loose screw.

Although they are grateful to the things she has presented to them, they still can't control her personality thus slowing their paper progress. The documents were already piling on the Student Council's office because Anastashia kept disturbing them during their work time… no, she loved to mess with Sona Sitri all the time.

"They're at it again, sigh. I wonder when they will get along." Tsubaki muttered staring at the usual scene in front of her. Somehow, most of them has gotten familiar with Anastashia's presence and in fact they loved it. Mainly because it broke the stiffness in the atmosphere that they used to have before, it is a refreshing experience for them.

The other member of the peerage also sighed along with Tsubaki. One thing they don't hate though is the fact that their King is genuinely enjoying this mindless banter of theirs. "If only Lady Anastashia stops playing with Kaichou… it would be much better" Momo Hanakai the white haired secretary muttered watching as Sona grabbed Anastashia's clothes.

"Why the long face? Doesn't this look more amazing? Kaichou casually revealing emotions that she used to hid before. I really love this scene" Tomoe Meguri, the sword-user in the peerage commented. "You're right. I also prefer this" Tsubasa Yuri, the blue haired ikemen woman spoke her opinion. The others digested their words before accepting it.

"Why does Lady Anastashia bother Kaichou again? I never heard of the reason?" Kusaka Reya, Sona's bishop asked in confusion. She only saw them fighting again and again never knowing the reason why, the reason she never questioned it before? She is amused. Most of them are.

Tsubaki thought for a second before finally revealing it. "I heard Lady Anastashia mutter some things before. Almost everything of it consist of the man named Lawrence and she also mentioned something like 'She looked like the ideal woman of Lawrence! It's unforgivable!'" Tsubaki assumed the personality of Anastashia while imitating the scene she saw.

The peerage members widened their eyes at that, "Do you mean she is envious of Kaichou…?" Momo asked carefully finding it hard to believe. Reason? It is because most of them has well-endowed body surpassing that of Sona. They know the difficulties of their King when it comes to the topic of body hence they always avoid it.

It is shocking to hear that someone would envy the body of their King when the person herself is insecure about it, always comparing her perfectly proportioned body to others. "That is the most logical explanation. It makes me wonder what kind of man this Lawrence is, he has a woman that has blessed body yet he craved for a much smaller one" Tsubaki gave her comment about Lawrence.

The peerage then stopped their casual chat once they saw that the two reached a temporary consensus. "Do you think they will fight again?" Tomoe asked peeking at the two who did a handshake. A stupid scene yet strangely warm for them. "I bet it will happen in an hour from now" Tsubasa smiled saying that. The others also entered the party doing their own bets.

Sona stared at Anastashia as she remembered something, "Ana, we will be having a meeting with the other devil group in a minute now. Would you like to come with us?" Sona spoke until she realized that it was as horrendous idea. With Rias's pride, it would not be a surprise if the two began fighting in front of them. That scene is already starting to play inside Sona's mind the moment she uttered those words.

"Other group? I am very much interested in them. Show me the way" Anastashia immediately answered as it picked her attention. She stood up crossing her arms under her chest emphasizing them even more. Sona clicked her tongue at the sight before responding, "Fine. Just don't push your ego this time, the other person has a huge pride" she gave a reminder that was naturally ignored by Anastashia.

Sona then turned to her peerage who were chatting by themselves showing harmony that delighted her. "Girls, we will be going soon" she informed them as the group stopped chatting. They did not answer but just followed Sona out of the room. Anastashia found it under her to follow the subordinates so she hasten her pace then stood beside Sona.

"Hm, this is better" she said making Sona's eyebrow twitch. "Honestly did your family not teach you that there is a limit to arrogance?" Sona asked bothered by the way Anastashia walk. It exudes the aura of dominance and pride! It is such a sore in the eyes for Sona who maintained normal sense of ego. "Hmph, I have the power to back it up, do you have any complain?" Anastashia smirked flaunting the magic power that has been hidden all along.

Without exception, all of them felt the heavy pressure brought by the release. It was only triggered for a second as Anastashia immediately sealed the magic power back, however it was enough to let Sona and her peerage that she is not to be taken lightly. Anastashia's personality returned to what it was when she lost Lawrence, and it will not stop unless she meet her man again.

"W-What was that…?" Reya asked staring at Anastashia with visible fright on her eyes, the magic power they felt was monstrous! Unfortunately only Tsubaki and Sona are aware of the magnitude of that showcase. The two know Serafall and Sirzechs, two of the current demon lords and those two are the only people they could compare Anastashia right now!

Sona narrowed her eyes at Anastashia with the girl responding with an arrogant smile. "I won't let anyone top me for the throne at the top is solely for me" she grandly claimed smiling more brightly. This dazed the peerage for a few seconds until they broke from it. "Who really are you?" Sona asked gazing at Anastashia who looked at the sky.

"Anastashia Edefelt, you may call me Grand Magus" Anastashia confidently stated with a grandiose pose.

-10 minutes later

"I'll remind you again, don't try to do anything funny" Sona reminded Anastashia again. She still maintained the same attitude before despite knowing that Anastashia is a monster that is out of their reach. This action is appreciated by Anastashia who started thinking that Sona is worthy to be her friend. Of course she won't spoke that out loud though.

"Who do you think you are speaking to? If you are not here then I might be the embodiment of calmness. I handle things pretty logical if you may ask" Anastashia rebutted which was ignored by Sona. This visit of hers is a surprise one, she wanted to see the current Sekiryuutei and also introduce her 'friend' to Rias. Introducing means bragging off.

Sona held her face and tried to keep the smug off, just thinking about Rias's reaction is enough to make her giggle. This can't be held any longer. "Oh, by the way. Did you gain any news about my companions? Especially Lawrence?!" Anastashia stopped Sona with a question before she could open the door to Occult Research Club room.

This irked Sona however she still choose to answer, "Unluckily, we haven't received some favorable answers from our search. Just be patient, this Lawrence will surely comeback to you" Sona said pretty annoyed at this moment. "Hnn, I see. In that case, I have a request. I don't want you to be there the moment we reunite" Anastashia requested.

"Can I ask why?" Sona asked tilting her head in confusion yet Anastashia only answered with a small grin. Sona understood that she is not getting any answer, "Fine. I'll grant that wish of yours" contrary to her words though, Sona opened her palm towards Anastashia who recognized the gesture. Anastashia took some tango in her pocket and handed it to Sona who grinned in the process.

The transaction ended as Sona finally returned her attention to the door. Taking a deep breath, Sona rearrange her thoughts before grabbing the doorknob. She opened the door and revealed a confident smile not knowing that the scene inside was not a peaceful one.


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