
Fate:Key Of Heaven

On his way home, Astralis, an ordinary modern-day individual, meets his end by truck-kun. However, instead of finding himself in afterlife, Astralis finds himself thrust into the ancient city of Uruk during the Babylonian era. he discovers that he has been granted a second chance at life.

FkNyaw · Anime & Comics
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How to earn the king's favor

My name is Astralis, a 27-year-old office worker with no family. I was raised in an orphanage until I turned 18. Today, like all other days, I woke up early to go to work, and now I'm on my way home. But why is this happening to me?

I was at a crosswalk, and the lights turned green. I looked at the sides to check for incoming vehicles, but it was all clear to continue. So why is it that, as I started walking, three steps in, I see a truck just five centimeters in front of my face?


The world seemed to slow down as the truck materialized before me, my heart pounded, caught in the grip of an inexplicable twist of fate. It seems like Truk-kun is clamming my life today. 

I closed my eyes for a moment, bracing myself for the inevitable. One second passed, then two, and I continued to wait, however, nothing happened. The expected collision, the impact that should have marked the end of my life, never occurred.

Hesitant and afraid, I kept my eyes shut, reluctant to face the reality of my inexplicable escape. Summoning the courage within me, I gradually opened my eyes.

Before me lay the most beautiful thing I ever seen. It wasn't the aftermath of a collision; instead, it was a city of unparalleled beauty. The architecture was of heavens, and the streets full of people. My gaze lingered on the ancient structures, captivated by the grandeur of Uruk.

Wait, Uruk? How am I in Uruk, and how do I know this is Uruk? Suddenly, an unimaginable pain invaded my head. It was so painful and agonizing; I could do nothing but clutch my head and try to physically restrain the pain.

After a while, the pain stopped, and now, I had new memories that I didn't have before.

"It seems like I have reincarnated in Uruk, and my name is still the same, just with a different appearance – blond hair and green eyes. It seems like I'm also quite handsome. But one thing I'm certain of: Astralis from before and now is the same person. Just my past life and this world are part of the Fate game/anime franchise that my friend had recommended to me before."

It seems the gods are also real and roaming on Earth. My new life appears to be quite dangerous. Looking through my memories, it seems I don't have any family in this life, which makes me a little sad. However, there are more important things on my hands right now.

Right now, I don't have much money, and I only have a small place left for me by my deceased parents. One thing that is useful, though my body is quite weak, is my photographic memory. It seems to be the only useful thing in this world full of danger that could help me.

As I navigated the streets of Uruk, my mind raced with information I had gathered from my past life and the newfound memories that surfaced after the painful process. The realization that I was on the brink of becoming a beggar due to the lack of money compelled me to take action.

When I arrived home, I delved into my memories, seeking clues and insights that could aid my survival. Photographic memory, the only gift that allowed me to absorb and recall vast amounts, was the second-best thing that had happened to me. Without it, I was sure I would slowly forget important information from my past lives.

It was quite late, and exhaustion weighed heavily on me. I decided to retire for the night, seeking some rest.

It didn't take long for sleep to claim me.

The next day, I contemplated ways to earn money. Currently, I had only three silver coins, not much, but it could sustain me for about two weeks. As I pondered, a bold idea crossed my mind.

In Uruk, clean water was crucial but not always readily available. I made the decision to create a portable water purification device and present it to the king. In Uruk, presenting ideas to King Gilgamesh involved seeking an audience and demonstrating your proposal. However, there was a risk: if the king deemed your presentation as a waste of time or found it boring, you could face punishment.


Should I take this gamble, it could all go down bad or everything could work out. 

 "Ahh damn it, let's do this there is nothing to lose." 

There is no turning back now that I decided to go all out. To build the water purification device you need 4 things: Clay or ceramic for a pot, Activated charcoal (made from burned wood or coconut shells), Sand and Gravel or small pebbles it would take some time to create this.

2 weeks later

It took to weeks to make this bad boy and I even had to spend extra money and go hungry because it had to look fancy, could't present something that looked like just ordinary pot with dirt inside otherwise I'm sure my head would fly of before even starting the presentation hahaha.

Today was Wednesday, the day of the week for seeking an audience with the king. I made my way to the palace, pushing the makeshift cart carrying my "invention," concealed under a cloth. Upon arriving at the palace, I noticed a long line of people, each with their own inventions? Waiting for their turn.

Waiting on the line and praying whatever good that would bless me luck I waited for my turn. When it was my turn I was facing the worker at the counter.

"State your purpose for coming to the palace today."

"I seek an audience with the king to present my invention as an offering."

Guided to the right location, I found myself in front of a grand, majestic wooden door, patiently awaiting my summons. It took almost twenty minutes before the door swung open, revealing four figures emerging. Among them was a young woman with brown eyes and hair, accompanied by two guards holding a stout, struggling man.

"Let me go! How dare you guys do this to me...!"

The first guard, evidently having enough of the man's protests, delivered a swift blow to the back of his neck, rendering him unconscious. They then escorted him away from the scene.

"gulp " 


"My name is Siduri the king is waiting, come follow me"

Pushing the cart I followed behind miss Siduri entering the throne room, there king Gilgamesh 

Sat at his throne with his head resting on his hand waiting in boredom. 

"Siduri I swear I hope this is THE last one I'm dying here of those monkeys stupid trash inventions hmph" 

Then he look at me sneering "look another monkey thinking his toy can entertain me"

I kneeled showing my respect to the king while Siduri went to the kings side whispering between themself then returning to me 

"This king's willing to give your invention a trial. If it proves worthy, we see what happens then," he conveyed. 

Slowly raising my head, I began to speak, "I am Astralis, your Majesty. I present to you a solution to address the scarcity of clean water in Uruk – a portable water purification device."

"Oh continue" it seems like I managed to gain the kings interest. 

"Your majesty this little contraption can turn our muddy rivers into crystal-clear streams"

"It works with effective process involving layers of sand, charcoal, and gravel to filter impurities, ensuring a safer water supply for the people of Uruk."

Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed, and then a smile played on his lips. "So, you're saying this ticking box will solve one of the city's most pressing issues?" He motioned for me to continue.

"Yes, my Lord. It is a small step toward ensuring the well-being of our citizens. Clean water is essential for a healthy and thriving community," I replied

Gilgamesh reclined back in his throne, tapping his fingers thoughtfully. "Interesting. Let us put your creation to the test. If it proves valuable, we see what happens then"

I proceeded to demonstrate while sweating bullets and shitting on my self begging it to work

And thank god it worked 

"Hmph it seems it was worth this kings time"


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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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