
Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma: The Lost Path

In the Prisma Illyaverse timeline Shirou Emiya never becomes a magus. Shirou never went through the fire in Fuyuki City that reforged him. He was just a normal kid not a hero in pursuit of justice. And he was most certainly not the Iron Wrought Hero EMIYA. But what happens if Shirou did in fact come across the Archer class card first? What happens if that Archer card wasn't EMIYA but rather...EMIYA Alter? What if there were seven more class cards involved? Find out now by reading into the fanfic! A/N: Miyuverse Shirou is also still alive in this fic.

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13 Chs

Chapter Four: What Terrible Luck

Shirou POV

Later that night I found that I couldn't sleep at all the nerves in my body felt like they were on fire even though I know for a fact they weren't.

I tossed and turned in my bed the rapid sounds of guns firing along with people constantly screaming kept playing over in my mind. 

My eyes snap open from frustration I turn to look at the clock on my nightstand five am I thought with exhaustion.

Sleep isn't helping me at all not with this phantom pain that I am feeling I breath in deeply then exhale after five seconds. 

I quickly got off my bed placed on my school clothes (I placed the cards in the pockets of my pants I didn't trust them to be left behind), did my usual routine, and then headed down to the kitchen usually I would be more than happy to cook but I just wasn't feeling it today. 

So, I toasted a couple pieces of bread and poured myself a glass of milk all of which I quickly ate. School doesn't start until two hours later but right now I just need to walk around get some fresh air into my lungs. 

Maybe it will get rid of the pain in my nerves I thought while writing a note for Sella and Liz that I was leaving early.

Leaving the house, I began to wander down the street lost in thought if what the voice told me yesterday was true that there really were more of those damn things how do I find them. 

'You'll feel them when they materialize' was the immediate response I got. 

Who are you? I try to question but the voice doesn't respond much to my growing frustration I sigh taking a seat on one of the park benches. 

I close my eyes the sound of a gun being cocked in my mind echoes a minor flash of pain soon follows then the images of those two beautiful blades appear "projection start." 

Judging the concept of creation.

Hypothesizing the basic structure

Duplicating the composition material.

Imitating the skill of its making.

Sympathizing with the experience of its growth.

Reproducing the accumulated years

and finally Excelling every manufacturing process.

 "Trace on!" I chanted out instinctively in a blinding blue flash of light the sword Bakuya is projected forth. 

I do a couple of test swings using a few katas for a style that I feel is my own even though I've never practiced with a sword I was always more of an archer. 

Projection magecraft that is what I just did even though I shouldn't be able to do so since I've never done magic before hell, I didn't even fucking know magic was real until the day I was attacked by that man with the two swords. 

I shudder when I think back to that moment of near death I had so many questions yet so very little answers. 

The projection shatters away the moment I think of it to disappear. 

"I should probably get to the academy maybe I can see if Ayako is at the archery club," I mutter stuffing my hands into my pockets I walk away from the park. 

-timeskip a few minutes later at Homuhara Archery Club Six Am- 

 She's not here yet I thought observing the empty archery range I then glanced at one of the discarded bows. 

"May as well," I mutter picking up one of the bows I also took a couple of arrows from the storage.

I stood in the stance required for the first step of Kyudo all thoughts that I had in my head vanished my worries and fears along with them for now I am merely an empty entity like the arrow that I was currently holding. 

My body moves by itself the string of the bow is pulled back the arrow was locked onto the target a breath is taken until finally the string is released and the arrow soars striking the bullseye true. 

I continue this for a long while finding some peace of mind. 

The sound of clapping echoed through the range surprising me so much that I drop the bow out of shock "nice shots as always Emiya," Ayako said with a smile. 

"Ayako how many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that," I reply picking up the bow I had dropped. 

She giggles "sorry Emiya but you know I can't help it...it's just that your archery always manages to captivate me so I can't help but watch your work until you're done," she said in a teasing tone making me sigh. 

"...look Ayako I only came here because well," I awkwardly trail off trying to think of the words I wanted to say, "because you felt guilty about yesterday, Emiya?" Ayako said with a raised brow. 

"what how di-" she cut me off before I could fully ask how she knew "it's fine Emiya...I admit I was pushing your buttons to much and for that I apologize," she said with a head bow at the end.

 I shook my head "no if anything I should apologize Ayako, I didn't mean to snap at you it's just that things between Shinji and I have kind of been sensitive for me but that doesn't give me the right to just snap at you when you were just concerned," I said bowing my head to her instead.

"Geez...how about we just admit we were wrong then?" Ayako proposed I smile at that "sounds fine enough," I replied. 

The rest of the remaining hour was spent having a small shooting competition by the end of it I left the club feeling way better.

The pain that I had been doing my best to ignore finally subsided giving me relief. 

School goes as normal aside from me constantly spacing out during the lectures because of the lack of sleep. 

Issei had noticed during one of our classes, but I was quick to reassure him that I was fine and that I had just spent way too much time last night playing video games with my little sister. 

I paused at that thought little sister...for some reason I feel like that's wrong I don't know why. 

Discreetly I finger the two cards in my pants pocket "trace on," I mutter trying to analyze the cards maybe I could find out the purpose and creation method behind the cards. 

Unfortunately, though the results were inconclusive the only information I received back from the scan was on the basic functions of how to use the card nothing else but static. 

Damn it I cursed in my head with frustration...if only I hadn't picked up the damn archer card then maybe I wouldn't be caught up in whatever this crap with the cards is.

"SHEROOO!!!" was the shout that snapped me out from my thoughts my eyes widen when I see Luvia Edfelt run over to me. 

"I was wondering if perhaps you would like to have lunch with me," she continued getting closer to me I gulped "ah well you see-" I never even got the chance to reply before another familiar twin pig tailed haired girl came upon the scene. 

"And just what in the hell do you think you're doing you blond haired bimbo I was going to ask him first!" Tohsaka shouted at the other girl "to late Miss Tohsaka I asked him first!" Luvia shouted back. 

Ah hell no I am not in the mood to deal with their cat fight the last time they fought they almost freaking tore me apart. 

I get ready to run only for reality to distort. 

In 'my' grip was a Thompson Contender 'my' eyes blankly stare at the writhing form of Rin Tohsaka bleeding out on the floor in complete agony with tears leaking down her cheeks.

 She hysterically began to speak "I sacrificed everything for this even my beloved sister....and even after that I am not allowed to acquire the Holy Grail?!" 

"What more could be possibly wanted from me? I-I have nothing more to give. I have lost everything. My sister. My pride. My feelings. My Servant....Of course, I also lost my ally, too the only boy I had ever developed a crush on," she says in complete despair. 

My mind races no I don't want to see this please somebody make this damn nightmare end already I begged but there is no response only the continued cries of Tohsaka. 

"You were supposed to act as my brakes? I-I needed someone there to stop me. Someone to stop me from killing my own flesh and blood....yet, when I looked to you, I screamed inside my head for you to stop me!!!" her words grow more emotional, and those now nearly insane blue eyes look at me straight in the eyes.

 "You just stood there with a cold blank face and told me to kill her," the last part is nothing more than a whisper but still it sends shivers through me. 

My mouth opens but it's not 'my' mouth I am not in control of anything right now.

"What we once had is all in the past now Tohsaka you're just a magus now while I Em### S##### am a superhero", The voice informs her.

 "However, in spite of everything I'll act as your brakes for one last time. It is time for a full-stop.......Tohsaka,"

And with those words the 'person' raises the Contender above her head ready to end her life.

"Gomenasai S####o", she smiles at 'me' with tears still in her eyes. 

"But stopping now has no purpose I've already ran over everything that was dear to me,"

"I see," the 'person' replies and without saying anything else 'he' pulls the trigger, and she drops dead like a puppet who suddenly lost their strings. 

I screamed from within she was innocent a good person why did you kill her?! I felt like I was running out of breath. 

The world spun and I found myself back to reality....I don't feel so good I thought collapsing onto the floor.

In the background I could faintly hear someone shouting. 



What terrible luck I must have I thought before finally passing out.

-end of chapter four- 

The last bit of this chapter was heavily inspired by Verg Avesta.