
Fate/kaleid liner - Wrought Iron Hero (Shirou Emiya - Illya's World)

This is a story about the adventure Shirou Emiya from the world (Fate/Kaleid - Illya's World) Shirou emiya (Illya's World) knows nothing about the moonlit world (magical society). So, the protagonist is Shirou from (Illya's World), who uses Archer's card from Archer Fate/extra version will intervene in the original Prisma Illya story.

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Universe of Endless Blades (EX)

[Miyu POV]

"What the hell is that idiot thinking!?"

Rin Tohsaka's shout echoed throughout the abandoned building. Luvia was also furious. And all I could do was stand there dumbfounded. At that moment, I had intended to stay behind alone. For Illya, for Shirou.

Shirou had seen through my intentions. That's why he pushed me back. At that time, I had intended to step out of the magic circle alone. And at that very moment, he grabbed my arm.

Then, Shirou snatched Sapphire from my hand and stepped out of the magic circle. We understood why he had taken Sapphire. It was to prevent us from entering the Mirror World again.

'What can we do in this situation?'

'Unless we get the Ruby held by Illyasviel, we can't enter...'

That's right, that's the only way. But it's too far to go from here to Illya's house. It was impossible to save Shirou in terms of time. Why did this have to happen? That enemy is too strong.

With the Archer card, it would be impossible to match him. That's why I had intended to use the Saber card. If I had the power of King Arthur and that holy sword, perhaps... That's what I was thinking.


That's all I could mutter...


🔊 Fate/EXTELLA OST - Nameless/Archer Theme start Playing 🔊

[Shirou POV]

Sapphire:『Shirou-sama, why would you do such a thing! It's not too late, let's leave the Mirror World now!』

"Sorry, but I need Sapphire to cooperate with me. If I let Sapphire out, Miyu and the others might be able to return. That would be problematic. In many ways."

While dodging Berserker's attacks, he exchanges words with Sapphire. In this narrow passage, it was a bit easier to dodge the attacks of Berserker who couldn't move freely. There wasn't much space for me to dodge, though.

While performing such offense and defense, I call out to the card within me. I feel it. From the other side, they are connecting a line to me. By slowly sinking my consciousness, I try to hear that voice.

"...Lend me your power..."

"...Good, can you hear my voice?"

Nameless/Archer: "Yes."

Nameless/Archer: "I'll tell you first. This is the last time I'm lending you my power. It's dangerous to be too deeply connected."

Is that so? Up until now, there was a feeling of incongruity. The power of this card's Heroic Spirit, there was still more to it. The reason I couldn't use it until now was because he was keeping the connection to a minimum. Probably for the sake of my body.

"Align your consciousness with mine. I'll show you the path. All you need to do is trace it. Understand? Never try to understand it deeply. For you right now, that's too dangerous. This is a one-time service."

"...I understand."

I would've preferred to deeply understand his power and use it in the future. But, given what he's saying, that seems impossible. With my amateur magic skills, I can't do anything if he doesn't come close.

Sapphire:『Shirou-sama, watch out!』

"Darn, I can't sink my consciousness any further."

I need to focus on this side soon. The conversation at the bottom of my consciousness is impossible now. At that moment, information flowed into my head. Is this the path he was talking about? Alright, let's start the counterattack.

"Sapphire, pretend you didn't see what I'm about to do. Stand back."


"---I am the bone of my sword.---My body is made out of swords."

Releasing Sapphire, I begin to chant as I produce twin swords of black and white. At that moment, Berserker closes the distance instantly. The walls that had been obstructing him were broken down and the space widened because he was rampaging in this place.

"---Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. My body is of iron and flame."

Following the image that came to mind, I change the shape of the twin swords. While catching the enemy's fist with the twin swords that had changed into the shape of large wings, I chant more of the spell. It's different from before. A new image emerges.

"---I have created over a thousand blades. Having crossed countless battlefields and remaining undefeated, Not chosing the battlefield and will always be humble"

Berserker swings his axe-sword, trying to smash me along with the twin swords. I dodge his strike by deliberately diving into the enemy's chest, and I slash the muscles of the enemy's arms with the enlarged twin swords. This time it works.

"---Unknown to Death. Not once have I fled, Never amassing anything. Never knowing victory."

Temporarily incapacitated, Berserker unleashes a series of kicks. But by that time, I had already jumped back, out of the range of the attack. At the same time, I create a bow and a sword and take a stance.

Sapphire:『Shirou-sama, that attack won't work anymore!』

I know. So, please calm down, Sapphire. I'm concentrating my consciousness right now.

"---Have withstood pain to create many weapons. Always alone on a hill of swords, Always want to Surpass myself to become stronger, intoxicated with victory."

As I chant, I shoot a [False Spiral Sword Caladbolg II] at the feet of Berserker who is rapidly approaching. It doesn't work on him anymore, but his feet aren't invincible. His footing explodes and crumbles.

"---Yet, those hands will never hold anything. Hence, his life had no meaning."

As his footing collapses, Berserker falls to the lower floor. While chanting the spell, I follow him down by jumping. He glares at me with eyes full of fighting spirit and hatred and lets out a tremendous roar.

While silently watching him with Smile, I chant the last spell that comes to mind. With this, the preparations are complete.

"---So as I pray, UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS. His body was, indeed, made out of swords---"

Sapphire:『Shirou-sama, what on earth are you try doing...?』


Sapphire raises a voice of doubt, and Berserker unleashes a roar without words. I land quietly in front of such an enemy and speak with deep voice.

Nameless/Archer: "Berserker, you going to facing my true Noble Phantasm"

Then, I glare at him with enthusiastic smile and thrust my right hand forward. Now, this is Archer's power.

"---[Universe of Endless Blades - Unlimited Blade Works]---"

The moment those words were spoken, the very space itself started to transform. The abandoned building, wrapped in darkness, changed into a wasteland bristling with countless swords. The sky is dyed in twilight, with clouds concealing it, and a massive gear wheel rotates.

Sapphire『This... could this be? A [Reality Marble]? A True magic that paints over space with a mental landscape!』

This wilderness was the same scenery I had seen in my dreams. I confront Berserker in the center of it.

"Now, as you can see, what you're challenging is an infinity of swords, Universe of Endless Blades, a Universe manufacturing factory that produces the countless Noble Phantasm without they owners, Don't be afraid, come at me!"

I grab a sword close at hand and point it at Berserker. It seems he didn't understand my words, but still he charged fearlessly. I respond by running towards him as well.



I catch his fist and call forth a sword from afar. Then, I deflect Berserker's axe-sword strike with a slash from below. The muscles in both his hands seem to have healed already. I appeal to the sword sticking up behind him.

"Come forth!"

Countless swords attack Berserker from behind. He deflects them all with a spin on the spot, but there are still plenty of swords left. I call forth a sword from behind me and grab it with my right hand. This sword will do!

"How's this!"

Reading the memories inscribed in the sword, reproducing them, overwriting my muscular strength, I project. Berserker in the air glares at me, but I ignore it and slash with my right hand's sword. The sensation of cutting flesh travels up my arm.


"That sword!?!"

I feel for the first time a sense of disturbance from Berserker. Seems like he's truly surprised. With the sword swung through, I look at the enemy with a defiant smile. In my right hand, a massive and crude axe-sword is gripped.

Yes, the great sword, like a piece of rock, that Berserker has. It's the one that had been slashing and gouging his right half. How does it feel to be cut with your own weapon, with your own technique, and with your own muscular strength?



I don't know if he has a feeling of humiliation, but I felt his intimidating presence increase. His axe-sword is swung recklessly, as if to say he himself is the real thing. I parried that slash with the same axe-sword.


I can't completely reproduce it, so I'm a bit outmatched in a contest of strength. However, holding this sword, I understand. He possessed exceptional skill, but it seems he's lost that now.

"If that's the case, I won't lose to a brute force attack! I'll surpass you with your original skill level!"

I reproduced and projected a part of his exceptional sword technique, and I counter Berserker's brute force attack. Never clashing head-on, I deflected the attacks by striking my sword from the side and diagonally. If I can do this much with just a part of his technique...

Thinking of his original strength sends shivers down my spine. He's a monster even now, how much stronger would he be if he added these sword techniques? I don't want to think about it. I'm really glad he's not a Saber.

"Damn... But as it stands, I can't win like this."

As I tried to replicate his skill and strength, my body began to scream in protest. As a result, there were inconsistencies in my movements. He started using not only his axe-sword but also his fists and kicks. If I were to receive those head-on, it would be over.

Sapphire『Shirou-sama, you must not forget about the enemy's regenerative ability! Even if we can fight evenly, without taking that into account...』

That issue exists too. I had managed to inflict injuries on Berserker, but those wounds also heal quickly. As it stands, I will eventually exhaust my strength and lose. Just as I thought that, a voice echoes from within me again.

Nameless/Archer: "Don't panic. Truly immortal beings are few and far between. This guy is no exception."


Nameless/Archer: "Such regenerative ability, or perhaps it's a kind of curse. Regardless, there should be a limit to the number of times he can regenerate."

" I Understand"

So, this means he can't come back to life indefinitely. If that's the case, I have no choice but to brace for hits and keep attacking. It's a contest of whether I'll exhaust my strength first, or if he'll reach his limit first.

"I will defeat you before this body breaks!"

I had decided not to hold a sword anymore, considering the strain on my body, but I had to let that go. I search for a sword within my space that can penetrate his defenses and summon it. I receive it with my left hand, and get ready.



I replicate his skill with the right side of my body, and the skill of the other sword's owner with the left. The bones throughout my body creak, and my magic circuits feel like they're burning out. I am aware that I'm pushing myself hard, but I can't win otherwise.

I parry Berserker's axe-sword with the axe-sword in my right hand, and cut his fist with the sword in my left hand. Berserker's fierce attacks finally stop, and for the first time, he shows an opening. This is it! I concentrate on the projection in my right hand and envision the technique in my mind.

"―― Projection, begin Trace On"


"――Projection, load Trigger Off"


The moment I finish my preparations, the enemy regains mobility and raises his axe-sword. It's a close call. Even as I feel like I could die, my mind is surprisingly calm. Here we go...

"――All steps of the projection completed, Set."


"[Nine Lives Blade Works: Shooting the Hundred]!"

Berserker swinging down his axe-sword and me yelling and swinging my right hand happened simultaneously. The axe-sword swung at a speed comparable to the speed of sound. However, my attack was far faster. A streak of light flashes.

Berserker's attack lands right next to me, and the shards of shattered stone hit my body, making it hard to breathe. It was just a direct hit from debris, but I spat out blood. But Berserker took much more damage.

Sapphire『Amazing... Berserker's right half got blown away.』

Indeed, Berserker's right half had vanished after taking my attack. Thanks to that, his axe-sword missed my body and hit next to me. With this, I killed him once. Combined with the counterfeit Spiral Sword, I've killed him twice.

Sapphire『But how, he still regenerating again!』

"...I know."

The half-destroyed Berserker began to regenerate instantly. I can't kill him with this axe-sword anymore. I let go of the axe-sword in my right hand and tried to call a distant sword. However, my right hand wasn't moving.

"Did it break with that last attack..."

My right hand seems to have been unable to withstand the projection of Berserker's strength and skill. Ignoring my right hand, I prepared the sword in my left. In front of me was Berserker, still regenerating and immobile. Here comes another strike.

"The world now, reaches its twilight--[Phantasmal Greatsword, Demonic Downfall Balmung]!"

A sword capable of penetrating Berserker's defense. It was a greatsword with a blue gem embedded in the hilt. By releasing its true name and swinging it, the gem glowed, and a twilight wave spread out in a semicircular shape from the tip of the sword.

The wave swept Berserker away. His regenerating upper body vanished. With this, I've killed him one more time. That's three times in total. My whole body was screaming. Blood flowed from my left magic circuit.

"…Even this is not enough to take him down, he still going to revive...?"

Sapphire『Shirou-sama, any more than this...』

Despite my attacks, I'm the one covered in wounds. Despite that, Berserker still hasn't fallen. His upper body that was blasted away is beginning to regenerate again. How many more times do I have to kill this guy?

Even this sword can no longer kill him. I discard the Balmung in my left hand. What should I do? How should I make an even stronger attack? Look for a stronger sword. But there was no more in this space.

There are still swords of equal power, but that wouldn't clear the issue. Because with an equal sword, I don't know how many more times I can attack. If I were to kill him once with that, would he fall with that? I had doubts.

"What should I do?"

Nameless/Archer: ""…there is a Noble Phantasm that I successfully copied in my adventure, also got approval from the original owner for me to copy and record in this world?"


In response to my inner voice, Archer answered. suddenly a vision entered my mind, there was a Young king, a young man with black and white hair and blue eyes. His attire consists mainly of a black and white tunic with blue accents, black pants, thigh-high armored boots, and a short white cape with a black edge. Aside from his boots, his left arm has a gauntlet, and he wears a set of faulds at his waist. A sword scabbard hangs at his left side, and red marks coat his right gloved arm, in that vision the young man smiled at me

"That's impossible."

Nameless/Archer: "Indeed. That is impossible." archer smile

"…? What a tricky way of speaking."

Nameless/Archer: "You should know. that vision about that annoying young man or his true identity known as Holy Roman Emperor, King of The Franks, leader and namesake of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne. The founder of Western Europe, the name Charles the Great ."

"you want me to Project that holy sword, that's impossible for my level"

I can't make that Holy Sword. When I say that, Archer readily agrees but started saying strange things. As I was thinking, Berserker began to rise in front of me.

I don't have the time to think leisurely. His eyes glowed, glaring at me. There's no time. On the verge of despair, I imagine the Blue young king from that vision. But for some reason, truly for some reason… The vision of this sword is very clear to me and it wants me to project it, use it to defeat Berserker.

"…This sword."

Nameless/Archer: "Yes. It seems you've figured it out."

At Archer's words, I nodded and pictured it in my mind. The path was once again guided by Archer. Synchronizing with that consciousness, tracing the path, I projected it with the usual spell.

"―――[Projection, Begin Trace On]"


Berserker resurrects again and swings his fist down. The ax-sword is still lodged beside me. In the slowly moving time, like a revolving lantern, I make that sword. To the point that I don't care about the enemy's attack.


And then, I clutch the created sword with my left hand. The blue and silver longsword slashes through Berserker's fist. The sword moves on its own, and my body follows. This is because I projected and reproduced the skill of the sword's owner.

I moved backwards at the speed of sound in several hundred meters from berserker, I need to unleash this sword true power and defeat berserker for good. This blue and silver longsword start began to glow, blue and silver particle light start appear from the sword and behind my back. The holy sword splits and transforms into each weapon of the Twelve holy sword behind my back.

"I refuse to lose!" I start calling this holy sword true name.

"[Joyeuse Ordre: Exemplify the King's Heroics, O' Twelve Traveling Swords]!"

As it is, I screamed with all my heart and soul. A dazzling blue and colorful beam energy light radiated and headed towards Berserker. The light penetrated the berserker's body, enveloping his entire body and exploding in an explosion of colorful light. the explosion can be considered a High range Anti-army Noble Phantasm. My vision went pure white...

🔊 Fate/EXTELLA OST - Nameless/Archer Theme start Ending 🔊


Explanation :

Nine Lives and Balmung have only killed once. This is because they are purely projections and their ranks are one step down. They are both about B+. From a meta perspective, it's for the final scene.

Well, even if you think it's strange, please overlook it. I beg of you. That's the kind of vibe it is.

And for "Joyeuse Ordre" More precisely, it's Archer's memory, archer fate extra or Fate/EXTELLA has a good relationship with Blue Saber Charlemagne. that's why Shirou (Illya World) can activate his NP. Charlemagne NP rank can be considered as EX rank anti-fortress but Shirou (Illya World) only using half this NP power to taken down Berserker so it downgrade into rank A+ anti army.

And this Unlimited Blade Works is Archer's backup, so it's Archer's Unlimited Blade Works. Shirou (Illya World) Unlimited Blade Works will have its opportunity another time. I think you can roughly guess when it will come out. Until then, please wait for Shirou (Illya World) chant and performance.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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