
Fate/kaleid liner - Wrought Iron Hero (Shirou Emiya - Illya's World)

This is a story about the adventure Shirou Emiya from the world (Fate/Kaleid - Illya's World) Shirou emiya (Illya's World) knows nothing about the moonlit world (magical society). So, the protagonist is Shirou from (Illya's World), who uses Archer's card from Archer Fate/extra version will intervene in the original Prisma Illya story.

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

The Battle of Emiya Shirou

(Illya POV)

"It's... it's hopeless!"

I'm not listening. I never agreed to this. Inside my heart, I'm complaining to Rin-san. According to Rin-san, we were just supposed to collect the cards. But now, we are forced to fight a strange black shadow that suddenly appeared.

Moreover, onii-chan ended up coming to this place. That was my mistake. But I never thought that onii-chan would follow me. He saw me transform into a magical girl.

At this rate, onii-chan will get involved too. That was the only thing I didn't want. So, I fought desperately, but my scatter shots lacked power, and I couldn't defeat the enemy. Rin-san's attacks also didn't work against this enemy.

I was easily blown back in front of onii-chan, giving the enemy an opening to attack. Then, that enemy seemed to be doing something really dangerous. Even Rin-san was panicked. Only Ruby was casually voicing out.

The enemy began to draw a magic circle. I could tell by intuition. That surely is its attempt to unleash a finishing move. I have Ruby with me, but onii-chan and Rin-san are completely defenseless. In other words, I have no choice but to shield them.

Having made that judgment, I tried to tell Ruby. But I couldn't. Because I could hear onii-chan's scream from behind me. At that scream, I turned around. There was onii-chan.


"Wha- Emiya-kun, you..."

Ruby:『...This is...』

But the one standing there wasn't the onii-chan I knew. Upon seeing onii-chan's form, I, Rin-san, and even Ruby were taken aback. Onii-chan was, before we knew it, wearing red clothes.

And he was donning a white cloak. A red bandana was wrapped around his head, and lines of light appeared on his face. His body also seemed more sturdy. His expression had changed; the usual smile had vanished, replaced by a sharp look.

I'll keep it a secret that I was a little taken aback by that expression. What on earth had happened? I could do nothing but stare blankly at onii-chan's face. We had forgotten that we were in a serious pinch and ended up being dumbfounded.

"Ri, Rin-san, what's happening!?"

"I, I don't know either!"

Ruby:『This is very interesting indeed.』

I tried asking Rin-san, but even she didn't know and was confused. If even Rin-san, an expert, doesn't know, we're in real trouble. We had all been focused on the enemy, so we hadn't noticed onii-chan behind us.

"But now is not the time to think about this! Run, Illya! That blackened heroic spirit is about to use a 'Noble Phantasm'! If you take that head-on, it won't end well!"

"Wh, what is a Noble Phantasm!?"

"We'll explain later! For now, just run..."

"It's too late, we won't make it!"

"This is bad!"

Remembering our current situation, Rin-san told me to run. But it was already too late. The enemy's magic circle was complete. There's no escape. From Rin-san's words, I guessed that even Ruby's defense might not save us.


Am I going to die? That was what I thought...

"It's okay. I'll protect Illya."

I heard a very gentle voice. The voice of the onii-chan I love so much. At that voice, I turned around. There was onii-chan, smiling gently as always. Seeing that face, I thought, ah, that's the onii-chan I know.

"[Bellerophon, Bridle of Chivalry]!"

"[Caladbolg II, the Fake Spiral Sword]!"

The enemy summoned a black Pegasus and rushed towards us, turned into a black light. Onii-chan countered it with a strange arrow. The twisted, drill-like arrow transformed into a ray of light, and it collided head-on with the black torrent of the enemy.

"You're kidding, right!? He's clashing with a Noble Phantasm head-on!? Could it be that Emiya-kun, you..."

"It seems Illya-san's brother is using the power of a Heroic Spirit. I have no idea how that works, but perhaps, he is directly manifesting the power of the Heroic Spirit using the Archer card? That's a Noble Phantasm."

"What do you mean!? How can Emiya-kun do such a thing!? Both Illya and Emiya-kun, children who should have nothing to do with magic, why... Besides, the Archer card should have been given to Illya! Why does Emiya-kun have..."

Ruby:『Well, actually, this morning, Shirou-san took the card that Illya-san left on the desk.』

"Wh, what did you say!? Ruby, you saw that and kept quiet!?"

Ruby:『I couldn't help it. I couldn't let Shirou-san see me.』

"Th, that's true, but..."

Ruby:『Besides, I thought it would be more interesting.』

"You stupid stick!"

Rin-san and Ruby were arguing, but I didn't have the luxury to pay attention to such things. I just watched onii-chan. My beloved onii-chan. The kind onii-chan who has always protected me since we were children.

"He's starting to lose! The rank of his Noble Phantasm is lower than the enemy's! Emiya-kun!"

Ruby:『It's okay.』

"What do you mean it's okay!?"

Ruby:『It's okay.』

"He lost the clash. Well, the power of the enemy's Noble Phantasm has been significantly reduced though."

"That's enough. 'Rho Aias, the Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens'!"

Onii-chan did not seem confused at all. Despite having his attack broken by the enemy, he didn't seem flustered. Onii-chan raised his hand and created a flower of light. A very beautiful flower bloomed and stood in front of the enemy.

The black torrent was caught by the beautiful seven petals. The enemy's attack didn't reach us, it was stopped by the beautiful flower. Amazing. Onii-chan is protecting us. To be honest, I was a little scared of onii-chan right now.

I felt like he wasn't the onii-chan I knew. But still, onii-chan was onii-chan. My beloved onii-chan. No matter what power he uses, that will absolutely never change.

As we expected, Onii-chan charged at the enemy who was wielding a dagger-like stake with a chain. And from there, a battle began that made it impossible to say that he wasn't skilled in close combat.

Onii-chan and the enemy were exchanging incredibly fast attacks. Onii-chan's twin swords relentlessly assaulted the enemy. It seemed that the enemy was able to withstand all of his attacks. Neither of them were backing down, continuing to clash.

"So, he's not good at close combat?"

"Well, he shouldn't be... but Heroic Spirits are truly exceptional... If I could use Ruby, I'm confident I wouldn't lose."

"But what's truly surprising is Shirou-san. Not only has he made himself into a Heroic Spirit, but he's also using twin swords, despite being a Heroic Spirit of the bow. Moreover, his swordsmanship far exceeds that of an ordinary person."

"...Indeed. Emiya-kun, who exactly are you? This is quite interesting..."

While listening to Rin-san's words, all I did was hope for Onii-chan's victory. Please, win.


(Shirou POV)

In the past, I wanted to be a hero of justice. When my real family died in an accident, I was the only one who survived. I felt it was my duty to save someone else because my father and mother died protecting me.

That's why I thought I should use this life saved to help someone else. But I had no power. I was just a child who needed to be saved by others, not the one who could save. I doubted my own worth.

That was when a couple came to the orphanage, saying they wanted to adopt me. A woman who always smiled brightly and purely, and a man who gave a wry smile as he was toyed around by his wife. That was when I met Kiritsugu and Irisviel.

"From today, we are your family. Please call me 'Mom'."



"...Why me? I can't do anything... I'm worthless..."

At that time, I really didn't understand. Why did I survive? Why did my father and mother die to protect me? Why were these people adopting me, who was worthless?

In response to my question, Irisviel smiled and gave an unexpected answer.

"That's because we want you to become a big brother to my daughter."


"Her name is Illya. She's six years younger than you."

Irisviel said that and showed me a picture of Illya. With a foolishly proud smile. "Look, isn't she cute? From today, she is your sister." she told me. My sister. I was taken aback by this unexpected situation.

It was too ordinary. It wasn't the hero of justice I was hoping for. Yet, why was it? I was so happy that I cried. Irisviel panicked when I suddenly started crying. Then, Kiritsugu stroked my head while giving a wry smile and Irisviel smile at me.

"You were lonely, weren't you?"

"Ah I lonely Mom..."

"OH My"

At those words, I understood. That's right. I was lonely. I wanted to be needed by someone. That's why I wanted to be a hero of justice. A figure that everyone admires, a presence that everyone needs. That was what a hero of justice was to me.

Realizing this, I cried out loud. Kiritsugu and Irisviel hugged me, smiling gently. There were still people who needed me. Knowing this, I couldn't stop my tears.

When I arrived at my new home with Kiritsugu and Irisviel, Illya was there to greet me. Illya, who greeted me with a brilliant smile. From today, she would be the one who needed me. At that moment, I became Illya's big brother.

Instead of becoming a hero of justice, I became Illya's big brother. Since then, the number of people important to me has continued to increase. Kiritsugu and Irisviel, of course Illya, and also Sella and Leysritt, they are all my precious family. So, I set a new goal.

From now on, I would not be a hero of justice, but a hero for my family. Even if I have to face any enemy, even if I don't have any power. If I don't have power, I can train to gain it. The reason I learned kendo and archery was because I wanted to be stronger in my own way.

I wanted to have at least the power to protect my family. But then, an enemy appeared that I couldn't protect them from with just that power. So, I made a wish. I wanted the power to protect Illya, even if it meant giving up everything. There was a being that responded to my voice in a small voice. And this is the result.

My consciousness returns to the present. The way to fight comes into my mind. My body moves before I think. I deflect the enemy's attack with my twin swords and deliver a counter blow. The enemy's attack is monotonous. The principles of attack are not put together.

It's like it's out of control. Originally, it must have been a tougher enemy. Illya was being pushed back, but that's because Illya was also a novice. But now, it seems, I'm different. In my mind, ideas about how to construct an attack emerge. I need to make the most of my next attack.

After plunging my right sword, I immediately thrust my left sword in the opposite direction. The enemy manages to stop it with a reflex that defies common sense, but its abdomen is wide open. I drive my knee into the enemy's solar plexus. A powerful knee that bends the enemy's body like a bow.


The enemy lets out an inaudible scream. It's planning something. Sensing that I must not let it create distance, I throw my twin swords at it. Then, I myself charge at it. The enemy deflects the twin swords I threw with its dagger.

"---[Projection, start... Trace on.]"

As I mutter that, the same twin swords reappear in my hands. Then, I close the distance with the enemy in one go. The enemy, perhaps disliking this, leaps backward to create distance. But I won't let that happen. I mutter once more.

"---[Projection, start... Trace on.]"

Several swords appear behind the enemy, cutting off its escape route. Naturally, it was my doing. Right now, I can create as many swords as I want. As long as my power holds out, anyway. Without missing the moment when the enemy, cut off from its escape route, stops moving, I strike.


"It's not over yet."

I won't ease up yet. I tried to relentlessly slice up the enemy. But that was obstructed by the enemy's chain-bound dagger. The enemy glares at me, engaging me in a close-quarters cross guard. A blindfold is wrapped around the enemy's eyes, and while I can't see them, a chill runs down my spine.

These eyes are dangerous. I have a hunch. And seeing me like this, it seemed like the enemy was smiling. The enemy, with one hand, was trying to remove the blindfold from its eyes. And I was frozen. There was no way to stop it.

"[Gorgon's Gaze, Cybele]!"


Is this the Gorgon's gaze! My body stops moving and starts turning to stone from the feet up. I didn't expect it to have such a trump card. The enemy is laughing, seemingly certain of victory. Indeed, the match is already decided. As my body turns to stone, I quietly gaze at the enemy.



"...Attract each other, [Aestus Estus]."

That's right, the match is already decided. I can hear Illya and the others screaming, but don't worry. Before being affected by the Gorgon's gaze, I Project the Fire Sword and I threw the fire sword at the enemy. then the fire sword burns and pierces the enemy's legs, the enemy cannot move for a moment due to the burning.

"[Kanshou & Bakuya]"

I summoned the twin swords; I threw the twin swords and the twin swords flew like a boomerang. Then, the twin swords became four twin swords that floated in the air and pulled towards each other like magnets, pointing towards the enemy like the speed of a gun bullet.


"It's my victory."

I quietly muttered that. The four twin swords pierce the enemy's body. As I thought, you don't have a proper offensive strategy. I was indeed surprised by the Gorgon's gaze, but you couldn't fully utilize that trump card. That's the cause of your defeat.



As I quietly watch, the enemy's body turns into particles of light and disappears. The petrification curse on me seems to have been lifted as well, and I can move again. The enemy's completely vanished body turns into a single card and falls to the ground.

My first battle ends like this. However, today's incident was not yet over. I was soon to find out.



As I pick up the card that fell to the ground, a dumbfounded voice addresses me. Lifting my face to the voice, I see a black-haired girl dressed similarly to the transformed Illya. Her age appeared to be around the same as Illya's.

"...You are..."


"...Eh?" (Miyu Confused)


The girl seemed vaguely familiar. I realized her identity. She was the girl who appeared in my dream this morning and in the strange vision, the girl who was put to sleep. Just as I was about to speak to her, she clung to me, crying.

Taken by surprise, I didn't understand what was happening. I could hear Illya's voice from afar. As I was wondering what to do, the girl dropped a bombshell.



"Whaaaat!?" (Illya)

Again, from afar, Illya's cry of surprise echoed... What's going to happen next?

Our story with the mysterious girl began like this. It was an incredibly tumultuous beginning.

And... calm down a little, Illya...

Chapter 3 will coming A few hour :)

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