
Fate/kaleid liner - Wrought Iron Hero (Shirou Emiya - Illya's World)

This is a story about the adventure Shirou Emiya from the world (Fate/Kaleid - Illya's World) Shirou emiya (Illya's World) knows nothing about the moonlit world (magical society). So, the protagonist is Shirou from (Illya's World), who uses Archer's card from Archer Fate/extra version will intervene in the original Prisma Illya story.

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Shirou Emiya Struggle

[Shirou POV]


At the moment when Illya and Miyu were about to fire an enormously large ball of light, my body moved on its own. Creating a bow and arrow, I quickly shot at the wands that Illya and Miyu were holding. The timing was perilously close.

"[Hrunting: Hound of the Red Plains]!"

As I let the arrow fly, I ran towards Illya and the others. Will I make it in time? If not, it would be a disaster. As I thought this, I leaped into the light without hesitation. The Hrunting Hound just managed to change the trajectory in time.

The arrow hit the wand Illya and Miyu were holding and deflected its tip, causing the released ball of light to graze each other. The impact twisted space and struck my body. I was breathless for a moment and nearly collapsed.

"Emiya-kun!? What are you doing taking such a reckless action!"

"You're going to get killed!"

I heard Tohsaka and the others yelling, but I ignored them and headed for Illya. Illya stood there with a stunned look on her face. I had to hurry. We had avoided colliding with each other, but that ball of light was still active.



Grabbing Illya's hand, I immediately headed to Miyu. I grabbed Miyu's hand, who was standing with the same stunned expression as Illya, and returned to where Tohsaka and the others were. At that moment, I heard something breaking in the distance. The sound of the end of the world, destroying everything.

The ball of light must have hit the end of this space. Cracks appeared in the sky and it began to crumble. This space was breaking. Will I make it? My body creaked. I might have overdone it a bit. After all, my original body was just a normal one.


"Are you okay!?"

"Tohsaka, Luvia! Evacuate quickly!"

"Damn, that's right. Illya! Or rather, Ruby! Hurry up and do the [Boundary Jump]!"

"Sapphire too!"

『Yes, yes, I got it.』

『Understood. Everyone, gather around us. We'll jump the boundary.』

Tohsaka and the others ordered Illya's wand to exit this space. In response to their command, Illya's wand seemed somewhat listless, while Miyu's wand responded politely and calmly. They have completely opposite personalities...

A magic circle appeared beneath Illya's feet, and light enveloped our bodies. Meanwhile, the collapse of this space continued. The cracked sky shattered, and fragments of space rained down on the ground. The scene was indeed like the end of the world.

"Will we make it in time!?"

"It's going to be close!"

『It's a gamble!』

"Thanks for the anxiety-inducing answers!"

『Here we go~』 (Sapphire & Ruby)

"We're jumping the boundary!"

Amidst that scene, a rather tensionless exchange took place among us, who were screaming anxiously. Internally, we were freaking out. While we were in such a state, the wands announced the evacuation. At the same time, I heard the sound of the world's end.

My vision turned completely white. In such a dire situation, I was tightly gripping the hands of Illya and Miyu, as if to tell them I would never let go. While feeling strange about the fact that I was thinking of Miyu as a little sister, just like Illya, I wondered, what is this feeling?


"Did we... manage to escape?"

"It seems so... right?"

"I thought... we were going to die..."

『Ahahaha, that was close~

『Sis, this is not a laughing matter. Reflect on it properly. You will be lectured later.』

『Eh~? As always, Sapphire, you're so strict. As long as it's fun, it's fine♪』

The next moment, we found ourselves in a normal space. Overwhelmed with relief, we sat down in the schoolyard in the night, and an incredible fatigue swept over us. Listening to the carefree conversation between the talking wands, we confirmed our safety.



"Heh, are you two okay?"



"I see. That's good."

"Ah..." (Miyu & Illya)

As my two little sisters looked up at me with guilt-ridden faces, like children about to be scolded, I gently patted their heads. I thought to myself, I'm being too soft, but I've never been able to scold Illya. Sella got mad at me for that, but I just can't.

I always end up spoiling Illya and taking her side. I feel like I have to be kind to her, especially since Sella is so strict... Well, that might just be an excuse. I guess I just find Illya too cute.

"Emiya-kun, you're too soft!"

"But what can I do about it..."

"Really now. Miyu, prepare yourself for a thorough lecture later."

"Y-yes, Luvia-san..."

As expected, I got scolded by Tohsaka And Luvia, with an exasperated expression, reprimanded Miyu. Watching Miyu sulk after being scolded made me feel strange again. Why do I feel like Miyu is also my sister?

"Please, take care of my sister..." (Shirou - Miyu World)

Those words have been lingering in my head. I can't dismiss it as just a dream. After all, the name Miyu was accurate. Perhaps, that really did happen. If so, what should I do?

I still haven't figured it out. But I did respond to that voice, saying, "Leave it to me." So, I want to take care of Miyu too. To take a dream seriously, even I think it's ridiculous. But so many unbelievable things have happened already. So...

Adding one more isn't going to make much of a difference, right? Besides, I can't ignore Miyu's tears from that time either. I guess I should start by mediating between her and Illya. After all, I do want them to be good friends.

"Emiya-kun. Ideally, we'd like to explain everything to each other, but we're tired, and it's late. So, let's do it tomorrow."

"Indeed. It seems you're pushing yourself too. You can barely stand."

"...Sorry. To be honest, it's tough and I tired."

"Eh!? Are you okay, Onii-chan!?"

"Of course it is. You did something reckless. You could have died, you know? It's true that we were saved thanks to you. But, Emiya-kun, stop taking actions that can't protect your own life."


What Tohsaka says is right. But still, to me, Illya is more important than myself. If the same thing happens again, I'm sure I'll do the same thing. Besides, it's too late now. I gave everything I had to obtain this power, all because I wanted the power to protect Illya.

I can feel that my body has changed. I probably can't go back to the way I was. I wouldn't have been able to obtain this power without paying such a price. I don't know the details, but that much I understand.


"It's okay, Illya. Let's go home."


I smile and pat the head of Illya, who's looking up at me anxiously. We watch Tohsaka and the others leave and then untransform. The card that was fused with me falls into my hand. Illya's wand makes a sound, as if it finds it interesting.

『So, you were indeed transforming using Archer's card. That's a very interesting use. How did you do it, Shirou-san?』

"How... I don't know. I can only say it felt instinctive. Aren't these cards meant to be used like this?"

『Hmm, we don't really understand the Class Cards completely. At least, no one has been able to use them the way you have, Shirou-san. Most people can barely use the Noble Phantasms of the heroic spirits, let alone become the heroic spirit itself...』

"...What's a heroic spirit?"

『Oh? You don't even know about heroic spirits. That's even more intriguing. By the way, Shirou-san, do you know about something called 'magic'?』

"No... I don't." (Shirou)

『Shirou-san, you might be an extraordinary individual. If the magicians of the Clock Tower found out, they'd faint. A commoner who doesn't even know about magic may have unlocked the secrets of the Class Cards, which even the world's top magicians couldn't decipher.』

On our way home, I was told various stories by Illya's wand. About magicians, beings from the extraordinary. That Tohsaka and Luvia were also magicians. I learned that this world is filled with mysteries unknown to me.

About heroic spirits. About magic. Although I was told such stories, honestly, it sounded like something from a distant world to me. Apparently, Illya felt the same way and stopped listening halfway.

"So, I am the world's greatest magical tool, a magical wand of love and justice! My name is Magical Ruby-chan! Please feel free to call me 'Ruby'!" (Ruby)


『Wow, as expected of siblings! Your reactions are the same! What's with the low-energy response? Let's be more lively.』

"I think Ruby is just unnecessarily high-spirited... I'm tired today..."

"...I agree..."

Listening to Ruby's overly enthusiastic voice, we head home. Wondering what on earth is about to start, we carry our anxieties with us...


"...Morning, huh?"

The next morning, I woke up feeling a heaviness throughout my body. The grinding pain was severe. I immediately realized that yesterday's recklessness was the cause. But of course, the most reckless thing I did was using that card to transform...

Compared to that, rushing into the impact of Illya and the others' magic blasts afterward seems minor. It's the cause of my current pain, but it will heal in time. But that other thing, it's irretrievable. I understand this, though I don't know why.

It's not logical. Something inside me is saying it. I can't go back now. And I don't intend to go back. Because I have to protect Illya. I must keep my changes unnoticed by Tohsaka and the others.

Well, I believe only I, the person involved, would notice. And since I'm only vaguely aware of it, it should be fine. Magic, heroic spirits, honestly I don't fully understand, but if Illya is going to get involved in this world, I must go too.

"Ouch... No good, I can't move..."

I decided to get up, but the pain throughout my body made it impossible to move. The damage seems to be more serious than I thought. I wonder if I can go to school. I wanted to go because I wanted to talk with Tohsaka and the others.

So I tried to somehow move and get up. Struggling like this on the bed for almost an hour. In the end, I couldn't get up from the bed. I also have morning practice with the archery club. I guess I have no choice but to take a break...

"Shirou, is something wrong?"

As I was thinking about this, there was a knock on the door of my room. It was Sella. It seems that Sella, unusually worried because I hadn't woken up, had come to wake me. Usually, I would have been awake by now. I'm sorry, Sella.

"No, just a little muscle pain..."

"Muscle pain? So much that you can't get up?"

"Well, yeah..."

"Excuse me..."

It was a lame excuse, but I had no other way to phrase it, so I made that excuse. Then, Sella opened the door and entered the room. Her expression, as expected, seemed suspicious. Of course. I wonder how I can explain this...

"Did something happen yesterday?"

"Well... I kind of overdid it in physical education..."

"Shirou? You, who practice Kendo and Kyudo, can't move?"

"No, well... I got carried away and overexerted myself. Hahaha..."

"I see. Got it. So, Shirou, what are you going to do about school?"

"Yeah, about that... I don't think I can go today. Once the pain subsides, I'll attend school properly..." (Shirou)

"In that case, I'll notify the school."

"Yeah... I'm really sorry..."

I lied. Sella knows I'm lying. We're family, after all. Such a lie shouldn't go unnoticed. But Sella didn't question me. She really is a good housekeeper.

"Please don't apologize. But, Shirou... When you're ready, please talk to me properly, okay? I won't ask anything for now..."

"I understand."

As expected, Sella saw through my lie. And yet, she still worries about me. She truly is an overly caring family member. As I was comforted by Sella's faint smile, I made a promise to myself. I will protect everyone as a member of this family.

"Thank you, Sella. I love you."

"Wha!? Wh-Wh-What did you say!?"

"Huh? What's wrong, Sella?"

"Could it be that you're also saying such words to Miss Illya!?"

"Well, I haven't said it, but of course, I love Illya too. And Liz as well."


What's wrong with Sella? Suddenly, she turned bright red and started to panic. Sella then started shaking all over. Huh? This is a bad sign, isn't it? From my experience, when Sella gets like this, it usually doesn't end well for me.

"You... you..."

"Wait, Sella! Calm down!"

"You perverted, shameless, siscon!"

"What the!? Ugh!"

For some reason, I took a punch from an enraged Sella and my consciousness began to fade. As I sank into darkness, I could hear Illya's scream and Liz's exasperated voice. Good morning, you two. And goodnight. I'm really sorry I couldn't greet you properly...



When I woke up again, it was already evening. How many hours had I been unconscious? The pain in my body had significantly subsided. It still hurt quite a bit, but I felt like I could sit up. Making that judgment, I raised my body and saw a rice ball beside me.

"Did Sella make this for me? No, there are some irregularly shaped ones mixed in. Perhaps Illya and Liz helped too."

I hadn't eaten breakfast, so I was quite hungry. Grateful to Illya and the others, I unwrapped and ate the rice ball. I could tell at a glance who made each one by their shape. The poorly shaped one must have been made by Illya.

The unusually large, round one was from Liz. And the most beautifully shaped one was surely from Sella. It was a bit much, but I managed to finish it all. It was now 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It was about time for Illya to come home.

That's when I noticed that my whole body was covered in plasters. It must have been Sella's doing. Thanks to these, the pain in my body seemed to have subsided. I'll have to thank her properly later. I'm grateful to Sella, who is like a model housekeeper, attentive to the smallest details.

That's what I was thinking when I heard the sound of someone running up the stairs. I smiled wryly. It was Illya. Probably sent to school by Sella, Illya was likely worried about me and had hurried home.

My guess was half right and half wrong. The one who stormed into my room with enough force to kick down the door wasn't just Illya. Yes, it was...

"Onii-chan!" (Illya & Miyu)

"Illya... and Miyu?"

The ones who came to me, shoving each other aside in their rush, were my two sisters.

"Miyu, step aside!"

"You're the one who should..."

"Wait, calm down, both of you!"

Are you two still squabbling? I thought about my goal of getting the two of them to get along and found myself holding my head. What should I do? This is more of a problem than magic. I thought that to myself once again...

Thanks for read this Novel, Chapter 5 I will Update a few Hour from now :]

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