
Fate/kaleid liner - Wrought Iron Hero (Shirou Emiya - Illya's World)

This is a story about the adventure Shirou Emiya from the world (Fate/Kaleid - Illya's World) Shirou emiya (Illya's World) knows nothing about the moonlit world (magical society). So, the protagonist is Shirou from (Illya's World), who uses Archer's card from Archer Fate/extra version will intervene in the original Prisma Illya story.

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Dream Summoning

[Shirou POV]

"I am her big brother, after all. It's only natural for me to protect my little sister, right?"

I'm having a strange dream. The scenery is completely unfamiliar, and there are mysterious patterns. In the center, there's a girl lying down, and I'm smiling while holding a card. I don't know. I don't know anything about this. But...

Those words strike my heart deeply. I nod in agreement with those words. Yes, of course. It's only natural. As a brother, I must protect my sister. No matter who the opponent is, an older brother must protect his sister.

My sister, Illya. We're not blood-related, but that doesn't matter. I can proudly say that. This is a dream. I understand that. However, even in this dream, I'm trying to protect my sister. In that case, I...

"...may the world become a place where you no longer suffer. May you meet kind people... make friends you can laugh with... and have a warm and modest..."

I hold the hand of the unknown sister and whisper as if praying. Quietly, I utter those words, wishing for just that. Is this the figure of a hero of justice? No, it's just a big brother. But precisely because of that, his wish is kinder than anyone else's.

The scenery becomes hazy and disappears into the light.

I realize that I'm waking up from the dream. At that moment, I hear the voice once again.

"Ah, but... I can't be by her side anymore, can I? That's the only thing that truly frustrates me. So I have one more wish. Somewhere, another me. Please take care of my sister."

I heard a voice murmuring, sounding both frustrated and joyful. Upon receiving that voice, I answered, not knowing if it would be heard. Just one word...

"I'll take care of it." That's what I said... and as an unfamiliar me, I felt a sense of relief.



In the morning, as I woke up, I felt like I had just had a strange dream. I couldn't recall the contents of the dream, but it felt like something very important had been entrusted to me. This is a new feeling for me. Waking up earlier than usual, I find myself pondering.

"It's still five o'clock. Since I'm up anyway, maybe I should prepare breakfast. Though I might get complaints from Sella again..."

Our family's housekeeper is complaining in my mind. It's like Shirou is taking over my job or something. Today, it's Sella's turn for household chores. As someone with a lower position in the household hierarchy than the housekeepers, I smile wryly.

"But there's no helping it if I've already woken up. I can't go back to sleep, so I might as well make good use of my time."

Since I have plenty of time, I can even make more elaborate dishes than usual. It wouldn't hurt to make my sister's bento as well. After all, I had promised to make one for Kazunari.

"It seems like it's going to be another good weather today."

While looking at the brightening sky as I open the curtains, I mutter those words. Then, I head downstairs to prepare breakfast.


"Shirou... I was supposed to be on duty this morning, right? Taking over my responsibilities again..."

"C-Calm down, Sella. Come on, try tasting it. I put some extra effort into today's breakfast since I had time."

"That won't distract me! Mmm... However, this is quite..."

As expected, Sella complained, so I asked her to taste the dish. It seems like I was able to satisfy Sella's taste buds. While preparing Illya's bento, I have confidence in the taste of the breakfast I was putting the finishing touches on.

Now, we just have to wait for it to be ready. It should simmer for another ten minutes or so. Liz, who seems to have just woken up, watched us as she rubbed her eyes. Unlike the serious Sella, Liz still doesn't seem to have any intention of working as a housekeeper.

"Sella and Shirou never get tired, do they?"

"Liz! Once again, you're not dressed appropriately... Have a little more self-awareness..."

And once again, Sella starts lecturing Liz. Yeah, it's just another typical morning. I couldn't help but smile at that scene. My world, so kind and beloved. I can't even imagine losing this world.

"Shirou~ Shouldn't we wake up Illya soon? Considering the time."

"You should do it, it's your job!"

"Ahaha. It's fine. I'll do it. Sella, please bring the finished dishes to the table."

"Shirou! It's because you spoil Liz like that, she never realizes her role as a maid..."

Sella's lecture is now directed at me. Oops, this is bad. Using the excuse of waking up my sister Illya, I escape from Sella's lecture. Later on, I realize that this was a turning point for me.

However, this choice was also inevitable. The wish entrusted to the unfamiliar me in that dream guided me. So, I'm sure this choice was meant to be. I made the choice to step into the extraordinary.


"Illya, it's morning. Wake up."

"Umm, just five more minutes..."

"What a cliché sleep talk..."

I was amazed by my sister's sleep talk. My sister, Illya, is not a morning person. And when she feels cornered, she has a habit of running away. She's undeniably adorable, but I wish she could fix that habit, I think to myself.

"Just get up already."



She's a troublesome sister. But she's also a beloved sister. I feel like I would do anything to protect her. It was at that moment I felt a sharp pain in my head.

What was that just now? In my mind, I saw unfamiliar scenery.

It was a different sister, not Illya, lying at the center of a mysterious pattern. And I was overlooking that sister. She looked sad, crying as if she had given up on everything. And I...

『May my sister find a world where she no longer suffers... I entrust my sister to you.』

"Ugh... What is this..."

Overwhelmed by the scene that appeared in my mind, I held my head and stumbled. Then I placed my hands on Illya's desk and knelt down. The mysterious headache gradually subsided. What was that scene just now?

As the pain subsided, I stood up. At that moment, I noticed something on Illya's desk where my hands were placed. Right under my touched hand, there was something. Upon closer inspection, it was a strange card. What is this?

"...Is it Illya's? It must be since it's on her desk, but it seems a bit different from her usual taste. If it's Illya, it would be more like a magical girl staff or something..."

The card depicted a soldier-like figure holding a bow. It wasn't quite the design you would expect from Illya, who loves magical girl-themed things. However, for some reason, I felt drawn to this card.

I couldn't look away. It felt as if this card was something indispensable to me, like that. As I was captivated by the strange card, I heard Illya's sleepy voice from behind.

"...Onii-chan? Good morning~"

"Huh? Uh, oh, good morning.""

Startled by the voice, I instinctively hid the card behind my back. Illya, still half asleep, wondered, "Huh? Why is Onii-chan here? What are you saying?" Good grief, really...

"Wake up, Illya."

"Hmm? ...Huh!? Onii-chan? The real Onii-chan...!? It's not a figment of my imagination dream! It's not a phantom of Ruby or something!? You're here in reality!?"

"Calm down, I don't understand what's going on."

"No way! Get out! I don't want you to see me in this half-asleep state!"

Well, is it really necessary to worry about that now? I couldn't understand my sister's complicated feelings. After being kicked out of Illya's room, I sighed. My little sister has entered a difficult age, it seems...

"...Ah, the card."

I ended up bringing it with me. Well, I can return it later, I thought casually.


"I am Tohsaka Rin. Nice to meet you all."

"I am Luviagelita Edelfelt. Please take care of me as well."

Shortly after arriving at school, our homeroom teacher introduced the transfer students to us. Both of them were beautiful girls who came from London. Naturally, the boys in the class became excited all at once.

Except for me and Kazunari. I'm used to being surrounded by beautiful women like Sella and others, and Kazunari is a temple monk. He usually keeps his distance from girls, and maybe he simply has little interest. Probably.

Thinking that way, I realized that the teacher and the two transfer students were looking at me. Oh no, I wasn't listening to what they were saying. Did they say something to me? As I appeared anxious, the teacher became exasperated.

"Were you even listening, Emiya? I asked you to show the two transfer students around the school, didn't I?"

"Ah, yeah... I understand."

I see. It's only natural when I think about it. I agreed to it, but for some reason, the atmosphere in the class became tense. Why is that? The boys were glaring at me blatantly.

And the girls were glaring at the two transfer students with hostile expressions. The girl sitting next to me, Moriyama, for some reason, was crying. What's wrong, Moriyama!? I didn't know what to do in this situation anymore.

"Well then, let's discuss it after school..."

"Nice to meet you, Emiya-kun."

"Please take care of me."

For now, we decided to talk about the task I had taken on. The two transfer students didn't seem to care about the atmosphere in the classroom at all. They were bold... And so, I ended up being the one to show the two transfer students around the school after school. I guess I'll have to skip club activities...


"...So, this is the music room."

"Oh, it's quite beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yes, compared to my mansion, it may seem a bit shabby, but it's passable."

"Ugh, you always have that condescending attitude. That's what annoys me about you."

"Oh dear, is it the sore loser speaking? It's truly fitting for you."

"Who are you calling a sore loser?"

"Now, now, calm down, both of you."

It was after school. As planned, I was showing the two transfer students around the school. I had arranged with the archery club's captain for me to take a break. We were almost done with the tour. At first, the two transfer students were acting polite and formal, but I asked them to stop. Since we were in the same class now, I wanted to have a more friendly and casual conversation. That's when the two of them showed more interesting expressions and revealed their true selves. Honestly, this side of them is more approachable, but apparently, they get into arguments quite often.

They were like cats and dogs, water and oil. They couldn't get along. It seemed like they would start a fight at the drop of a hat. Thanks to that, I ended up mediating their fights left and right. This is tough. Their relationship is so bad that they can't exchange two words without arguing.

"Um, um, come on, this is the last stop..."

I said that and guided them to the schoolyard, which was the final destination. The boys had offered to take over as guides on our way back, but I should have let them do it in the first place. As I thought about that, I showed them around the schoolyard, and my eventful school tour came to an end.

"I'm grateful. Thank you, Emiya-kun."

"I also want to express my gratitude."

"No, it's nothing. I'm here to help as much as I can if you ever have any trouble. Just let me know."

"Yes, we won't hesitate to put you to work when that time comes. Be prepared, okay?"

"P-Please go easy on me..."

Scary. While struggling with Tohsaka's words, I made a promise. I promised to help if they ever needed it. And that promise would be fulfilled in an unexpected way. It was a form that even Tohsaka and the others couldn't have anticipated...


"...I can't sleep."

That's what happened that night. For some reason, I was having a sleepless night. In hindsight, it was a premonition. Something was about to start. That feeling was what kept me awake. In the quiet of the night, I heard faint footsteps.

"Who could it be at this hour? ...Is that the sound of someone going down the stairs? Illya?"

Did she wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water? Or maybe she needed to use the bathroom? For some reason, I was curious and decided to quietly follow her. After all, I needed to return that card to her.

Careful not to alert Illya, I quietly descended the stairs. I didn't understand why I had to be so secretive. Maybe it was another bad premonition. Illya didn't go to the kitchen or the bathroom; instead, she headed towards the front door.

"Seriously, going out at this hour?"

I put on my shoes and quietly followed Illya. Perhaps I should have confronted her directly. But for some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to do that and continued trailing her. Where on earth was she going?

"The... school?"

It was the school. Illya had gone to the school where she and I went every day. And there, someone was waiting. I was shocked again by the person waiting because it was someone I knew. Moreover, they even guided her around the school.

"…Tohsaka? Why are Illya and Tohsaka together?"

Tohsaka and Illya were talking about something. But from here, they were too far away for me to hear the content of their conversation. What on earth were Tohsaka and the others planning to do at school at this hour? Just as that question crossed my mind...

"That is...!?"

Illya transformed into a magical girl with a strange wand. Am I dreaming? And that wand... it's moving and talking. Oh no, that's creepy. At that moment, the card I had kept in my pocket pulsed. What's happening!?

"There's a magic circle around Illya..."

"Wha...!?" The scene reminded me of the dream I had once. The girl lying in the center of a pattern that looked like a magic circle. Isn't this the same scene I saw before touching this card!? Could it be that Illya is in serious danger!?

"No way, that can't be! Illya!"

"Eh!? Onii-chan!?"


"Oh, an unexpected intruder?"

Before I knew it, I had jumped into the magic circle. The moment I grabbed Illya's shoulder, the world had changed. The situation was so surreal that I couldn't even speak.

" Onii-chan, why!?"

"Emiya-kun is Illya's big brother!? I wasn't informed!?"

Ruby:『This is getting interesting~』

"Hey, Ruby! Stop making light of the situation! What are we supposed to do!? We've already entered the Mirror World!"

Ruby:『By the way, it seems like someone else is also making an appearance? Ahahaha.』

"Wha-what's that!?"

Everything was in complete chaos. Illya and Tohsaka were surprised, as was I. And then there was the mysterious wand, laughing happily. To top it all off, a dark figure was crawling out of what looked like a tear in space. All Illya and I could do was scream. What on earth is that!?

"A corrupted Heroic Spirit!? Damn, what a troublesome time for this! Anyway, Illya, that's our enemy! Fight!"

"Eh-!? I wasn't told about this!"

"Wha-what!? You're telling Illya to fight that thing!? Are you out of your mind, Tohsaka!?"

"Ah, enough! Be quiet, Emiya siblings! This isn't the time to argue... Oh, shoot!?"

"Rin-san is so careless~"



The emerging dark figure mercilessly blew away our bickering. I instinctively embraced Illya to protect her, but I was sent flying several meters. I was slammed hard against the ground. Damn it, it hurts like hell!

If things continue like this... my sister Illya will be killed. I can't let that happen! I muster my energy to stand, but the enemy radiates an overwhelming presence. Can I really protect Illya in my current state?

"...Give me... strength..."

I need strength. I don't care from where or whom. Give me the power to protect my sister! I'd risk everything I have for that! The surrounding voices and situation no longer reach me. I can't even see that Illya has started fighting the dark figure.

I don't notice Tohsaka desperately trying to pull me away. All I'm doing is screaming out to the world as loud as I can. Give me strength. As I'm doing so, Illya is once again blown back in front of us.

"This is... bad!"

"He doing something really dangerous!"

"This is a big pinch~"

"We can't... go on!"

"...I won't... let it happen..."

A small voice responds to my call. And then, that card is floating before my eyes. I can see the dark figure drawing a massive magic circle. It's trying to kill Illya. There's no way...

"I won't let that happen! I'll protect Illya! Lend me your strength, '-----'!"

Without thinking, I was calling the name of the owner of the small voice that responded to my call. For some reason, I couldn't make out the name. But I access the place where that presence is. Using the card. Then, I shout.

"Dream summoning installation complete!"


Here's how it goes. The reason Shirou (Illya World) obtained the cards is because Miyu wished for it. Miyu wished to become happy and made a wish to the Holy Grail, and her voice reached Shirou (Illya World). That's the feeling behind it.

But the heroic spirit that is in the card archer that will be used by Shirou (Illya World) is not the same as Shirou (Miyu World). The archer card has the heroic spirit Nameless archer from another parallel world.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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