

The Prologue rewrite is now out! Please remember that this is an A.U, and I am a brand new "author" as this is my first story. To preface this book, I would like to go over some things before we begin. Artoria will have her identity hidden from everyone, except Godrick (mc), Mordred, Morgan, Merlin, and Viviane. To make it easy on myself, she will be wearing her "Lion king armor", and her helmet will distort her voice, that way keeping her identity hidden. (Prologue) Another Major change that I'll be making is with Alaya, the Root, and Gaia. Alaya will be the collective consciousness of humanity (which is canon). But, in my story she will have more of a personality and ego, and will be subject to corruption through human emotions like Greed, Envy, Pride, and things like that. The Root will be a dormant consciousness meaning that it will be depicted as a female who runs the universe (kinda like toaa, or the presence from Marvel and DC) but is asleep for some unknown reason. Gaia is the will of the planet, that will do anything to survive. I know this might be contrary to Fate Canon, but I promise, it will work out! Please at least give it a chance! Other than a couple things here and there, I think I've covered most of the things that I've changed. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope that you enjoy my novel! In this novel, we will be introduced to a new timeline. A new Artoria who is a mixture of her Goddess Rhongomyniad "form" and the normal Artoria. As well as a new Britain. In this timeline, a new menace has risen to destroy the whole of Britain, and thus Artoria goes on a campaign of war to kill this new mysterious Warlord. In doing so, she reunites with her estranged sister Morgan, who has had a change of heart seeing the land she owns raped, burned, and pillaged. The two of them, though still cold towards each other, resolve their differences for the time being, though Morgan still seeks to usurp the Throne from Artoria for a while. Morgan conceives Mordred, but instead of a homunculus she is born as a human. The story begins when Artoria finds a strange young boy, having been chained to a large stone, and whipped by the Warlord. She takes the boy in, and raises him as her own alongside Mordred. This is his story. The story of Godrick, the Knight of Ruin. I do not own anything, or anyone from the animes, novels, or series that take place in this fanfic

Greenbaypitbull · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

70. Two Titans


As Jeanne and Godrick made their way back towards the encampment where Artoria, Mordred, and the rest were staying, they felt a sudden tightening in their chest.

They turned to look at each other, knowing exactly what was happening. Their masters, whomever they were, were under attack.

The two suddenly disappeared into their spirit forms, and quickly materialized in front of a girl who was cowering in fear while holding her friend.

She was holding a frightened Illya, who had tears in her eyes as she looked past the pair of lovers.

They turned, and were shocked at what they saw.

Godrick's Alter, stood by Mordred who was missing her right arm, and Artoria who had Excalibur buried into her stomach.

Shirou held his servant, fear written on his face. Rin sat next to him, shaking slightly at the Alter's presence, though the giant made no move against her.

Jeanne's Alter sat atop Heracles regenerating from, her face having peaked in interest at their arrival.

Each of the other servants were strewn across the battlefield, either wounded, or incapacitated in some form or another.

"Good to finally meet you Alter." Godrick's Alter said, walking away a few feet towards the pair who had just arrived.

Jeanne Alter also stood up, walking towards the Juggernaut's counterpart, ripping her lance from Igraine's body before stopping by his side.

Godrick's face was hidden behind his helmet so his Alter couldn't see him snarl, but his counterpart surely understood what was happening as he began to laugh, spreading his army and spinning slowly so he could look at the work around him.

"While you were bathing, we took the liberty of introducing ourselves to your group. I'm sure you don't mind, right?" His Alter questioned as he finally faced Godrick, summoning his wicked looking halberd.

"Let's not waste anymore time. You know why I'm here." He said, pointing at Godrick's left arm with the spike atop his weapon.

"That is mine. And I'll be taking it whether you want it or not. We can all save ourselves the trouble of a fight." The Alter said cockily.

Godrick said nothing as he rolled his shoulders, and summoned his own halberd into his right hand.

Godrick Alter just sighed, almost looking disappointed before his smile returned.

"I was hoping it would go this way." He said before blitzing towards his counterpart.

Godrick was ready for him, side stepping his Alter's lung before hitting him with a right jab to the face, reinforced with the steel halberd in his hand.

A loud crack rang through the surrounding area before both his hands gripped the shaft of his halberd and he threw the hammer side into Alter's unguarded stomach.

Alter was thrown back, but not as far as Godrick had thought.

He landed on his feet, leaving long lines in the ground as he steadied himself before standing to his full height.

"Hm. Either you're weaker than I thought, or you're holding back. Either way, I'm disappointed." He said as he brushed off his stomach.

They all watched as his armor and skin beneath started to knit back together before he rolled his shoulders.

"Let me show you true strength." He said before motioning for his counterpart to meet him in battle.

Godrick stepped forward, leaving Jeanne to stand and grip her lance as she looked over towards her own counterpart.

"Be safe. His stats are a bit different from yours. And part of his Noble Phantasm allows him to use any Noble Phantasm he's hit by as if it were his own." She said simply before walking towards her own Alter.

Godrick Alter-

Strength: EX+

Endurance: A+

Agility: A

Mana: D

Luck: C


Godrick said nothing as he stared at the behemoth across from him, a smirk on his Alters face.

If he wanted to win, he would need to be smart, and go all out.

Hefting his halberd in his right hand, Godrick started to run full force at his Alter, who did the same.

The two titans ran at each other before swinging their halberds full force.

Godrick put all his strength into his swing, raising his Strength stat from A+ to EX. He felt his arms bulge, his back tighten, his shoulders flex, and hands grip his halberds with all their might.

Time seemed to slow as the two weapons met before a thunderous clap turned everything white for a moment.

Godrick and his Alter were thrown back by the force they both exerted, though the Alter noticeably kept his footing while Godrick landed on his back.

He hit the ground, but rolled backwards before he launched himself towards Alter, who did the same.

The two met in another massive clash as they locked the shafts of their weapons together.

A test of strength ensued as they pushed against each other for dominance. Godrick was slowly pushed back as Alter used all his strength to push him down, his feral grin only growing.

Godrick strained as he slowly buckled, refusing to give up.

"You know the difference between the two of us?" Alter asked in a strained tone of voice.

Godrick ignored him, choosing to focus instead of indulging in childish insults.

"You seem to abhor power! You could have everything you ever wanted if you only reached out and took it! Me on the other hand, i'm a black hole, i can't seem to get enough of it!" He snarled before pulling his hold back, letting Godrick's momentum push him upwards.

Alter met his force with a ringing headbutt that sent Godrick reeling backwards before clipping his left leg with the ax of his halberd.

The Juggernaut fell to the ground before rolling to his left, narrowly missing Alters Halberd as it buried itself in the ground next to him.

Still twisting, Godrick ran his own halberd up Alter's weapons shaft before meeting the man's stone-like fingers.

The halberd glanced off Alter's right hand, but continued upwards to take him in the left cheek with its spike, leaving a massive gash.

Alter turned to his left, roaring in rage as he bought his halberd back around to smash into his opponent's left arm.

Godrick had raised his left arm slightly above his head and crouched a small bit to let the blow glance off his stone-like skin, leaving his Alter open to attack.

As soon as Godrick saw the opening he took it, lunging forwards before driving the spike atop his halberd into Alter's exposed stomach.

To his surprise, his Alter seemed to shift positions in an instant. Now he was standing next to the spike a few inches to his left, while the spike that was supposed to be in his stomach, now free floated.

He reached out and gripped Godrick by the back of his neck, forcing him forward, straight into his own halberd's spike.

Using all his strength, he thrust forward into the Juggernaut's stomach before pushing forward, throwing him as hard as he could from his weapon.

Godrick flew through the air before landing on the ground, cracks forming where he landed.

He quickly got to his feet as his stomach repaired itself, staring at his Alter who simply raised his arms as if he was asking what he did wrong.

"Come on. Let's make this interesting." Alter said, casting his weapon aside and holding his hand out.

A black hilt started to materialize into his hand before he was suddenly holding a vicious black sword.

Its blade was black as pitch, and it had red veins running its length that seemed to glow.

"Caliburn: Blackened Sword of Subjugation." Godrick Alter said, naming his blade.

He lowered his arm, grabbing his blade with both hands at the hilt.

Godrick chose to meet him on equal terms, discarding his halberd before summoning his own blade.

He held his right hand out before clenching his fingers, a golden hilt taking form before he brought the sword to bear.

His own blade, Caliburn: Golden Sword of the Victorious, shined in the morning sun, a glint of hope in a sea of darkness.

Alter smiled grimly, his attitude changing from one of hottie arrogance, to grim determination.

Seconds passed as Alter held his sword low, while Godrick held his own near his head, its tip pointing at his opponent.

The two moved at the same moment, shattering the ground beneath them before their blades clashed together.

Godrick met Alters first strike at knee level, their strength equal as he imbued himself with as much energy as he could.

The second, third, and forth strikes all happened in quick succession before Alter lowered his sword, bringing it up in a vicious arc that could've shattered mountains.

Godrick met it by bringing his own blade up and over his head before cleaving downwards, the clash literally shattering the ground beneath the two.

"I must admit… you've surprised me." Alter said across their locked swords in a strained voice.

"I didn't think you'd be able to match me in physical strength. But then again, what would a Juggernaut be without his physical prowess!" He yelled, starting to push down on his foe once more.

Godrick knew how this would end. Even though he could boost his stats to match his opponent's, he didn't have enough energy to spend to accomplish the feat. The two were in a never ending stalemate. Alter couldn't do enough permanent damage to Godrick to keep him down for good, while Godrick couldn't overpower Alter to gain the upper hand.

"Come on now. Show me what you're made of!" Alter said, breaking their clash before leaping back.

He then held his sword over his head, and began to chant.

"Sword of subjugation, Ruin all hope, CALIBURN!" He raged towards the sky before his sword erupted in black and red energy.

Godrick's tattered shoulder cape whipped back and forth from the force of the Noble Phantasm. He then took his own sword into both his hands and raised it above his head.

No fancy words were needed, just one word, and his sword matched his Alters in power.


At the same moment, the two combatants pointed their blades at each other.

The two beams met, and everything turned white for everyone save Godrick and his Alter, who were locked in a contest of power.

The two pushed and strained against each other, but now they were on equal terms.

Godrick's feet sunk into the ground as he steadied himself, using every muscle in his body to keep himself steady. He didn't know that his Alter was doing the same, determined to prove he was the better out of the two.

Soon, the engagement ended, and the two of them stood unscathed by the other. Something needed to change, and Alter did something that would shatter their stalemate in his favor.

He shifted his Caliburn to his left hand, while his right came up to summon something new.

His right arm started to glow a golden light as golden power flooded his amethyst veins before reality itself seemed to crack in protest.

A golden hilt started to form in his hand before he was holding something that shouldn't be possible.

Only one person in existence should be able to use this sword, but here it was, held in his Alters hand.

The blade was cylindrical, and was black with red veins running through it.

Somehow. some way. Godrick Alter, was holding the Sword of Rupture: EA

"Now. Let's see how much damage you can really take." Alter said, raising the Sword above his head.

The drill-like sword started to spin before red lightning started to spark from the blade.

Godrick didn't wait to see what would happen next, rushing forward to lock blades with Alter once more while he charged EA.

Alter blocked Godrick's onslaught with Caliburn as best as he could, but his attention was divided between EA and his opponent, but he just had to wait a few more moments for his full plan to take effect.

Godrick swept Caliburn up to meet his Alters blade with all his strength, knocking it skyward.

Alter was shocked at the force behind the strike, but unfortunately for him, his twisted version of Caliburn was knocked from his hand before Godrick's left fist buried itself into his sternum, breaking the armor around his chest and lifting him from the ground.

With all his might, Godrick twisted his hips, and threw Alter as far as he could with his punch.

The force behind the punch threw Alter a good hundred meters or so before he landed on his back, all while EA continued to spin.

Pressing his advantage, Godrick leapt into the air before bringing Caliburn down on Alter with all his might.

Alter rolled to his right, letting EA's red lightning lick at Godrick's armor which began to smolder where it hit.

Alter tried his best to defend against his counterpart, but as he was more accustomed to attacking his foes, he had a hard time keeping everything in check.

Lacerations began to litter his body faster then they could heal, and blood began to pool at his feet as they continuously moved.

Soon it was all he could do to simply try and boost his Endurance to EX before EA stopped charging.

But his trap finally went off.

Godrick used his sword to cut at Alters left arm, but to his shock, his counterpart grabbed the blade, and tugged it towards him.

Godrick let go of the hilt with his left hand, rearing back to deliver a massive haymaker before he saw a petite figure dart towards him from his right.

His right arm was extended while he held Caliburn, leaving his right shoulder exposed to Mordred Alter as she darted out of her position, and leapt into the air, somersaulting over her brother.

As she did, she swung out with Clarent with one fluid motion, and separated Godrick's right arm at the shoulder.

He recoiled in pain, taking a step back before she landed next to him, leaping back once more as Alter spoke.

"Enuma Elish." He said almost in a whisper before pointing the Sword of Rupture straight at Godrick's chest, turning the world Red.


If you enjoyed this chapter, maybe consider leaving me with some of your power stones? I promise I'll take good care of them :)