
fate is changeable

yue_xingxing · Fantasy
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21 Chs


she opened her eyes to see herself in the bed of her room and burning up she got a fever.

the secretary opened the door and saw her, he show a worried expression " are you fine, you slept for two days"

'' no I am fine, thanks but can you give me a cup of water" feeling her voice hoarse she asked.

" yeah, yeah I will"

he gave her a cup of water, after drinking it she felt better then he said "I am cooking soup for you, it gonna finish in few minutes and when it is cooled down a little I will send you a bowl''

" thank you"

" it's fine"


after a couple of minutes she heard his voice so she act as being asleep, she heard him sitting in the chair in front of her, staring hard at her and also smelled food

so she opened her eyes

' i will accept the risk because I am starving

she stared at him which made him lower his head, and stop staring at her.

she sat down, feeling her body like being crushed by an elephant and very hot.

he moved and started feeding her, she was in no mood so she left him be.

then after finishing she lay down again.

he stared at her again, getting annoyed " what do you want"

" Ah... I bought you a gift"

" emm"

" do not want to see her"

" it's fine, put it on the table"

" Are you still angry about yesterday, it was your fault for intimating with that doctor"

" WHAT THE F*CK DID U SEE IT WAS MY FAULT, IS IT MY FAULT FOR YOU TO F*CKING R*PE ME YOU BASTARD... If you want to apologize say it already, it is annoying "

"I am sorry"

" ok leave".

' even if he didn't say anything I will leave that doctor away since it is obvious that when he hugged her at the time and photographed the picture time was the same so it makes it more obvious they are together in this scheme to effect the already bad relationship between them'

song yuetian was surprised but he doesn't want her to get angry so he left the room.