
fate is changeable

yue_xingxing · Fantasy
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21 Chs


' run away... run away as if nothing had happened

lets return back home, it will better going home, it is all a nightmare so forget it'

it was her thoughts as she was driving back, she thought that after many years in this relationship she could bear his bad deeds or that after marriage he may change but not he didn't also she understimated how much a jerk he is thus she want to leave him but couldn't she like him very much that she can't hold the break up with him, she will die more fitting to say that he was the real reason for staying alive, she has no goals or anything that holds a meaning for her to live other than him that all because one day after her sister came she had a fight with her but her mother punished her and she was very hurt then she left to the garden and met him their he was the only person who cared if she was alright and gave her his handkerchief then asked her to smile, then he smiled and gave a candy.

" smile, you are very pretty when you smile"

so she only smile to him because he is her light but she didn't that this light will be who break her down.

she doesn't know what to do anymore.
