

A young man gets shot and sent to 5000 bc during the events of the Mahabharata

AndrewTate · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Were, So, BACK!(Suggest reading/re-reading the other chapters before reading this one) 


 As the man walked me to what I assumed to be an inn or a house, I took note of a few discrepancies in the village. There seemed to be only people from the age range of around 6-7, to 15-25. I couldn't really tell their ages, as I wasn't great at deducting every aspect of a person. As far as I could tell however, there was no one who was old. By old I mean, over 40. I myself am only 18 years old. Of course, the average age of humanity was lower back then....right now, but there should at least be some village elders right? Wrong, from what I could remember from my experiences as an World History student/nerd(My Sister), the average life expectancy before the common era was 35-40.

 This didn't mean anything right off the bat, there could be a multitude of reasons as to why there weren't any old people visible in the village. Disease, famine, war etc. Speaking of disease; would my many diseases spread throughout the 5000 B.C.E India? No, I don't think so. Why? I died in the 21st century and appeared here in India. Why would this matter? Simple, I think that whoever or whatever brought me here had at least enough intelligence to not accidently start an epidemic that would erase humanity off the planet right? Right? Anyways, getting that horrifying thought out of my mind, I should focus on the task at hand, according to my mediocre history knowledge, not much was known about this period of time in history(River valley civ etc). However I do know one thing, GODS are real, which means that magic is real, which means that I can die even easier now. With the appearance of Durvasa and his working necklace, I can rightly assume that I am in the time period of the Mahabharata.

 This was not the ideal situation but I could make it work, I don't like fighting, so I won't. If I could become a tactician for either side during the war, I could live comfortably behind the front lines! (A/N oh how wrong he will be) The Brahmastra, would just be for self defense in case the other side of the war decided to jump me. Heh, talking about the Brahmastra using it for self defense is kinda funny if you think about it, as it is one of the three strongest weapons in hindu mythology. Maybe I will acquire a different use for it. Either way, I will have to participate in this war, if I want to get the attention of the people who can get my ass home. 

This starts with completing Brahma's Task, I need to complete it soon. He told me to build a "Life size" Statue of him out of wood. How he knew the term "Life size" is beyond me, but I am confident in my woodcarving skills. However I need a place to stay while I gather the materials(Wood) needed. I could possibly acquire an axe from the townsfolk around here, as I have seen axes around the village. Of course, I would need to trade some of my items for one. Not that I have much in the first place, perhaps if I were to hunt another pig/boar or another watermelon, I could trade for one but those were stumbled upon by sheer luck.

 Either way, I'll have to acquire some form of item to trade for an axe, or trade for the wood straight out of the gate., of course I will need to carve the statue with my knife which is why I cannot trade it or my other tools as I had already given up my spear. I would be willing to give up some arrows, though. I would have to inquire more about this town though, with the townsfolk. I would need to learn what items were in high demand and what needed to be done. Once I carve/assemble the statue, I'm confident that I will have at the least one more task, before I acquire the Brahmastra which is why I have to make a great statue, to try to lower the amount of tasks I will have to do to acquire it. I am confident I am being tested by Brahma, to see if I can complete more important tasks, which is why I need to perform. Of course this is all after I get some good sleep, hopefully they have a better living space(Read bed) than my shitty ass shelter.

 Coming out of my thoughts, I realised that I had arrived at my destination. The man and I had not spoken at all on the walk to the small house, the man had probably felt awkward seeing me so deep in thought. 

"Thanks for allowing me to stay in your village." I said, breaking the silence, not wanting to seem rude. 

"You are welcome, feel free to use this house" He points to the small house, before continuing to speak. "Try to stay away from the forests, there are many Rakshasas [1] that roam in there." I nodded 

"Thanks for the warning." 

I wasn't worried about Rakshasas, as Brahma created them and he was "supporting" me at the moment. 

He nodded back before leaving me to my own devices. I observed the house once more. It was made of what seemed to be clay, and had a roof of straw, no windows and one entrance. It was similar to the other houses in the town, but was not as big. I entered the house and saw one bed made of leaves and rods, an improvement to my last bed, but not by much. I sat down my stuff and decided to hit the hay. I had a long day, and with a future full of burdens, I fell asleep. 


[1 Rakshasas are arace of usually malevolent demigods prominent in Hindu mythology.]

Very excited to get back to cracking down on this fic, comment it helps me a bunch!, anyway have a nice day/night wherever you are!