
Fate/Infinity of magic

Pain. And also - suffering, unjustified sacrifice and all the Evil of this World. A simple man's life is a bargaining chip in the games of other beings. To be a mage is to walk with death behind you. And a pretty good chance of dying at the hand of another mage. Or something worse. Or just a sick bastard... I'd forgotten all about the mages already. Of course, the mage organization is trying to kill as many mages as possible. And people who have learned about magic. Because the less intelligent people who know a spell, the stronger it is. Ah, then how about a vampire romance? You're welcome! Moonlit, demented monsters who have long since lost their human form and drink up entire cities in a matter of days. Hunted seemingly by a warrior without fear or reproach, but such warriors turn into even greater monsters. Crazy mechanical Gods, crazy space Gods, crazy alien Gods, and just plain crazy crazy people. Oh yeah, and at some point everyone will die. Because Mother Earth hates everyone.

Back2Future · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 1: User Agreement

Author: me.

Type-Moon (Nasuverse)

Chapter 1: User Agreement

"I am the Divine Hamster! Glory to me!" © Alexander Rudazov


A boundless emptiness. A dark, all-consuming something. A place in which there is nothing, no molecules, no atoms, no laws of physics. Could such a structure exist in the universe?

One moment he was lying maimed on the battlefield, the next he was watching this sur.

- What the fuck is going on here?

- Hey, kid. - A husky voice came from behind him. Murphy tried to turn his head in that direction, but noticed the strangeness of his movement, it was as if he was lighter. When he looked down at his hands, they were transparent, his whole body appeared so.

- I'm in the back. - A voice called out to him again, distracting him from thinking, "What the fuck happened to me?

The owner of the voice was a strange creature, resembling a cat. Its body consisted entirely of shadow, no, rather it was a shadow itself. On its head were two black ears, or horns, and two fangs protruding from its mouth, also black. He had a standard demonic tail on the back. All in all, a strange demonic cat.

- Happy awakening, sleepyhead. To be honest, I'm amazed at how accurately you've thought this through. There are challenges to overcome, mysteries to solve that will help the plot move forward. And the main antagonist is bloody Cthulhu. I met this guy once, nasty piece of work. You captured his image quite accurately, by the way. - If the creature started talking, it was hard to stop him. - I'm not surprised, though, because you did swat me, the Demiurge, like a fly. I even lost my mind for a moment. I mean, how could that be? I've been climbing the goddamn career ladder all my life, bowing my head to fucking bureaucracy, the vice of the world, and then, I happen to meet some prick from the mountain who, with a simple move of his hand, wipes out everything I've accomplished. But you turned out to be much nicer when in a state of mind.

There was an awkward silence between them. The cat from the shadows and the transparent man looked at each other. The first contemplated the second admiringly, while the second looked at the first with bewilderment.

- What's going on here?

- So you don't understand anything! You've probably forgotten everything, too. Well, a short story then. - Oh, no, he started it again. - I go one day on my Demiurgic business, you know, to make the world, to streamline chaos, or to think about eternal things. So I was walking along, a kind and fluffy me, when the damn Universe began to break down around me, and not just break down, but erase and recreate itself, and so on all the time. Well, I wondered what was going on. I came closer, looked closely, as I see a dick crawling out of the crack in the Universe, and it is not an allegory, but the real dick from Chaos, you are clearly then a lot of trouble. So you come out, and I was like, "Hey, dick, there's no place for that kind of mayhem," and you fucked me up, and I almost played a box. Well, I don't remember much after that.

What nonsense this representative of the felines spoke! Still, he hadn't explained anything. The cat, noticing Murphy's still uncomprehending face, sighed and spoke in a less agitated tone.

- You're a very powerful creature. And trying to do something dangerous, you lost your mind and started burning your soul. That's when I found you, and I regretted it. Well, after that you created your own little world inside yourself, where you "slept it off", so to speak.

Such an answer made more sense than anything the cat had said before. But hearing that his life was a "dream," Murphy fell into a stupor. How should he even feel about it? Anger? Sadness? Joy? He had suspected the unreality of what was happening in his life before, so it wasn't some huge shock to him. But it did make him sad to realize that all his friends were just a dream.

- Is everything I've experienced unreal? - As if asking for a "no" answer, Murphy asked.

- No, how can I tell you... in your Inner World, you are God. And everything you created in it exists, but doesn't interact with the real world in any way. Although, if you were strong enough, everything you created in the Inner World could be used in the outer world as well.

- That sounds promising. Well, what are you?

- I told you, I am the Demiurge, a serious uncle in this Metacommunity, commanding chaos and creating new worlds. Though I was once a small conduit of souls, the great I was able to change my life. And someone fucked it all up. - Stopping abruptly, he pondered. - But, now I belong to your Inner World and have to call you God? Papa? Master?

- I don't think so, just call me Murphy, but what do you call yourself? - Seeing that the demon cat was going in the wrong direction, Murphy hurried to change the subject.

- All right, Murphy it is. You can call me Lucy.

- So, Lucy, can you explain to me everything I need to know to get out of this state. - Looking at his transparent body, Murphy said.

- Now, you are an Astral Spirit. You have "died" and are in your Inner World, but since you no longer have a physical body, you exist in your Third Soul Element. To "get out" of such a state you have to get your body back. Although, in your case, the only option would be rebirth, you are too weak for any other option. - Unlike the usual one, that's a pretty short answer.

- The beginning of the Soul?

- Oh, yeah, you don't know. The soul is divided into several Nuclei, or Shells, as you prefer. The first Initiation is the physical body. The second Initiation is the life energy, also prana. Total loss or decay of prana means death of the physical body. The third Initiation is the astral body or Skeas Onap. It is somewhat visible and provides us with life after death, which is the state you are in now. The astral body copies the physical body - that's why you look the same as you did when you were alive. The fourth beginning, or Atman or True Soul, is the central core, the pivot to which all the other Envelopes are "attached. It is the most important part of all. The only part of the soul which ABSOLUTELY cannot be destroyed - it is responsible for the continuity of the chain of rebirths. After reincarnation only the core is left of the soul.

- Wait. And you want me to erase my existence? Then what's the point of getting out of this... body. - interrupting Lucy, Murphy really didn't like the idea of such reincarnation. Who would like it? After all, this way, Murphy voluntarily agrees to the ultimate death.

- Who told you you'd be reincarnated the normal way? It's in my best interest that your memories and powers not be affected. In fact, shut up and don't interrupt me. - This cat obviously doesn't like to be interrupted.

The Fifth Initiation is the sensual spirit, or Oumos. It is personality. Character. Emotions. Feelings. The sixth Initiation is the thinking spirit, or Frenes. It is the mind. Memory. It is thanks to the Sixth Element that the spirit retains the ability to think and remember after death, despite the loss of the brain. The Seventh Initiation is the magical spirit, or Nous. It is the spiritual lines and nodes, the nadis and chakras, through which mana flows. It is this Shell that allows you to do enchantments and read spells.

The Eighth Initiation is an immortal spirit. This shell grants its owner an unlimited long life and a number of other advantages. The Ninth Initiation is a divine spirit. This Shell is the prerogative of the gods. It is based on the firstness and determines the polarity of the deity - whether it belongs to the Light or the Dark gods.

After finishing his little lesson, Lucy coughed into his fist.

- Any question, my young padawan. - Could we take away his ability to use references?