
Fate in Denial (Fateverse)

WARNING English is not my primary language so, there are and will be mistakes. Anyway, now to Synopsis: Haven't found any proper Morgan (Lostbelt King not the regular Morgan from Human history) fanfics around so, decided to make one myself. This means this fanfic is me simping Morgan while messing with Grail Wars with overpowered Mc(True Magic). So, if you want intense drama this is not for you there is no such thing here.

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

Some Explanations

EMIYA simply followed his Master's directions, he still tries to figure out how in world did she summoned him as he is a Counter Guardian! And yet he was summoned as a Servant for this war!

The side effect of this summon has completely messed up his memories, he has massive gaps missing, probably a side effect made by Alaya so that Summoner would not able to use his knowledge to his or her advantage.

Eventually, they arrived at a familiar house.

'Master, Lancer has left, it seems the boy has summoned Saber.' EMIYA said through their connection.

Rin bit her lower lip when she heard that, they entered the yard and saw a blonde woman in blue armour standing next to Emiya Shirou, on the opposite side was a man in his twenties, on both of his sides were women with quite literally the same face like the blue armoured blonde.

'Are they related?'

When Archer EMIYA saw the redhead teen he wanted to run his blades through him and stab him again and again.

The anger he felt was unnatural, yet he doesn't remember why he is like that.

But, then he saw the guy who was standing in opposite side…

That moment he saw water, water, water, water, water… everywhere, unnatural coldness washed over his whole body

'I heard you like broken Noble Phantasms…'  The counter-guardian heard a ghost-like voice speaking into his head, that moment EMIYA stopped following Rin and just stopped in his tracks, if he was in his physical form he would be hyperventilating as he remembered who this individual was…

'No way… Alaya… And Gaia are empowering him now? What did he do after leaving Akasha!?' 

Archer stared at Ren with disbelief as he sensed Alaya and Gaia power radiating from him!!!

This makes no freaking sense! Renias Ashwell doesn't exist in this timeline!!!

"Emiya-kun...what is going? Why did you summoned a Servant!?" Rin asked Emiya Shirou but then Archer defensively manifested in front of Rin, he was shaking from fear but goddam he will protect his Master.

"Archer…" Rin said that as she saw Archer holding his two swords while shaking, he was looking at Ren with a fearful look.

"Oh, this is something else, Tohsaka Rin… you summoned a Counter Guardian as Servant, didn't your father left his catalyst for you? I thought you will summon King of Heroes to your side." Ren asked the twin-tailed girl who looked curiously when she heard that.

"You know my…" The girl wasn't allowed to finish as Archer stopped her from talking.

"More importantly, Sorcerer what you are doing in this timeline, you do not exist normally here!" 

"Sorcerer?..." Rin eyes widened to a massive degree when she heard that.

"Oh, Counter Guardian-san there is no need to be so defensive, we are not enemies this time." Ren raised both of his hands.

That slightly made Archer feel better, he is of Alaya and if Sorcerer is blessed by Alaya then they are on the same side…

But, then why he was sent to fight him in the first place?

"Archer you know this esteemed Sorcerer?" Rin asked with disbelief written all over her face.

"I do, we fought inside Root, after I won the Fourth Grail War, I was greeted by your Servant." Ren with a casual hand wave explained to the twin-tailed girl.

"He was sent by Alaya to stop me." He finished saying that.

"Is that true?" Rin asked her Servant who slowly nodded to her question.

"Then did you succeed?" Rin asked him, but she didn't need to know the answer as Archer was even paler than he was before, it was all she needed to know that her Servant is... absolutely terrified of him…

"Not that I find this conversation fascinating...BUT, can someone explain to me what is going on!?" Emiya Shirou couldn't control himself anymore.

Tohsaka Rin sighed hearing that, he is that clueless?

"I suppose we could explain to you then," Rin said that while looking at Ren and his group.

If he truly is Sorcerer then God knows what kind of miracles he can pull, and if he made her Servant so petrified just by standing here then he truly is powerful beyond her understanding, that's why she is pretty much asking his opinion on things like that.

"Yes, I can chip in and clarify anything more, since I am the winner of one War in my timeline," Ren said with a smile.

Morgan and Artoria snorted at him.

"Winner? You destroyed and annihilated the opposition and left it with three Servants under you…" Saber Alter said with a deadpan look.

"It's still a victory, overwhelming one, but still a victory." He shrugged at her, making the ones who heard it grimace, thank whatever Gods there are that this guy is not a Master in this war.

And so Shiro invited everyone into his house and prepared some Tea for everyone.

Perfectly honest this was the first time Ren experience Japanese style living room, where everyone is sitting on the ground.

It was a novel experience, especially how Blue Saber was on edge the whole time, Morgan le Fay reputation is so fermented in King Arthur that she was expecting an attack or some underhanded thing even now as Morgan was sitting next to Ren and slightly leaning into his shoulder behaving like newlywed wife with that content smile on her face.

"So, can we now talk about what is going on?" Shirou said as he observed Rin and the Sorcerer.

"Your 'old man' didn't leave anything behind about Holy Grail War?"  Ren asked before taking a sip of the Japanese tea, he hummed after tasting it.

His question made Blue Saber pay even more attention to her new Master, he doesn't even look that he was influenced by Emiya Kiritsugu.

"Old man didn't want to teach me anything about Magecraft, he only taught me some basics after he got tired of me nagging him constantly." Emiya Shirou said with an annoyed look.

"That's so irresponsible, why he would do such a thing?" Rin Tohsaka said after she heard what Shirou said.

"To make his adopted son experience living happy life without worries of Moonlit World," Ren said with shrug.

"T-That's just even more irresponsible! Why then even open up about Magecraft in the first place!?" Rin asked furiously, for her it's either you learn it all the way or you don't learn at all!

"He wanted to be clear with me, he told me that he is Magus from the very beginning…" Shirou explained to her.

Rin just groaned from frustration.

While Blue Saber heard all that she could not put that Kiritsugu with the one she knew from previous war!

They were completely different people!

"Anyway since you are green as it is, let me explain about The Holy Grail War!" The girl turned into something like teacher mode and started to explain about the seven Masters the Servants they summon for the war the Grand Prize.

Ren's group didn't add anything to that, they allowed Rin to have her moment.

"T-That's just irresponsible! What about all the civilians?" Shirou angrily asked.

"Oh, another heroic individual, maybe he didn't need a catalyst, your regular version fits like a glove with Emiya's adopted son," Morgan said to the Alter version of King Arthur.

"There are many of that kind, Elder sister, I doubt he could pull out the King of Knights. But, then again one can always have so-called fools luck." The Fallen Knight said that between breaks of eating chocolate cookies.

"I suppose you are right most cultures have that kind of idiots," Morgan said that as she had to listen to Emiya's rant about innocent people getting in the way…

"That's why the battles are done at night time." Rin clarified to the redhead.

"And what about people who still witness the war?" Emiya Shirou asked as he remembered what happened to him.

"Depends on Master honestly." Rin Tohsaka shrugged while saying that.

"Then we have to stop this! We can't allow innocent people to get involved in this!" Shirou said while clenching his hand, he remembered how he got hunted down like some wild beasts after witnessing the battle.

"More educated Magus deploy boundary fields before engaging in battle, it's counterproductive to our society to allow peasants to witness magecraft," Ren said as he butt-in this conversation.

"What happened to you was your stupidity and the laziness of the Masters who participated in that battle." 

Rin flinched hearing that, she in truth didn't deployed the boundary field as she expected the school to be empty…

"So, what it's going to be Emiya-kun?" Rin coughed into her fist forgetting the jab she experienced from the visiting Sorcerer.

"I will fight then! Not for the Grail! But to protect the people!" 


Both Morgan and Saber Alter snorted at the same time.

"Very well, then we have to register with the Fake Priest," Rin said while getting up.

Both Saber Alter and Morgan looked with a questioning look at Ren, who just rolled his eyes.

"It's something which was added to fourth War, a cheeky method for Tokiomi to know who is Master and maybe even see a glimpse of the Servant." He explained to his girls.

Only Blue Saber caught the wind of this, she frowned after hearing that.

The King of Knights still wants to see on what side these three… no four are.

She did sense something akin to Servant always around the Sorcerer in spirit form.

And he did mentioned that he had three Servants…

Hopefully, he doesn't go against her, doubtful that she could win against her herself darker version or not, the prana output she felt was immense.

That not counting the Sorcerer who made a Counter Guardian so afraid… and of course Morgan…


After Emiya Shirou went to the Church to 'Register' for the Grail War and had to listen to the Fake Priest sermon about the power of fake cup everyone were walking back.

Ren didn't say the reason why he was coming with them which somewhat unnerved Blue Saber and Rin.

The Tohsaka Girl have heard about the users of True Magics as they always know more than they let up.

Her Ancestor was a student of Second Magic-user, and he left his dairy for future heads of family, like proper Magus family should!

He spoke about the eccentric nature of his teacher, that's why Tohsaka is so careful around this being, even her Servant is afraid of him!

Eventually, they found out why…

"Big brother…you did summon your Servant… I am happy to see that." Little girl with silver hair said with a 'happy' voice.

"You again… who are you? Why you calling me big brother?" Shirou asked her, he then remembered what Ren said just a few hours ago.

"Y-You are Old man's daughter?" The redhead teen said with realisation while Tohsaka looked baffled hearing that.

"Your Father married Einzbern? Seriously?" Rin asked while her shoulders sunk, just how irresponsible is Emiya Kiritsugu!?

"So, you know!!?" Iliyasviel said with a furious look as her Servant manifested next to her.

It was a massive towering Giant, Ren and Saber Alter grinned as they knew it was Heracles.

"Master get behind me!" Saber pushed Shirou behind her as she prepared to fight.

Before anyone can say anything the darkened version of King Arthur transformed into her battle attire as she jumped with Prana Burst into Berserker.

Iliyasviel took a step back as she saw black armoured woman push Berserker with nothing but sheer force!

"Heracles!!! Show me the power of the greatest Greek hero!" The sword hummed with power as an underpowered Excalibur Morgan blast send the Giant flying.

"Impossible! No one is stronger than Berserker! How do you even know that he is Heracles!?" Iliyasviel said as she took several steps back, she was shaking her head in disbelief.

While the rest were in shock and disbelief too, for different reasons, One that is about the real identity of the Berserker, and two that Saber Alter just rushed in to fight this monstrosity...


My Discord for advanced chapters:


P.S I hold weekly voting for fanfics on my Discord, the winner fic gets updated for a week.

(Once Fate In Denial catches up with chapters on Discord it will fall into the voting category)